Excel 动态创建的复选框始终不返回正确的值(真/假)

Excel 动态创建的复选框始终不返回正确的值(真/假),excel,vba,Excel,Vba,我有一个动态创建控件的窗体。控件之一,即当我尝试获取值时,复选框没有给出正确的值;有时和大多数情况下,即使在检查时,它也会给出false。请查找代码片段 Sub temp_gauge_popups() Dim shDatabase As Worksheet Dim lastrow As Long Dim itr As Long Dim mydate1 As Date Dim mydate2 As Long Dim datetoday1 As Da


Sub temp_gauge_popups()

    Dim shDatabase As Worksheet
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim itr As Long
    Dim mydate1 As Date
    Dim mydate2 As Long
    Dim datetoday1 As Date
    Dim datetoday2 As Long
    Dim msgstring As String
    Dim record_count As Long
    frmTmpGauges.Show vbModeless
    Dim theLabel1 As Object
    Dim theLabel2 As Object
    Dim theLabel3 As Object
    Dim theLabel4 As Object
    Dim inc As Integer
    Dim flag As Integer
    Dim num As Long

    Set shDatabase = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
    lastrow = [Counta(Database!A:A)]

    inc = 0
    record_count = 0
    datetoday1 = Date
    datetoday2 = datetoday1
    flag = 0
    num = 1

    For itr = 2 To lastrow

        mydate1 = shDatabase.Cells(itr, 19).Value
        mydate2 = mydate1

        If Trim(shDatabase.Cells(itr, 19).Value) <> "" Then

            If shDatabase.Cells(itr, 17).Value = "Temporary" And (mydate2 + shDatabase.Cells(itr, 18).Value) <= datetoday2 Then

                record_count = record_count + 1
                flag = 1

                Set theLabel1 = frmTmpGauges.Controls.Add("Forms.Textbox.1", "Type_of_Gauge" & record_count, True)
                With theLabel1
                    .Value = shDatabase.Cells(itr, 3).Value
                    .Left = 18
                    .Width = 150
                    .Height = 18
                    .Top = 54 + inc
                    .TextAlign = 1
                    .BackColor = &HC0FFFF
                    .BackStyle = 0
                    .BorderStyle = 1
                    .BorderStyle = 0
                    .Locked = True
                    .ForeColor = &HC00000
                    .Font.Size = 9
                    .TabIndex = itr - 1
                End With

                Set theLabel2 = frmTmpGauges.Controls.Add("Forms.Textbox.1", "Identification" & record_count, True)
                With theLabel2
                    .Value = shDatabase.Cells(itr, 4)
                    .Left = 175
                    .Width = 132
                    .Height = 18
                    .Top = 54 + inc
                    .TextAlign = 1
                    .BackColor = &HC0FFFF
                    .BackStyle = 0
                    .BorderStyle = 1
                    .BorderStyle = 0
                    .Locked = True
                    .ForeColor = &HC00000
                    .Font.Size = 9
                    .TabIndex = itr
                End With

                Set theLabel3 = frmTmpGauges.Controls.Add("Forms.Textbox.1", "Issued_To" & record_count, True)
                With theLabel3
                    .Value = shDatabase.Cells(itr, 16)
                    .Left = 299
                    .Width = 54
                    .Height = 18
                    .Top = 54 + inc
                    .TextAlign = 2
                    .BackColor = &HC0FFFF
                    .BackStyle = 0
                    .BorderStyle = 1
                    .BorderStyle = 0
                    .Locked = True
                    .ForeColor = &HC00000
                    .Font.Size = 9
                    .TabIndex = itr + 1
                End With

                Set theLabel4 = frmTmpGauges.Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "chkboxrcvd" & record_count, True)
                With theLabel4
                    .Left = 390
                    .Width = 12.5
                    .Height = 18
                    .Top = 52 + inc
                    .TextAlign = 2
                    .TabIndex = itr - 2

                End With

            End If

    End If

    If flag = 1 Then

        inc = inc + 18
        flag = 0

    End If


frmTmpGauges.cmdUpdateTG.Top = 66 + (18 * record_count)
frmTmpGauges.Height = 138.75 + (18 * record_count)

frmForm.txtTempRecordCnt.Value = record_count

End Sub

尝试以下操作并在即时窗口中检查输出。 选项显式

Public Sub Test()
    Dim itr3 As Long
    itr3 = 1

        Dim OneControl As Object
        On Error Resume Next
            Set OneControl = frmTmpGauges.Controls("chkboxrcvd" & itr3)
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Do
        On Error GoTo 0

        If OneControl.Value = True Then
            Debug.Print itr3, "Recieved"
            Debug.Print itr3, "---"
        End If
        itr3 = itr3 + 1

    On Error GoTo 0 'needed because of exit do!
End Sub


Public Sub Test()
    Dim itr3 As Long
    itr3 = 1

        Dim OneControl As Object
        On Error Resume Next
            Set OneControl = frmTmpGauges.Controls("chkboxrcvd" & itr3)
            If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Do
        On Error GoTo 0

        If OneControl.Value = True Then
            Debug.Print itr3, "Recieved"
            Debug.Print itr3, "---"
        End If
        itr3 = itr3 + 1

    On Error GoTo 0 'needed because of exit do!
End Sub