
FFMPEG-在视频中添加暂停,ffmpeg,Ffmpeg,是否可以使用ffmpeg在视频文件中添加多个暂停?示例:我想从第5秒开始添加3秒的暂停,然后从第17秒开始添加8秒的暂停。音频文件同步不是问题,只是应该在指定的时间间隔暂停。 谢谢。将循环过滤器与时间轴编辑“启用”参数结合使用。 应该允许您创建一个过滤器,该过滤器循环单个帧3秒,但仅当输出时间戳在3到5秒之间时才启用 如果我之前的回答不起作用,您可能需要剪切源视频,然后将其覆盖在空白画布上。使用-filter\u复杂参数传入构造的filtergraph 这将为您提供第一个场景 the 'co


将循环过滤器与时间轴编辑“启用”参数结合使用。 应该允许您创建一个过滤器,该过滤器循环单个帧3秒,但仅当输出时间戳在3到5秒之间时才启用



the 'concat' filter will allow you to join the scenes together

you can also use 'select' (see ffmpeg timeline editing)
to exclude the first 3 seconds of the source video for the second scene.
(You may need to import the same source video file twice
 so you can reference it as [0:v] to make the first scene 
 and [1:v] to make the second scene in the filtergraph if you run into problems.)

the 'concat' filter will allow you to join the scenes together

you can also use 'select' (see ffmpeg timeline editing)
to exclude the first 3 seconds of the source video for the second scene.
(You may need to import the same source video file twice
 so you can reference it as [0:v] to make the first scene 
 and [1:v] to make the second scene in the filtergraph if you run into problems.)