Framerjs 更改状态时单击的按钮

Framerjs 更改状态时单击的按钮,framerjs,Framerjs,当我单击屏幕1中的蓝色收藏夹按钮时,我想显示收藏夹列表(屏幕2),然后单击绿色收藏夹按钮进入屏幕3。但是,当我单击屏幕1中的收藏夹按钮时,我立即进入屏幕3。我该如何解决这个问题 ||----------屏幕1--------------------屏幕2----------屏幕3----------屏幕 代码 #Show favorites page (Click blue favorites button) $.favoritesButton.on Events.Click, ->




#Show favorites page (Click blue favorites button)
$.favoritesButton.on Events.Click, ->
    #Show list of names

    #Hide blue favorites button & show green favorites button 2

#Send to all favorites (Click on the green favorites button 2)
$.favoritesButton2.on Events.Click, ->
    #Show Send to All Favorites Page

    #Hide green favorites button 2 & blue favorites button, so can show pink + white favorites button



#Place Favorites button on top of favorites button 2

#Show favorites page (Click favorites button)
$.favoritesButton.on Events.Click, ->
    #Show list of names

    #Hide blue favorites button & show green favorites button 2

    #Place Favorites button 2 on top of favorites button

#Send to ALL favorites (Click on the green favorites button 2)
$.favoritesButton2.on Events.Click, ->
    #Show Send to All Favorites Page

    #Hide green favorites button 2 & blue favorites button, so can show     pink + white favorites button