F# 如何迭代联合案例列表并访问每个案例';谁的数据?

F# 如何迭代联合案例列表并访问每个案例';谁的数据?,f#,conways-game-of-life,F#,Conways Game Of Life,如何迭代工会案例列表并访问每个案例的数据? 我有一句话: root.Neighbors |> Seq.filter(fun x -> print x) 但是,邻居是一个列表: Neighbors=[ One { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] } Two { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] } Three { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }



root.Neighbors |> Seq.filter(fun x -> print x)

Neighbors=[ One   { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
            Two   { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
            Three { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
            Four  { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
            Six   { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
            Seven { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
            Eight { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
            Nine  { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] } ]


“邻居”类型与“单元”类型不匹配的类型不匹配。 需要一个邻居->单元,但给定了一个单元->单元

注意: 我真的需要进行模式匹配才能访问所有的邻居吗


module GameOfLife

type Neighbor = | One   of Cell
                | Two   of Cell
                | Three of Cell
                | Four  of Cell

                | Six   of Cell
                | Seven of Cell
                | Eight of Cell
                | Nine  of Cell

and CauseOfDeath = | Underpopulated // Fewer than 2 live neighbors
                   | Overpopulated  // More than 3 live neighbors

and State = | Dies of CauseOfDeath  
            | Survives    // 2 or 3 live neighbors
            | Resurected  // Is dead and has 3 live neighbors

and Neighbors = Neighbor List

and Cell = { State:State; Neighbors:Neighbors }

let letThereBeLife() = 
    { State=Survives; Neighbors=[ One   { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
                                  Two   { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
                                  Three { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
                                  Four  { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
                                  Six   { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
                                  Seven { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
                                  Eight { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] }
                                  Nine  { State=Survives; Neighbors=[] } ] }

let print (cell:Cell) =
    printf "This cell %A\n%A" cell.State cell.Neighbors

let tick root =
    root.Neighbors |> Seq.iter(print)


type Neighbor =
    | One of Cell
    | Nine of Cell 
    static member Cell (n: Neighbor) = 
        match n with
        | One cell
        | Nine cell -> cell

 root.Neighbors |> Seq.iter (Neighbor.Cell >> print)


root.neights |>fun t->t.neights |>…