为什么';gradle exec是否使用脚本?

为什么';gradle exec是否使用脚本?,gradle,Gradle,有没有办法让gradle exec像shell exec一样工作?ie-了解路径中的可执行文件 我们有需要在windows和unix上运行的代码,还有许多在这两台机器上显然不同的脚本。虽然我可以做这样的黑客: exec { commandLine command("npm"), "install" } // // find a command with this name in the path // String command( String name ) { def o

有没有办法让gradle exec像shell exec一样工作?ie-了解路径中的可执行文件


exec {
     commandLine command("npm"), "install"
// find a command with this name in the path
String command( String name )
    def onWindows = (System.env.PATH==null);
    def pathBits = onWindows ? System.env.Path.split(";") : System.env.PATH.split(":");
    def isMatch = onWindows ? {path -> 
                for (String extension : System.env.PATHEXT.split(";"))
                    File theFile = new File( path, name + extension);
                    if (theFile.exists())
                        return theFile;
                return null;
        } : {path -> def file = new File(path,name);if (file.exists() && file.canExecute()) return file;return null;}

    def foundLocal = isMatch(file("."));
    if (foundLocal)
        return foundLocal;
    for (String pathBit : pathBits)
        def found = isMatch(pathBit);
        if (found)
            return found;
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find " + name + " in the path")
npmCommand=Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY\u WINDOWS)?'npm.cmd':'/usr/local/bin/npm'




exec {
     commandLine command("npm"), "install"
// find a command with this name in the path
String command( String name )
    def onWindows = (System.env.PATH==null);
    def pathBits = onWindows ? System.env.Path.split(";") : System.env.PATH.split(":");
    def isMatch = onWindows ? {path -> 
                for (String extension : System.env.PATHEXT.split(";"))
                    File theFile = new File( path, name + extension);
                    if (theFile.exists())
                        return theFile;
                return null;
        } : {path -> def file = new File(path,name);if (file.exists() && file.canExecute()) return file;return null;}

    def foundLocal = isMatch(file("."));
    if (foundLocal)
        return foundLocal;
    for (String pathBit : pathBits)
        def found = isMatch(pathBit);
        if (found)
            return found;
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find " + name + " in the path")

exec {
     commandLine command("npm"), "install"
// find a command with this name in the path
String command( String name )
    def onWindows = (System.env.PATH==null);
    def pathBits = onWindows ? System.env.Path.split(";") : System.env.PATH.split(":");
    def isMatch = onWindows ? {path -> 
                for (String extension : System.env.PATHEXT.split(";"))
                    File theFile = new File( path, name + extension);
                    if (theFile.exists())
                        return theFile;
                return null;
        } : {path -> def file = new File(path,name);if (file.exists() && file.canExecute()) return file;return null;}

    def foundLocal = isMatch(file("."));
    if (foundLocal)
        return foundLocal;
    for (String pathBit : pathBits)
        def found = isMatch(pathBit);
        if (found)
            return found;
    throw new RuntimeException("Failed to find " + name + " in the path")


if (System.getProperty('os.name').toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains('windows'))
    commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'commandGoesHere'
    commandLine 'sh', '-c', 'commandGoesHere'
