
如何在GWT项目客户端使用dom4j.jar和jaxen.jar?,gwt,jar,client,external,Gwt,Jar,Client,External,我不熟悉Java和GWT 我想利用dom4j和jaxen解析一个xml文件,并根据 添加到xml文件内容 但是,编译失败,错误如下所示: [ERROR] [MainPage] - Errors in 'file:/E:/workspace/MainPage/src/com/helloworld/client/MainPage.java' [ERROR] [MainPage] - Line 10: The import org.dom4j cannot be resolved [E


我想利用dom4j和jaxen解析一个xml文件,并根据 添加到xml文件内容


[ERROR] [MainPage] - Errors in 'file:/E:/workspace/MainPage/src/com/helloworld/client/MainPage.java'
    [ERROR] [MainPage] - Line 10: The import org.dom4j cannot be resolved
    [ERROR] [MainPage] - Line 81: The type org.dom4j.DocumentException cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
    [ERROR] [MainPage] - Line 81: The constructor DataModelReader(File, SmfDataPositionAgent) refers to the missing type DocumentException
    [ERROR] [MainPage] - Line 82: DocumentException cannot be resolved to a type
    [ERROR] [MainPage] - Line 87: The method navigatePageSet() from the type DataModelReader refers to the missing type DocumentException
    [ERROR] [MainPage] - Line 88: DocumentException cannot be resolved to a type

我认为不可能在客户端使用dom4j,因为它不是GWT模块。也许你应该考虑使用GWTS XML解析器:
