
如何提取Excel工作表上多个列表框的值?,excel,vba,forms,userform,Excel,Vba,Forms,Userform,我有一个带有多个复选框和列表框的用户表单,其中每个复选框控制每个列表框的值 单击“下一步”后,用户表单在Excel工作表上输入每个列表框的选定值。我一次只能通过一对复选框和列表框来实现这一点。但是我想要一个接一个的每个入围项目的结果 Private Sub cmdFDB_Next_Click() Dim ColCount As Integer, lastrow As Integer Dim lastrow1 As Integer Dim Data As Integer Dim i As Inte



Private Sub cmdFDB_Next_Click()
Dim ColCount As Integer, lastrow As Integer
Dim lastrow1 As Integer
Dim Data As Integer
Dim i As Integer

lastrow = Worksheets("Model Portfolio").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row

With Worksheets("Model Portfolio").Cells(lastrow, 2)

    .Offset(2, 0).Value = "Fixed Deposits and Bonds"
    .Offset(2, 0).Font.Bold = True
    .Offset(2, 0).Font.Size = 12

    For i = 2 To lastrow

        If Me.chkGB.Value = True Then
            .Offset(3, 0).Value = "Government Bonds"
            .Offset(3, 0).Font.Bold = True
            .Offset(3, 2).Value = Format(Me.txtGB.Value, "Currency")
            lastrow1 = lastrow + 4
            ColCount = 2
            With Me.lbxGB
                'loop through each listbox item to see if they are selected
                For Data = 0 To .ListCount - 1
                    If .Selected(Data) = True Then
                        Cells(lastrow1, ColCount).Value = .List(Data)
                        lastrow1 = lastrow1 + 1
                    End If
                Next Data
            End With
        End If

        If Me.chkCFD.Value = True Then
            .Offset(3, 0).Value = "Corporate Fixed Deposits"
            .Offset(3, 0).Font.Bold = True
            .Offset(3, 2).Value = Format(Me.txtCFD.Value, "Currency")
            lastrow1 = lastrow + 4
            ColCount = 2
            With Me.lbxCFD
                'loop through each listbox item to see if they are selected
                For Data = 0 To .ListCount - 1
                    If .Selected(Data) = True Then
                        Cells(lastrow1, ColCount).Value = .List(Data)
                        lastrow1 = lastrow1 + 1
                    End If
                Next Data
            End With
        End If

        If Me.chkTSB.Value = True Then
            .Offset(3, 0).Value = "Tax Saving Bonds"
            .Offset(3, 0).Font.Bold = True
            .Offset(3, 2).Value = Format(Me.txtTSB.Value, "Currency")
            lastrow1 = lastrow + 4
            ColCount = 2
            With Me.lbxTSB
                'loop through each listbox item to see if they are selected
                For Data = 0 To .ListCount - 1
                    If .Selected(Data) = True Then
                        Cells(lastrow1, ColCount).Value = .List(Data)
                        lastrow1 = lastrow1 + 1
                    End If
                Next Data
            End With
        End If

    Next i
End With

With MultiPage1
    .Value = (.Value + 1) Mod (.Pages.Count)
End With

End Sub


Private Sub cmdFDB_Next_Click()
'[0] Define data sheet
     Const SHEETNAME As String = "Model Portfolio"
     Dim ws As Worksheet
     Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SHEETNAME)
'[1] Define abbreviations to identify securities controls
     Dim Abbreviations, abbr
     Abbreviations = Array("", "GB", "CFD", "TSB")  ' first item is EMPTY!

'[2] write data for each security type
     Dim OKAY As Boolean
     For Each abbr In Abbreviations
        '[2a] check
        If abbr = vbNullString Then                 ' Main Title
            OKAY = True
        ElseIf Me.Controls("chk" & abbr) Then       ' individual security checked
            OKAY = True
            OKAY = False
      End If

    '[2b] write selected data in blocks
          If OKAY Then WriteItems abbr, ws            ' call sub procedure

End Sub
由于您的行编号不是连续的(从不更改最后一行,并混合其他偏移量和增量),所以您失去了对实际行编号的跟踪。 对于重复调用,最好使用子过程(此处:




Private Sub cmdFDB_Next_Click()
'[0] Define data sheet
     Const SHEETNAME As String = "Model Portfolio"
     Dim ws As Worksheet
     Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SHEETNAME)
'[1] Define abbreviations to identify securities controls
     Dim Abbreviations, abbr
     Abbreviations = Array("", "GB", "CFD", "TSB")  ' first item is EMPTY!

'[2] write data for each security type
     Dim OKAY As Boolean
     For Each abbr In Abbreviations
        '[2a] check
        If abbr = vbNullString Then                 ' Main Title
            OKAY = True
        ElseIf Me.Controls("chk" & abbr) Then       ' individual security checked
            OKAY = True
            OKAY = False
      End If

    '[2b] write selected data in blocks
          If OKAY Then WriteItems abbr, ws            ' call sub procedure

End Sub

Private Sub WriteItems(ByVal abbrev As String, ws As Worksheet)
'Purpose: write caption and selected listbox items to sheet
'Note: called by cmdFDB_Next_Click()
Const EMPTYROWS As Long = 1        ' << change to needed space
Const LBXPREFIX As String = "lbx"  ' << change to individual checkbox prefix
Const TITLE     As String = "Fixed Deposits and Bonds"

With ws
    '[0] Define new startrow
    Dim StartRow As Long
    StartRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + EMPTYROWS + 1
    '[1] Write caption
    ws.Cells(StartRow, 2) = getTitle(abbrev) ' function call, see below
    If abbrev = vbNullString Then Exit Sub   ' 1st array term writes main caption only

    'other stuff (e.g. formatting of title above)

    '[2] Write data to worksheet
    With Me.Controls(LBXPREFIX & abbrev)
        Dim i As Long, ii As Long, temp As Variant
        For i = 1 To .ListCount
            If .Selected(i - 1) = True Then
                ii = ii + 1
                ws.Cells(StartRow + ii, .ColumnCount).Resize(1, 2).Value = Application.Index(.List, i, 0)
            End If
        Next i
    End With

End With
End Sub

Function getTitle(ByVal abbrev As String) As String
'Purpose: return full name/caption of security abbreviation
Select Case UCase(abbrev)
    Case vbNullString
         getTitle = "Fixed Deposits and Bonds"
    Case "GB":  getTitle = "Government Bonds"
    Case "CFD": getTitle = "Corporate Fixed Deposits"
    Case "TSB": getTitle = "Tax Saving Bonds"
    Case Else:  getTitle = "All Other"
End Select
End Function


Private Sub cmdFDB_Next_Click()
'[0] Define data sheet
     Const SHEETNAME As String = "Model Portfolio"
     Dim ws As Worksheet
     Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SHEETNAME)
'[1] Define abbreviations to identify securities controls
     Dim Abbreviations, abbr
     Abbreviations = Array("", "GB", "CFD", "TSB")  ' first item is EMPTY!

'[2] write data for each security type
     Dim OKAY As Boolean
     For Each abbr In Abbreviations
        '[2a] check
        If abbr = vbNullString Then                 ' Main Title
            OKAY = True
        ElseIf Me.Controls("chk" & abbr) Then       ' individual security checked
            OKAY = True
            OKAY = False
      End If

    '[2b] write selected data in blocks
          If OKAY Then WriteItems abbr, ws            ' call sub procedure

End Sub
由于您的行编号不是连续的(从不更改最后一行,并混合其他偏移量和增量),所以您失去了对实际行编号的跟踪。 对于重复调用,最好使用子过程(此处:




Private Sub cmdFDB_Next_Click()
'[0] Define data sheet
     Const SHEETNAME As String = "Model Portfolio"
     Dim ws As Worksheet
     Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(SHEETNAME)
'[1] Define abbreviations to identify securities controls
     Dim Abbreviations, abbr
     Abbreviations = Array("", "GB", "CFD", "TSB")  ' first item is EMPTY!

'[2] write data for each security type
     Dim OKAY As Boolean
     For Each abbr In Abbreviations
        '[2a] check
        If abbr = vbNullString Then                 ' Main Title
            OKAY = True
        ElseIf Me.Controls("chk" & abbr) Then       ' individual security checked
            OKAY = True
            OKAY = False
      End If

    '[2b] write selected data in blocks
          If OKAY Then WriteItems abbr, ws            ' call sub procedure

End Sub

Private Sub WriteItems(ByVal abbrev As String, ws As Worksheet)
'Purpose: write caption and selected listbox items to sheet
'Note: called by cmdFDB_Next_Click()
Const EMPTYROWS As Long = 1        ' << change to needed space
Const LBXPREFIX As String = "lbx"  ' << change to individual checkbox prefix
Const TITLE     As String = "Fixed Deposits and Bonds"

With ws
    '[0] Define new startrow
    Dim StartRow As Long
    StartRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + EMPTYROWS + 1
    '[1] Write caption
    ws.Cells(StartRow, 2) = getTitle(abbrev) ' function call, see below
    If abbrev = vbNullString Then Exit Sub   ' 1st array term writes main caption only

    'other stuff (e.g. formatting of title above)

    '[2] Write data to worksheet
    With Me.Controls(LBXPREFIX & abbrev)
        Dim i As Long, ii As Long, temp As Variant
        For i = 1 To .ListCount
            If .Selected(i - 1) = True Then
                ii = ii + 1
                ws.Cells(StartRow + ii, .ColumnCount).Resize(1, 2).Value = Application.Index(.List, i, 0)
            End If
        Next i
    End With

End With
End Sub

Function getTitle(ByVal abbrev As String) As String
'Purpose: return full name/caption of security abbreviation
Select Case UCase(abbrev)
    Case vbNullString
         getTitle = "Fixed Deposits and Bonds"
    Case "GB":  getTitle = "Government Bonds"
    Case "CFD": getTitle = "Corporate Fixed Deposits"
    Case "TSB": getTitle = "Tax Saving Bonds"
    Case Else:  getTitle = "All Other"
End Select
End Function

。如果真的不需要For i循环,则可以使用4 each Checkbox=True递增LastRow,并为列表框的每个选定值递增1(假定为多选)。如果提供了所需输出数据的图像,这将对您有所帮助;如果有用,请考虑接受。无法理解<代码> > i=2到LaSTROW 循环。我从未使用过的价值。此外,第一个列表框中的数据似乎被下一个列表框的值覆盖,因为
。如果真的不需要For i循环,则可以使用4 each Checkbox=True递增LastRow,并为列表框的每个选定值递增1(假定为多选)。如果提供了所需输出数据的图像,这将对您有所帮助;如果愿意,考虑接受解决。