SOAPUI Groovy-将列表项附加到属性

SOAPUI Groovy-将列表项附加到属性,groovy,eval,soapui,Groovy,Eval,Soapui,我是新的SoapUi和Groovy; 在每次迭代中,尝试从前面的步骤请求(在Get Media List下面调用)的响应中设置和更新测试用例级别2属性。 每次迭代我都需要将响应中的项附加到属性中 以下是脚本: def fullMediaNameList = context.expand( '${#TestCase#MediaNameList}' ) def currMediaNameList = context.expand( '${Get Media List#o_mediaNameList}

我是新的SoapUi和Groovy; 在每次迭代中,尝试从前面的步骤请求(在Get Media List下面调用)的响应中设置和更新测试用例级别2属性。 每次迭代我都需要将响应中的项附加到属性中


def fullMediaNameList = context.expand( '${#TestCase#MediaNameList}' )
def currMediaNameList = context.expand( '${Get Media List#o_mediaNameList}' )
AppendItemsToPropertyList(fullMediaNameList, currMediaNameList,"MediaNameList")

def AppendItemsToPropertyList(fullListStr, currListStr, propToUpdate)
    def fullList = []
    if (fullListStr != null && fullListStr != "")
        //cast to list
        fullList =


    //specific list to append
    def currList = []

    if (currListStr != null && currListStr != "")
        //cast to list
        currList =


fullList.addAll(fullList.size(), currList)
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue( propToUpdate, fullList.toString() )
这个方法我叫了两次;介质id属性一次,该属性正常工作! 以及另一个名为MediaNameList的属性,它失败并出现以下错误: org.codehaus.groovy.control.multiplecompationerrorsException:启动失败:Script1.groovy:1:意外标记:HD@line 1,第21列。[DMAX HD、RTL Nitro HD、ZDFNeo HD、Deutsches Wetter Fernshen、Tele 5 HD、sixx HD、Sat.1 Gold、MTV、E!Entertainment、迪士尼频道]^1第8行错误

为什么会这样?若我理解正确的话,它在字符串转换方面有问题,并且尝试了其他命令而不是,但并没有帮助。 e、 g.fullList=Arrays.aslistfulllliststr 欢迎其他解决方案! 提前感谢,


def fullMediaNameList = context.expand( '${#TestCase#MediaNameList}' )
def fullList = []   // declare empty array
if (fullMediaNameList != null && fullMediaNameList != "") {

    //  break up the fullMediaNameList at commas, and itterate over the parts
    fullMediaNameList.split(',').each {

        // trim off leading or trailing whitespace from each part, and append as new element to the array
        fullList << it.trim()


def fullList = []
if (fullListStr != null && fullListStr != "")
    //cast string to string list:
        //  break up the fullMediaNameList at commas, and itterate over the parts
        fullListStr.tokenize(',[]').each {
        // trim off leading or trailing whitespace from each part, and append as new element to the array
    fullList << it.trim()