
如何在GNUPLOT中制作彩虹盒,gnuplot,Gnuplot,我想用普朗克分布曲线在可见光区域制作一个彩虹填充的盒子。 我不知道如何用彩虹填充这个盒子 我放了一个盒子 set object 1 rectangle from 3600,0 to 8200,3.6 fs solid 0.4 及 是用来上色的。 但我唯一能做的就是用一种颜色填充它 我看到了一些用于绘图的彩色演示,比如pm3d或一些调色板, 但它不会把它们放在带有调色板的obj着色上 来自维基,我想要彩虹盒: 去年我真的想画出完全相同的图。我找不到一个gnuplot解决方案(我很确定它是存在的…

我想用普朗克分布曲线在可见光区域制作一个彩虹填充的盒子。 我不知道如何用彩虹填充这个盒子


set object 1 rectangle from 3600,0 to 8200,3.6 fs solid 0.4

是用来上色的。 但我唯一能做的就是用一种颜色填充它

我看到了一些用于绘图的彩色演示,比如pm3d或一些调色板, 但它不会把它们放在带有调色板的obj着色上


脉冲lc RGB变量


        seq 4000 1 7000 | awk '{
            if(wv < 380){
                    rd = -(380. - 440.) / (440. - 380.)
                    gr = 0.0
                    bl = 1.0}
            if(wv >= 380 && wv < 440){
                    rd = -(wv - 440.) / (440. - 380.)
                    gr = 0.0
                    bl = 1.0}
            if(wv >= 440 && wv < 490){
                    rd = 0.0
                    gr = (wv - 440.) / (490. - 440.)
                    bl = 1.0}
            if(wv >= 490 && wv < 510){
                    rd = 0.0
                    gr = 1.0
                    bl = -(wv - 510.) / (510. - 490.)}
            if(wv >= 510 && wv < 580){
                    rd = (wv - 510.) / (580. - 510.)
                    gr = 1.0
                    bl = 0.0}
            if(wv >= 580 && wv < 645){
                    rd = 1.0
                    gr = -(wv - 645.) / (645. - 580.)
                    bl = 0.0}
            if(wv >= 645 && wv <= 730){
                    rd = -(wv - 780.) / (780. - 645.)
                    gr = 0.0
                    bl = 0.0}
            if(wv > 730){
                    rd = -(730 - 780.) / (780. - 645.)
                    gr = 0.0
                    bl = 0.0}
            printf("%7.4f %f %f %f %f %3d %3d %3d %10d\n",$1/10000,41,rd,gr,bl,rd*255,gr*255,bl*255,rgb)
        }' > rgb.tmp

gnuplot << GNU

set term pdf size 7,7 font "courier,16"
set output 'bblaw.pdf'
set encoding iso
set border -1 lw 0.90
set tics front

set style line 1 pt 7 ps 1.50 lt -1 lw 2.5 lc "#608DB6CD"
set style line 2 pt 5 ps 1.50 lt -1 lw 2.5 lc "#60EE6363"
set style line 3 pt 9 ps 1.00 lt -1 lw 2.5 lc "#FFB90F"
set style line 4 pt 5 ps 1.50 lt -1 lw 2.5 lc "#EEEEEE"

set xrange [0.10:1.65]
set yrange [0:41]

set  ytics 5
set mytics 5
set  xtics 0.25
set mxtics 5
set format x "%4.2f"

set ylabel "Intensity (kW . sr^{-1} . m^{-2} . {/Symbol m}m^{-1})"
set xlabel "Wavelength ({/Symbol m}m)"

set label "5000K"       at 0.50,14.0 front font ",15"
set label "5500K"       at 0.45,21.5 front font ",15"
set label "5778K (Sun)" at 0.40,27.0 front font ",15"
set label "6000K"       at 0.45,32.5 front font ",15"
set label "8000K"       at 0.22,39.0 front font ",15"

unset key

# length unit is micrometre
c=3e14 # speed of light
h=6.626e-22 # Planck constant
k=1.38e-11 # Boltzmann constant

# Planck curves

plot "rgb.tmp" u 1:2:9 not w imp lc rgb variable lw 0.5,\
     p1(x) lw 6, p2(x) lw 6, p3(x) lw 6, p4(x) lw 6, p5(x) lw 6


rm rgb.tmp
seq 4000 1 7000 | awk'{
如果(wv>=645&&wv 730){


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set arrow 4 from 0.415,0 to 0.415, 50 nohead lc rgb '#3000FF#' lw 3.5
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set arrow 48 from 0.635,0 to 0.635, 50 nohead lc rgb '#FF3000#' lw 3.5
set arrow 49 from 0.64,0 to 0.64, 50 nohead lc rgb '#FF2000#' lw 3.5
set arrow 50 from 0.645,0 to 0.645, 50 nohead lc rgb '#FF1000#' lw 3.5
set arrow 51 from 0.65,0 to 0.65, 50 nohead lc rgb '#FF0000#' lw 3.5
set arrow 52 from 0.655,0 to 0.655, 50 nohead lc rgb '#FF0000#' lw 3.5
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set arrow 57 from 0.68,0 to 0.68, 50 nohead lc rgb '#b00000#' lw 3.5
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set arrow 5 from 0.42,0 to 0.42, 50 nohead lc rgb '#1800FF#' lw 3.5
set arrow 6 from 0.425,0 to 0.425, 50 nohead lc rgb '#0000FF#' lw 3.5
set arrow 7 from 0.43,0 to 0.43, 50 nohead lc rgb '#0018FF#' lw 3.5
set arrow 8 from 0.435,0 to 0.435, 50 nohead lc rgb '#0030FF#' lw 3.5
set arrow 9 from 0.44,0 to 0.44, 50 nohead lc rgb '#0048FF#' lw 3.5
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set arrow 13 from 0.46,0 to 0.46, 50 nohead lc rgb '#0090FF#' lw 3.5
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set arrow 15 from 0.47,0 to 0.47, 50 nohead lc rgb '#00b8FF#' lw 3.5
set arrow 16 from 0.475,0 to 0.475, 50 nohead lc rgb '#00d0FF#' lw 3.5
set arrow 17 from 0.48,0 to 0.48, 50 nohead lc rgb '#00fe8FF#' lw 3.5
set arrow 18 from 0.485,0 to 0.485, 50 nohead lc rgb '#00FFFF#' lw 3.5
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set arrow 20 from 0.495,0 to 0.495, 50 nohead lc rgb '#7CFF80#' lw 3.5
set arrow 21 from 0.5,0 to 0.5, 50 nohead lc rgb '#7CFF60#' lw 3.5
set arrow 22 from 0.505,0 to 0.505, 50 nohead lc rgb '#7CFF40#' lw 3.5
set arrow 23 from 0.51,0 to 0.51, 50 nohead lc rgb '#7CFF20#' lw 3.5
set arrow 24 from 0.515,0 to 0.515, 50 nohead lc rgb '#7CFF10#' lw 3.5
set arrow 25 from 0.52,0 to 0.52, 50 nohead lc rgb '#7CFF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 26 from 0.525,0 to 0.525, 50 nohead lc rgb '#80FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 27 from 0.53,0 to 0.53, 50 nohead lc rgb '#88FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 28 from 0.535,0 to 0.535, 50 nohead lc rgb '#90FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 29 from 0.54,0 to 0.54, 50 nohead lc rgb '#98FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 30 from 0.545,0 to 0.545, 50 nohead lc rgb '#a0FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 31 from 0.55,0 to 0.55, 50 nohead lc rgb '#a8FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 32 from 0.555,0 to 0.555, 50 nohead lc rgb '#b0FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 33 from 0.56,0 to 0.56, 50 nohead lc rgb '#c0FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 34 from 0.565,0 to 0.565, 50 nohead lc rgb '#d0FF00#' lw 3.5
set arrow 35 from 0.57,0 to 0.57, 50 nohead lc rgb '#e0FF00#' lw 3.5
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set arrow 39 from 0.59,0 to 0.59, 50 nohead lc rgb '#FFA500#' lw 3.5
set arrow 40 from 0.595,0 to 0.595, 50 nohead lc rgb '#FFA500#' lw 3.5
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