Firefox addon 无法在xul面板中的编辑器中键入

Firefox addon 无法在xul面板中的编辑器中键入,firefox-addon,xul,Firefox Addon,Xul,无法在xul面板中的编辑器中键入是已知错误 我只是想通过在线托管一个webapp并使用弹出窗口将其包含在扩展中,从而重用我的googlechrome扩展中的代码 这就是我如何包含webapp的方法 <popupset id="mainPopupSet"> <menupopup id="smsflatrate-popup"> <iframe height="500px" src=""




<popupset id="mainPopupSet">
    <menupopup id="smsflatrate-popup">
        <iframe height="500px" src="" 
                flex="1" type="content-primary"/>                           

在我看来,根据建议列表,您最好的选择是打开一个新窗口来表示您的弹出窗口。您可以通过设置其位置、关闭OS crhome等使其看起来像一个弹出窗口。

在我看来,给出建议列表后,您的最佳选择是打开一个新窗口来表示您的弹出窗口。您可以通过设置其位置、关闭OS crhome等使其看起来像一个弹出窗口

There are many ways to display HTML in a XUL UI:
1) including HTML inline in the XUL document. This should work fine everywhere,
including in panels.
2) include an HTML IFRAME in the XUL document. This currently works fine
everywhere, except that IF the iframe is in a panel, there are some problems
with focus. This bug is about that one issue.
3) instead of a panel, you can create a XUL window using that
contains HTML inline or in an IFRAME, and everything should work.

Having said that, if I open this bug's testcase in a Firefox trunk build, I
*can* tab into the textbox and type into it, so it looks like focus is
basically working now? The problem is that I can't focus the textbox by
clicking on it. In fact, if you click on the arrow to do a search, you navigate
to a new page where there is a textbox that you *can* click to focus.

So I think we have here just some simple bug that's preventing click-to-focus
from working, sometimes. Enn, can you look into that?