Generics 具有混合成员类型的泛型TypeScript接口

Generics 具有混合成员类型的泛型TypeScript接口,generics,typescript,interface,union,intersection,Generics,Typescript,Interface,Union,Intersection,对于一些HTML表单,我想配置输入并处理它们的值。“我的类型”具有以下结构,您可以将其复制到TypeScript Playerd以查看其运行情况: interface InputConfig { readonly inputType: "text" | "password" | "list" readonly attributes?: ReadonlyArray<string> readonly cssClasses?: ReadonlyArray<st

对于一些HTML表单,我想配置输入并处理它们的值。“我的类型”具有以下结构,您可以将其复制到TypeScript Playerd以查看其运行情况:

interface InputConfig {
    readonly inputType: "text" | "password" | "list"
    readonly attributes?: ReadonlyArray<string>
    readonly cssClasses?: ReadonlyArray<string>

interface Inputs<T extends InputConfig | string | string[]> {
    readonly username: (T & InputConfig) | (T & string)
    readonly password: (T & InputConfig) | (T & string)
    readonly passwordConfirmation: (T & InputConfig) | (T & string)
    readonly firstname: (T & InputConfig) | (T & string)
    readonly lastname: (T & InputConfig) | (T & string)
    readonly hobbies: (T & InputConfig) | (T & string[])

type InputConfigs = Inputs<InputConfig> // case 1 (see below)
type InputValues = Inputs<string | string[]> // case 2 (see below)

const configs: InputConfigs = {
    username: {
        inputType: "text"
    password: {
        inputType: "password"
    passwordConfirmation: {
        inputType: "password"
    firstname: {
        inputType: "text"
    lastname: {
        inputType: "text"
    hobbies: {
        inputType: "list"

const values: InputValues = {
    username: "testuser1",
    password: "test1",
    passwordConfirmation: "test1",
    firstname: "Tester",
    lastname: "1",
    hobbies: ["a", "b", "c"]

const username: string = values.username

案例1:T是InputConfig,因此用户名的类型为InputConfig,因为: T&InputConfig=InputConfig&InputConfig=InputConfig T&string=InputConfig&string=nothing 案例2:T是string | string[],因此用户名的类型为string,因为: T&InputConfig=string | string[]&InputConfig=nothing T&string=string | string[]&string=string 当您有一个union Foo | Bar并希望将其用作Foo时,您有两个选项:

使用铅字防护装置 在您的情况下,您只希望它是一个字符串更改



values.username : string
                | (string & InputConfig)
                | (string[] & InputConfig)
                | (string[] & string)
TypeScript通过将Inputs的T参数实例化为string | string[]并将用户名的类型转换为析取范式来实现此类型:

(T & InputConfig) | (T & string)
// set T ~ (string | string[])
((string | string[]) & InputConfig) | ((string | string[]) & string)
// distribute & over |
((string & InputConfig) | (string[] & InputConfig)) | ((string & string) | (string[] & string))
// reduce (string & string) ~ string, permute union operands
string | (string & InputConfig) | (string[] & InputConfig) | (string[] & string)
此类型的值是否可分配给字符串?不username可以是字符串[]&InputConfig,因此const x:string=values.username类型错误


configs.username : InputConfig | (InputConfig & string)




type InputFields = "username"
                 | "password"
                 | "passwordConfirmation"
                 | "firstname"
                 | "lastname"
                 | "hobbies"

type InputConfigs = Readonly<Record<InputFields, InputConfig>>

type InputConfigs = Readonly<Record<InputFields, InputConfig>>
// expand definition of Record
type InputConfigs = Readonly<{ [P in InputFields]: InputConfig; }>
// expand definition of Readonly
type InputConfigs = {
    readonly [Q in keyof { [P in InputFields]: InputConfig }]: { [P in InputFields]: InputConfig }[Q];
// inline keyof and subscript operators
type InputConfigs = {
    readonly [Q in InputFields]: InputConfig;
// expand InputFields indexer
type InputConfigs = {
    readonly username: InputConfig;
    readonly password: InputConfig;
    readonly passwordConfirmation: InputConfig;
    readonly firstname: InputConfig;
    readonly lastname: InputConfig;
    readonly hobbies: InputConfig;

常量配置:输入配置={ 用户名:{ 输入类型:文本 }, 密码:{ 输入类型:密码 }, 密码确认:{ 输入类型:密码 }, 名字:{ 输入类型:文本 }, 姓氏:{ 输入类型:文本 }, 爱好:{ 输入类型:列表 } } 常量值:输入值={ 用户名:testuser1, 密码:test1, 密码确认:test1, 名字:测试员, 姓:1,, 爱好:[a、b、c] } 让usernameConfig:InputConfig=configs.username//好! 让usernameValue:string=values.username//太好了!
configs.username : InputConfig | (InputConfig & string)
type InputFields = "username"
                 | "password"
                 | "passwordConfirmation"
                 | "firstname"
                 | "lastname"
                 | "hobbies"
type InputConfigs = Readonly<Record<InputFields, InputConfig>>
type Readonly<T> = {
    readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P];
type Record<K extends string, T> = {
    [P in K]: T;
type InputConfigs = Readonly<Record<InputFields, InputConfig>>
// expand definition of Record
type InputConfigs = Readonly<{ [P in InputFields]: InputConfig; }>
// expand definition of Readonly
type InputConfigs = {
    readonly [Q in keyof { [P in InputFields]: InputConfig }]: { [P in InputFields]: InputConfig }[Q];
// inline keyof and subscript operators
type InputConfigs = {
    readonly [Q in InputFields]: InputConfig;
// expand InputFields indexer
type InputConfigs = {
    readonly username: InputConfig;
    readonly password: InputConfig;
    readonly passwordConfirmation: InputConfig;
    readonly firstname: InputConfig;
    readonly lastname: InputConfig;
    readonly hobbies: InputConfig;
type InputValues = Readonly<{
    username: string
    password: string
    passwordConfirmation: string
    firstname: string
    lastname: string
    hobbies: string[]
type InputFields = keyof InputValues
type InputConfigs = Readonly<Record<InputFields, InputConfig>>