Hive 从S3存储桶创建Avro配置单元表

Hive 从S3存储桶创建Avro配置单元表,hive,avro,Hive,Avro,从表中选择时,不选择任何记录 蜂巢>从fxgm_avro limit 10中选择*; 好啊 所用时间:0.473秒 I have a S3 bucket which contains data in day wise partitions. Each of the partition contains a days worth of data in Avro format .I need to load this data into a hive table. How can I

从表中选择时,不选择任何记录 蜂巢>从fxgm_avro limit 10中选择*; 好啊 所用时间:0.473秒

    I have a S3 bucket which contains data in day wise partitions. Each of the partition contains a days worth of data in Avro format .I need to load this data into a hive table.
    How can I create a partitioned Avro hive table to store data for last 90 days.

    I tried the below create table command
   table creation command

    hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE fxgm_avro
        >   PARTITIONED BY (dt string)
        >   ROW FORMAT SERDE
        >   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'
        >   ''
        >   OUTPUTFORMAT
        >   ''
        >   LOCATION 's3://glbl_mkts/fxgm/bkt%3Dkinesis_fxgm_logs/format%3Davro/dt%3D2016-01-12/part-r-00000.avro'
        >   TBLPROPERTIES (
        >     'avro.schema.url'='file://fxgm_avr/fxgm.avsc');
    Time taken: 3.535 seconds

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    When I tried to select from the table, no records is selected.
    I wonder this is the correct way or something I am missing.