
Go/GoLang检查范围内的IP地址,go,ip-address,Go,Ip Address,在Go/GoLang中,检查IP地址是否在特定范围内的最快方法是什么 例如,给定范围216.14.49.184到216.14.49.191,如何检查给定的输入IP地址是否在该范围内?IP地址表示为go中的bigendian[]字节片(IP类型),因此将使用字节进行正确比较。比较 例如() 我移植了下面一个C#示例中的代码: 由于某种原因,它比Nick的解决方案快1毫秒 我的问题是“最快”的方式,所以我想我应该发布我的,看看社区怎么想 package iptesting import (








package iptesting

import (

func TestIPRangeTime(t *testing.T) {
    lowerBytes := net.ParseIP("").To4()
    upperBytes := net.ParseIP("").To4()
    inputBytes := net.ParseIP("").To4()

    startTime := time.Now()
    for i := 0; i < 27000; i++ {
        IsInRange(inputBytes, lowerBytes, upperBytes)
    endTime := time.Now()

    fmt.Println("ELAPSED time port: ", endTime.Sub(startTime))

    lower := net.ParseIP("")
    upper := net.ParseIP("")
    trial := net.ParseIP("")

    startTime = time.Now()
    for i := 0; i < 27000; i++ {
        IsInRange2(trial, lower, upper)
    endTime = time.Now()

    fmt.Println("ELAPSED time bytescompare: ", endTime.Sub(startTime))

func IsInRange2(trial net.IP, lower net.IP, upper net.IP) bool {
    if bytes.Compare(trial, lower) >= 0 && bytes.Compare(trial, upper) <= 0 {
        return true
    return false

func IsInRange(ip []byte, lower []byte, upper []byte) bool {
    //fmt.Printf("given ip len: %d\n", len(ip))
    lowerBoundary := true
    upperBoundary := true
    for i := 0; i < len(lower) && (lowerBoundary || upperBoundary); i++ {
        if lowerBoundary && ip[i] < lower[i] || upperBoundary && ip[i] > upper[i] {
            return false

        if ip[i] == lower[i] {
            if lowerBoundary {
                lowerBoundary = true
            } else {
                lowerBoundary = false
            //lowerBoundary &= true
        } else {
            lowerBoundary = false
            //lowerBoundary &= false

        if ip[i] == upper[i] {
            //fmt.Printf("matched upper\n")
            if upperBoundary {
                upperBoundary = true
            } else {
                upperBoundary = false
            //upperBoundary &= true
        } else {
            upperBoundary = false
            //upperBoundary &= false
    return true

像inet\u pton这样的实现怎么样?结果易于存储

func IP2Integer(ip *net.IP) (int64, error) {
    ip4 := ip.To4()
    if ip4 == nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("illegal: %v", ip)

    bin := make([]string, len(ip4))
    for i, v := range ip4 {
        bin[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%08b", v)
    return strconv.ParseInt(strings.Join(bin, ""), 2, 64)



package ip

import (


//test to determine if a given ip is between two others (inclusive)
func IpBetween(from net.IP, to net.IP, test net.IP) bool {
    if from == nil || to == nil || test == nil {
        glog.Warning("An ip input is nil") // or return an error!?
        return false

    from16 := from.To16()
    to16 := to.To16()
    test16 := test.To16()
    if from16 == nil || to16 == nil || test16 == nil {
        glog.Warning("An ip did not convert to a 16 byte") // or return an error!?
        return false

    if bytes.Compare(test16, from16) >= 0 && bytes.Compare(test16, to16) <= 0 {
        return true
    return false




network := ""
clientips := []string{
_, subnet, _ := net.ParseCIDR(network)
for _, clientip := range clientips {
    ip := net.ParseIP(clientip)
    if subnet.Contains(ip) {
        fmt.Println("IP in subnet", clientip)


func IP2Integer(ip *net.IP) (int64, error) {
    ip4 := ip.To4()
    if ip4 == nil {
        return 0, fmt.Errorf("illegal: %v", ip)

    bin := make([]string, len(ip4))
    for i, v := range ip4 {
        bin[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%08b", v)
    return strconv.ParseInt(strings.Join(bin, ""), 2, 64)
package ip

import (


//test to determine if a given ip is between two others (inclusive)
func IpBetween(from net.IP, to net.IP, test net.IP) bool {
    if from == nil || to == nil || test == nil {
        glog.Warning("An ip input is nil") // or return an error!?
        return false

    from16 := from.To16()
    to16 := to.To16()
    test16 := test.To16()
    if from16 == nil || to16 == nil || test16 == nil {
        glog.Warning("An ip did not convert to a 16 byte") // or return an error!?
        return false

    if bytes.Compare(test16, from16) >= 0 && bytes.Compare(test16, to16) <= 0 {
        return true
    return false
package ip

import (

func TestIPBetween(t *testing.T) {
    HandleIpBetween(t, "", "", "", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "", "", "", false)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "", "", "", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "", "", "", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "", "", "", false)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "", "", false)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:8334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:8334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7350", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:8334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:8334", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:8334", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:8335", false)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "::ffff:", "::ffff:", "::ffff:", false)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "::ffff:", "::ffff:", "::ffff:", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "::ffff:", "::ffff:", "::ffff:", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "::ffff:", "::ffff:", "::ffff:", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "::ffff:", "::ffff:", "::ffff:", false)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "::ffff:", "::ffff:", "", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "", "", "::ffff:", true)
    HandleIpBetween(t, "idonotparse", "", "::ffff:", false)


func HandleIpBetween(t *testing.T, from string, to string, test string, assert bool) {
    res := IpBetween(net.ParseIP(from), net.ParseIP(to), net.ParseIP(test))
    if res != assert {
        t.Errorf("Assertion (have: %s should be: %s) failed on range %s-%s with test %s", res, assert, from, to, test)
network := ""
clientips := []string{
_, subnet, _ := net.ParseCIDR(network)
for _, clientip := range clientips {
    ip := net.ParseIP(clientip)
    if subnet.Contains(ip) {
        fmt.Println("IP in subnet", clientip)