Google bigquery 在BigQuery中切片帐户余额数据以生成借方报告

Google bigquery 在BigQuery中切片帐户余额数据以生成借方报告,google-bigquery,Google Bigquery,我收集了一段时间的账户余额: +-----------------+------------+-------------+-----------------------+ | account_balance | department | customer_id | timestamp | +-----------------+------------+-------------+-----------------------+ | 5 | A


| account_balance | department | customer_id |  timestamp            |
| 5               | A          | 1           |  2019-02-12T00:00:00  |
| -10             | A          | 1           |  2019-02-13T00:00:00  |
| -35             | A          | 1           |  2019-02-14T00:00:00  |
| 20              | A          | 1           |  2019-02-15T00:00:00  |



| balance | credit | debit | department | month |  year  |
| 5       | 10     | -5    | A          | 1     |  2019  |
| 20      | 32     | -12   | A          | 2     |  2019  |
| 35      | 52     | -17   | A          | 3     |  2019  |
| 51      | 70     | -19   | A          | 4     |  2019  |


从时间戳月份开始使用EXTRACTMONTH 使用从时间戳年份开始的年份 按月份、年份、部门分组 2按日期获取部门借方、贷方和余额的变化

| balance | credit | debit | department |  date       |
| 5       | 10     | -5    | A          | 2019-01-15  |
| 15      | 22     | -7    | A          | 2019-02-15  |
| 15      | 20     | -5    | A          | 2019-03-15  |
| 16      | 18     | -2    | A          | 2019-04-15  |
  51       70       -19


使用account\u balance-LAGaccount\u balance OVERPARTITION BY department ORDER BY timestamp ASC delta计算delta

with calendar as (
  select cast('2019-06-01' as timestamp) as balance_calc_ts
most_recent_balance as (
  select customer_id, balance_calc_ts,max(timestamp) as most_recent_balance_ts
  from <table>
  cross join calendar
  where timestamp < balance_calc_ts -- or <=
  group by 1,2
select t.customer_id, t.account_balance, mrb.balance_calc_ts
from <table> t
inner join most_recent_balance mrb on t.customer_id = mrb.customer_id and t.timestamp = mrb.balance_calc_ts 

with calendar as (
  select cast('2019-06-01' as timestamp) as balance_calc_ts
most_recent_balance as (
  select customer_id, balance_calc_ts,max(timestamp) as most_recent_balance_ts
  from <table>
  cross join calendar
  where timestamp < balance_calc_ts -- or <=
  group by 1,2
select t.customer_id, t.account_balance, mrb.balance_calc_ts
from <table> t
inner join most_recent_balance mrb on t.customer_id = mrb.customer_id and t.timestamp = mrb.balance_calc_ts 



with calendar as (
  select cast('2019-06-01' as timestamp) as balance_calc_ts
most_recent_balance as (
  select customer_id, balance_calc_ts,max(timestamp) as most_recent_balance_ts
  from <table>
  cross join calendar
  where timestamp < balance_calc_ts -- or <=
  group by 1,2
select t.customer_id, t.account_balance, mrb.balance_calc_ts
from <table> t
inner join most_recent_balance mrb on t.customer_id = mrb.customer_id and t.timestamp = mrb.balance_calc_ts 

with calendar as (
  select cast('2019-06-01' as timestamp) as balance_calc_ts
most_recent_balance as (
  select customer_id, balance_calc_ts,max(timestamp) as most_recent_balance_ts
  from <table>
  cross join calendar
  where timestamp < balance_calc_ts -- or <=
  group by 1,2
select t.customer_id, t.account_balance, mrb.balance_calc_ts
from <table> t
inner join most_recent_balance mrb on t.customer_id = mrb.customer_id and t.timestamp = mrb.balance_calc_ts 


我建议您重新审视您的问题,并通过良好的数据示例和预期结果使其更加集中和具体。否则,有人能够如实回答的可能性很小now@MikhailBerlyant谢谢你的反馈!我修改了我的问题。老实说,你对解决方案的注释在这里看起来无关紧要!您更愿意提供您心目中的逻辑的更多细节。例如,如何为两个输出计算这些数字。你可以说这是显而易见的,也许是的,但从我的经验来看,所以我知道总有一些事情,然后碰巧不是OP的意思,所以,例如,对我来说,我不想花时间去想一些东西来改变你的逻辑,然后意识到这不是你的意思——我想我们在座的其他人也有同样的感受。。。。。。这就是为什么到目前为止你还没有看到任何合理的答案。我的想法是,我建议您重新审视您的问题,并通过良好的数据示例和预期结果使其更加集中和具体。否则,有人能够如实回答的可能性很小now@MikhailBerlyant谢谢你的反馈!我修改了我的问题。老实说,你对解决方案的注释在这里看起来无关紧要!您更愿意提供您心目中的逻辑的更多细节。例如,如何为两个输出计算这些数字。你可以说这是显而易见的,也许是的,但从我的经验来看,所以我知道总有一些事情,然后碰巧不是OP的意思,所以,例如,对我来说,我不想花时间去想一些东西来改变你的逻辑,然后意识到这不是你的意思——我想我们在座的其他人也有同样的感受。。。。。。这就是为什么到目前为止你还没有看到任何合理的答案。只是我的想法MRB没有定义。无法在最新余额选择列表表达式引用列余额计算中访问余额计算,该列未分组也未聚合编辑帖子,最新余额CTE需要将group by 1更改为group by 2mrb未定义。无法在最新余额选择列表表达式引用列余额计算中访问余额计算,该列余额计算既未分组也未聚合编辑帖子,最新余额CTE需要将group by 1更改为group by 2