Gnuplot 使用多点的唯一键和相同大小的图

Gnuplot 使用多点的唯一键和相同大小的图,gnuplot,Gnuplot,我想把这两个图放在一起,我只想用一个键。如果我用notitle设置一个,我可以用唯一的键得到它们,但是图形的形状会改变 set term postscript eps set output "temp.eps" set multiplot layout 1,2 set xtics ("32" 0, "128" 2, "512" 4, "2048" 6, "8192" 8) #set grid ytics set xrange [0:8] set yrange [0:100] p "8"


set term postscript eps
set output "temp.eps"

set multiplot layout 1,2

set xtics ("32" 0, "128" 2, "512" 4, "2048" 6, "8192" 8)
#set grid ytics
set xrange [0:8]
set yrange [0:100]

p "8" u ($0):($6) w lp ps 0.75 notitle, "10" u ($0):($6) w lp lc rgb "#228B22" ps 0.75 notitle, "12"  u ($0):($6)w lp  lc rgb "black" ps 0.75 notitle , "14" u ($0):($6)w lp lc rgb "blue" ps 0.75 notitle, "16" u ($0):($6) w lp  lc rgb "#D2691E" ps 0.75 notitle, "18" u ($0):($6)w lp  lc rgb "#8A2BE2" ps 0.75 notitle, "20" u ($0):($6) w lp lc rgb "#20B2AA" ps 0.75 notitle 

set xtics ("32" 0, "128" 2, "512" 4, "2048" 6, "8192" 8)

#set grid ytics
set xrange [0:8]
set yrange [0:100]
set xlabel "nel"

#set key location
set key invert
set key reverse
set key center right
set key outside

p "8" u ($0):($6) w lp ps 0.75 title "8", "10" u ($0):($6) w lp lc rgb "#228B22" ps 0.75 title "10", "12"  u ($0):($6)w lp  lc rgb "black" ps 0.75 title "12", "14" u ($0):($6)w lp lc rgb "blue" ps 0.75 title "14", "16" u ($0):($6) w lp  lc rgb "#D2691E" ps 0.75 title "16", "18" u ($0):($6)w lp  lc rgb "#8A2BE2" ps 0.75 title "18", "20" u ($0):($6) w lp lc rgb "#20B2AA" ps 0.75 title "20"

 unset multiplot




set size 0.8,1.2


set terminal postscript enhanced eps 24 color size 10cm,15cm



set size 0.8,1.2


set terminal postscript enhanced eps 24 color size 10cm,15cm







#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot

### n: change this parameter to equal the number of data sets to be plotted
n = 2
# l: left margin in pixels
l = 75.0
# k: key height in pixels (right margin)
k = 150.0
# m: margin between plots
m = 40.0
# p: plot width
p = 300.0
# w: width of output in pixels
w = p*n + m*(n-1) + l + k

### functions to help set top/bottom margins
lft(i,n,w,l,k) = (l+(w-l-k)*(i-1)/n)/w
rgt(i,n,w,l,k) = (l+(w-l-k)*i/n - m)/w

### first set up some basic plot parameters
set term pngcairo enhanced size w,600
set output 'multikey.png'

set ylabel 'Y Axis'
set xlabel 'X Axis'

set multiplot layout 1,(n+1) title 'Main title'

### First plot
# change only plot command here
currentplot = 1
set lmargin at screen lft(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
set rmargin at screen rgt(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
unset key
plot sin(1*x) notitle, \
     sin(2*x) notitle
unset ylabel

### Middle data plot (commented out for this example)
# copy and paste this code to make more middle plots
#currentplot = currentplot + 1
#set lmargin at screen lft(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
#set rmargin at screen rgt(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
#unset title

### Last data plot
# change only plot command here
currentplot = currentplot + 1
set lmargin at screen lft(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
set rmargin at screen rgt(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
set xtics

### Key plot
set lmargin at screen rgt(n,n,w,l,k)
set rmargin at screen 1
set key center center
set border 0
unset tics
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
set yrange [0:1]
plot 2 t 'Line 1', \
     2 t 'Line 2'

unset multiplot







#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot

### n: change this parameter to equal the number of data sets to be plotted
n = 2
# l: left margin in pixels
l = 75.0
# k: key height in pixels (right margin)
k = 150.0
# m: margin between plots
m = 40.0
# p: plot width
p = 300.0
# w: width of output in pixels
w = p*n + m*(n-1) + l + k

### functions to help set top/bottom margins
lft(i,n,w,l,k) = (l+(w-l-k)*(i-1)/n)/w
rgt(i,n,w,l,k) = (l+(w-l-k)*i/n - m)/w

### first set up some basic plot parameters
set term pngcairo enhanced size w,600
set output 'multikey.png'

set ylabel 'Y Axis'
set xlabel 'X Axis'

set multiplot layout 1,(n+1) title 'Main title'

### First plot
# change only plot command here
currentplot = 1
set lmargin at screen lft(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
set rmargin at screen rgt(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
unset key
plot sin(1*x) notitle, \
     sin(2*x) notitle
unset ylabel

### Middle data plot (commented out for this example)
# copy and paste this code to make more middle plots
#currentplot = currentplot + 1
#set lmargin at screen lft(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
#set rmargin at screen rgt(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
#unset title

### Last data plot
# change only plot command here
currentplot = currentplot + 1
set lmargin at screen lft(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
set rmargin at screen rgt(currentplot,n,w,l,k)
set xtics

### Key plot
set lmargin at screen rgt(n,n,w,l,k)
set rmargin at screen 1
set key center center
set border 0
unset tics
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
set yrange [0:1]
plot 2 t 'Line 1', \
     2 t 'Line 2'

unset multiplot
