Hibernate Envers:用于选择在给定时间点有效的实体的AuditQuery

Hibernate Envers:用于选择在给定时间点有效的实体的AuditQuery,hibernate,hibernate-envers,Hibernate,Hibernate Envers,我使用Hibernate Envers和ValidityAuditStrategy。我想选择在给定时间点存在的实体的版本 我的修订信息在SQL中如下所示: create table revinfo ( rev int, revtstmp datetime2, primary key(rev) ); 我的审计实体如下所示: create table products_aud ( id long, name varchar(255), rev int

我使用Hibernate Envers和ValidityAuditStrategy。我想选择在给定时间点存在的实体的版本


create table revinfo (
    rev int,
    revtstmp datetime2,
    primary key(rev)

create table products_aud (
    id long,
    name varchar(255),
    rev int,           -- this is a foreign key into revinfo
    revend int,        -- this is a foreign key into revinfo
    revtype smallint,
    primary key(id, rev)
select * from (
select id, name, revtype, x.rev, revend, revtstmp
    from products_aud x join revinfo y
    on x.rev = y.rev
    where id = 14 and y.revtstmp <= '2019-03-05 16:00:00'
) as a
join (
select id, name, revtype, x.rev, revend, revtstmp
    from products_aud x left outer join revinfo y
    on x.revend = y.rev
    where id = 14 and (y.revtstmp >= '2019-03-05 16:00:00' or x.revend is null)
) as b
on a.rev = b.rev;
例如,用户希望查看给定实体的版本,有效期为2019-03-05 16:00:00


create table products_aud (
    id long,
    name varchar(255),
    rev int,           -- this is a foreign key into revinfo
    revend int,        -- this is a foreign key into revinfo
    revtype smallint,
    primary key(id, rev)
select * from (
select id, name, revtype, x.rev, revend, revtstmp
    from products_aud x join revinfo y
    on x.rev = y.rev
    where id = 14 and y.revtstmp <= '2019-03-05 16:00:00'
) as a
join (
select id, name, revtype, x.rev, revend, revtstmp
    from products_aud x left outer join revinfo y
    on x.revend = y.rev
    where id = 14 and (y.revtstmp >= '2019-03-05 16:00:00' or x.revend is null)
) as b
on a.rev = b.rev;
