Google cloud ml cloudml samples/flowers/sample.sh中的运行时版本与运行时版本

Google cloud ml cloudml samples/flowers/sample.sh中的运行时版本与运行时版本,google-cloud-ml,google-cloud-ml-engine,Google Cloud Ml,Google Cloud Ml Engine,在Google的示例代码中,第52行和第64行之间有一个参数“runtime_version”: “运行时版本”不应该替换为“运行时版本”以避免错误吗?是。我已经提交了一份报告(将来,请您自己毫不犹豫地提交) # Training on CloudML is quick after preprocessing. If you ran the above # commands asynchronously, make sure they have completed before calling




# Training on CloudML is quick after preprocessing.  If you ran the above
# commands asynchronously, make sure they have completed before calling this one.
gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training "$JOB_ID" \
  --stream-logs \
  --module-name trainer.task \
  --package-path trainer \
  --staging-bucket "$BUCKET" \
  --region us-central1 \
  --runtime_version=1.0 \
  -- \
  --output_path "${GCS_PATH}/training" \
  --eval_data_paths "${GCS_PATH}/preproc/eval*" \
  --train_data_paths "${GCS_PATH}/preproc/train*"