
Gnuplot:如何绘制相反的条形图或金字塔条形图,gnuplot,Gnuplot,是否可以将两个正y轴与gnuplot一起使用?这只是这个问题的一个简单例子 reset set style fill solid 1 set boxwidth 0.8 relative plot 'data1.dat' index 1 using 1:2 with boxes title 'A' ,\ '' index 2 using 1:(-$2) with boxes title 'B' 0.12 0.024 0.15 0.13


set style fill solid 1
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
plot 'data1.dat' index 1 using 1:2     with boxes title 'A' ,\
              '' index 2 using 1:(-$2) with boxes title 'B'
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155
### two "positive" y-axes
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative

set yrange[-0.3:0.3]
set ytics 0,0.1
set mytics 2
set y2range[0.3:-0.3]
set y2tics 0,0.1
set my2tics 2
set y2tics mirror
set xzeroaxis ls -1

plot $Data u 1:2 index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:2 index 1 axis x1y2 w boxes title 'B'
### end of code
### y-axis with two "positive" directions
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
set xzeroaxis ls -1

Max = 0.3
Steps = 3
set yrange[-Max:Max]
set ytics ()            # remove all tics
do for [i=-Steps:Steps] {
    myTic = sprintf('set ytics add ("%g" %g)',abs(real(i)/Steps*Max),real(i)/Steps*Max)

plot $Data u 1:2     index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 3 title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:(-$2) index 1 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 4 title 'B'
### end of code


set style fill solid 1
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
plot 'data1.dat' index 1 using 1:2     with boxes title 'A' ,\
              '' index 2 using 1:(-$2) with boxes title 'B'
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155
### two "positive" y-axes
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative

set yrange[-0.3:0.3]
set ytics 0,0.1
set mytics 2
set y2range[0.3:-0.3]
set y2tics 0,0.1
set my2tics 2
set y2tics mirror
set xzeroaxis ls -1

plot $Data u 1:2 index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:2 index 1 axis x1y2 w boxes title 'B'
### end of code
### y-axis with two "positive" directions
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
set xzeroaxis ls -1

Max = 0.3
Steps = 3
set yrange[-Max:Max]
set ytics ()            # remove all tics
do for [i=-Steps:Steps] {
    myTic = sprintf('set ytics add ("%g" %g)',abs(real(i)/Steps*Max),real(i)/Steps*Max)

plot $Data u 1:2     index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 3 title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:(-$2) index 1 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 4 title 'B'
### end of code


这是一个具有单个绘图的解决方案,但是,y轴TIC位于不同的侧面。 也许有一些简单的方法让他们站在同一边


set style fill solid 1
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
plot 'data1.dat' index 1 using 1:2     with boxes title 'A' ,\
              '' index 2 using 1:(-$2) with boxes title 'B'
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155
### two "positive" y-axes
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative

set yrange[-0.3:0.3]
set ytics 0,0.1
set mytics 2
set y2range[0.3:-0.3]
set y2tics 0,0.1
set my2tics 2
set y2tics mirror
set xzeroaxis ls -1

plot $Data u 1:2 index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:2 index 1 axis x1y2 w boxes title 'B'
### end of code
### y-axis with two "positive" directions
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
set xzeroaxis ls -1

Max = 0.3
Steps = 3
set yrange[-Max:Max]
set ytics ()            # remove all tics
do for [i=-Steps:Steps] {
    myTic = sprintf('set ytics add ("%g" %g)',abs(real(i)/Steps*Max),real(i)/Steps*Max)

plot $Data u 1:2     index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 3 title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:(-$2) index 1 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 4 title 'B'
### end of code

set style fill solid 1
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
plot 'data1.dat' index 1 using 1:2     with boxes title 'A' ,\
              '' index 2 using 1:(-$2) with boxes title 'B'
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155
### two "positive" y-axes
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative

set yrange[-0.3:0.3]
set ytics 0,0.1
set mytics 2
set y2range[0.3:-0.3]
set y2tics 0,0.1
set my2tics 2
set y2tics mirror
set xzeroaxis ls -1

plot $Data u 1:2 index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:2 index 1 axis x1y2 w boxes title 'B'
### end of code
### y-axis with two "positive" directions
reset session

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
set xzeroaxis ls -1

Max = 0.3
Steps = 3
set yrange[-Max:Max]
set ytics ()            # remove all tics
do for [i=-Steps:Steps] {
    myTic = sprintf('set ytics add ("%g" %g)',abs(real(i)/Steps*Max),real(i)/Steps*Max)

plot $Data u 1:2     index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 3 title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:(-$2) index 1 axis x1y1 w boxes lc 4 title 'B'
### end of code


以叠加“0”标签,然后通过将y2 tic范围更改为
设置Y2TIC 0.1,0.1

$Data <<EOD
0.12   0.024
0.15   0.132
0.18   0.241
0.22   0.136

0.12   0.039
0.15   0.219
0.18   0.197
0.22   0.155

set style fill transparent solid 0.5
set boxwidth 0.8 relative
set xzeroaxis ls -1

set yrange[-0.3:0.3]
set ytics 0,0.1
set mytics 2

# Set y2 axis to exact mirror of y1
# Shift tic labels to the left and use right-justified text
set link y2 via -y inv -y
set y2tics 0,0.1
set y2tics offset graph -1.03 right

plot $Data u 1:2 index 0 axis x1y1 w boxes title 'A' ,\
        '' u 1:2 index 1 axis x1y2 w boxes title 'B'

,是否会有解决方案。非常感谢您的建议。我还没有尝试multiplot。将y2 tic标签移到左侧:
将y2tics偏移图设置为-1.03 right