Grails 在gsp中调用域方法

Grails 在gsp中调用域方法,grails,Grails,我在我的域类中创建了一个名为affichages的方法,该方法可以检索like或: 我已经在groovyConsole中运行了这个函数,它还可以 如何在gsp中调用此方法以将其应用于文本字段?要以grails的方式执行此操作,需要在控制器中加载域对象,然后将其传递给视图。在控制器中类似于以下内容: // assuming theDomainObject/anotherObject are loaded, preferably via service calls render view: 'the





// assuming theDomainObject/anotherObject are loaded, preferably via service calls
render view: 'theView', model: [object: theDomainObject, another: anotherObject]





// assuming theDomainObject/anotherObject are loaded, preferably via service calls
render view: 'theView', model: [object: theDomainObject, another: anotherObject]






render(view: 'theView', model: [object: new MyDomain (), another: new YourDomain()]




render(view: 'theView', model: [object: new MyDomain (), another: new YourDomain()]



// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>

<g:textField name="firstName" value="${parsing.retrieveContentsOfTag(stringToParse: firstName)}"/>
<g:textField name="lastName" value="${parsing.retrieveContentsOfTag(stringToParse: lastName)}"/>

// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>

// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>



// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>

// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>


// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>

<g:textField name="firstName" value="${parsing.retrieveContentsOfTag(stringToParse: firstName)}"/>
<g:textField name="lastName" value="${parsing.retrieveContentsOfTag(stringToParse: lastName)}"/>

// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>

// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>



// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>

// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def retrieveContentsOfTag = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        out << matcher[0][1]
// grails-app/controllers/com/demo/DemoController.groovy
package com.demo

class DemoController {

    def index() {
        // these values wouldn't have to be hardcoded here of course...
        [firstName: '<Jeff>', lastName: '<Brown>']
<input type="text" name="firstName" value="Jeff" id="firstName" />
<input type="text" name="lastName" value="Brown" id="lastName" />
// grails-app/taglib/com/demo/ParsingTagLib.groovy
package com.demo

class ParsingTagLib {
    static namespace = 'parsing'

    def mySpecialTextField = { attrs ->
        // The regex handling here is very
        // crude and intentionally simplified.
        // The question isn't about regex so
        // this isn't the interesting part.
        def matcher = attrs.stringToParse =~ /<(\w*)>/
        def value = matcher[0][1]
        out << g.textField(name:, value: value)
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="firstName" stringToParse="${firstName}"/>
<parsing:mySpecialTextField name="lastName" stringToParse="${lastName}"/>
