Microsoft Webmatrix 2 Beta无法通过FTP发布

Microsoft Webmatrix 2 Beta无法通过FTP发布,ftp,publishing,webmatrix,Ftp,Publishing,Webmatrix,昨天,我使用webmatrix通过FTP向我的服务器发布了一个项目。我可以远程工作,一切都很好。今天,我想用webmatrix上传一些补丁,但现在它说无法发布该网站 日志文件: 18:41:46: Starting publishing using FTP 18:41:46: Connecting to "" FTP site. . 18:41:47: Successfully connected to site: "". 18:41:47: 221 Good



18:41:46: Starting publishing using FTP
18:41:46: Connecting to "" FTP site. .
18:41:47: Successfully connected to site: "".
18:41:47: 221 Goodbye.
18:41:51: Connecting to "" FTP site. .
18:41:51: Successfully connected to site: "".
18:41:51: Remote file list retrieved. 2 actions, total bytes: 7185.
18:41:51: FTP root folder /httpdocs/application_ is not accessible
18:41:51: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:51: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:52: FTP root folder /httpdocs/DidateImport is not accessible
18:41:52: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:52: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:52: FTP root folder /httpdocs/errors is not accessible
18:41:52: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:52: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:52: FTP root folder /httpdocs/images is not accessible
18:41:52: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:52: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:53: FTP root folder /httpdocs/inc is not accessible
18:41:53: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:53: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:53: FTP root folder /httpdocs/tmp is not accessible
18:41:53: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:53: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:53: FTP root folder /httpdocs/tpl is not accessible
18:41:53: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:53: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:53: FTP root folder /httpdocs/ttf is not accessible
18:41:53: Rebex.Net.FtpResponse
18:41:53: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:41:53: Retrying (1/4)

18:42:11: /httpdocs: File exists (550).
18:42:11: Unable to publish the site.
18:42:11: 221 Goodbye.

