Html 如何从博彩网站提取div_类表

Html 如何从博彩网站提取div_类表,html,vba,web-scraping,Html,Vba,Web Scraping,我一直在寻找,结果运气不佳。我只是想了解正在播放的游戏的文本。所以在最后,我想要像下面这样吐出来的东西(不一定是干净的) 卡罗莱纳黑豹 休斯顿德克萨斯人 点扩展 +4.0 1.90 -4.0 1.92 资金线 2.69 1.49 超过/低于 O +47.0 1.91 U +47.0 1.91 下面的代码明显错误: Sub Pulldata2() Dim ieObj As InternetExplorer Dim appIE As Object Dim htmlEle As IHT


卡罗莱纳黑豹 休斯顿德克萨斯人 点扩展 +4.0 1.90 -4.0 1.92

资金线 2.69 1.49

超过/低于 O +47.0 1.91 U +47.0 1.91


    Sub Pulldata2()

 Dim ieObj As InternetExplorer
 Dim appIE As Object
 Dim htmlEle As IHTMLElement
 Dim i As Integer
 Dim strSheet As String

    strSheet = Sheet2.Range("P2")
    i = 1

    Set ieObj = New InternetExplorer
    ieObj.Visible = False
    ieObj.navigate Sheet2.Range("P2").Value

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:03")

    For Each htmlEle In ieObj.document.getElementsByClassName("game")(0)
        With ActiveSheet

    End With
    i = i + 1
    On Error Resume Next
Next htmlEle

End Sub




Option Explicit

Public Sub GetNFLMatchInfo()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, html2 As HTMLDocument

    Set html = New HTMLDocument: Set html2 = New HTMLDocument

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim allNodes As Object, i As Long, resultsTable(), r As Long, headers()
    Dim dateValue As String, timeValue As String, title As String, html3 As HTMLDocument
    headers = Array("Date", "Time", "Title", "Team", "Pointspread handicap", "Pointspread price", "Moneyline price", "O/U Name", "O/U Handicap", "O/U Price")

    Set allNodes = html.querySelectorAll(".date, .time, .title, .gameBettingContent") 'nodeList of all items of interest. gameBettingContent is a block _
                                                                that will be further subdivided by reading its html into a 'surrogate' HTMLDocument
    ReDim resultsTable(1 To html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    r = 1: Set html3 = New HTMLDocument

    For i = 0 To allNodes.Length - 1
        With allNodes.item(i)
            Select Case .className
            Case "date"
                dateValue = .innerText
            Case "time"
                timeValue = .innerText
            Case "title"
                title = Trim$(.innerText)
            Case "gameBettingContent"
                Dim runners  As Object, contentDivs As Object, pointSpreadHandicaps As Object
                Dim pointSpreadPrices As Object, moneyLinePrices As Object, runners As Object
                Dim OuHandicaps As Object, OuPrices As Object

                r = r + 2                        'then fill line one at r-2, and line 2 at r-1
                html2.body.innerHTML = .outerHTML

                Set runners = html2.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 1) = dateValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 1) = dateValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 2) = timeValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 2) = timeValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 3) = title: resultsTable(r - 1, 3) = title
                resultsTable(r - 2, 4) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 4) = runners.item(1).innerText

                Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")
                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML

                'populate resultsTable for two rows relating to current gameBettingContent
                Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(1).outerHTML 'Set html3 content to next content div to right

                Set moneyLinePrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")
                resultsTable(r - 2, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(2).outerHTML

                Set runners = html3.querySelectorAll(".name")
                Set OuHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set OuPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 8) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 8) = runners.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 9) = OuHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 9) = .item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 10) = OuPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 10) = OuPrices.item(1).innerText
            End Select
        End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(resultsTable, 1), UBound(resultsTable, 2)) = resultsTable
    End With
End Sub



Option Explicit

Public Sub GetNFLMatchInfo()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, html2 As HTMLDocument

    Set html = New HTMLDocument: Set html2 = New HTMLDocument

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim allNodes As Object, i As Long, resultsTable(), r As Long, headers()
    Dim dateValue As String, timeValue As String, title As String, html3 As HTMLDocument
    headers = Array("Date", "Time", "Title", "Team", "Pointspread handicap", "Pointspread price", "Moneyline price", "O/U Name", "O/U Handicap", "O/U Price")

    Set allNodes = html.querySelectorAll(".date, .time, .title, .gameBettingContent") 'nodeList of all items of interest. gameBettingContent is a block _
                                                                that will be further subdivided by reading its html into a 'surrogate' HTMLDocument
    ReDim resultsTable(1 To html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    r = 1: Set html3 = New HTMLDocument

    For i = 0 To allNodes.Length - 1
        With allNodes.item(i)
            Select Case .className
            Case "date"
                dateValue = .innerText
            Case "time"
                timeValue = .innerText
            Case "title"
                title = Trim$(.innerText)
            Case "gameBettingContent"
                Dim runners  As Object, contentDivs As Object, pointSpreadHandicaps As Object
                Dim pointSpreadPrices As Object, moneyLinePrices As Object, runners As Object
                Dim OuHandicaps As Object, OuPrices As Object

                r = r + 2                        'then fill line one at r-2, and line 2 at r-1
                html2.body.innerHTML = .outerHTML

                Set runners = html2.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 1) = dateValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 1) = dateValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 2) = timeValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 2) = timeValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 3) = title: resultsTable(r - 1, 3) = title
                resultsTable(r - 2, 4) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 4) = runners.item(1).innerText

                Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")
                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML

                'populate resultsTable for two rows relating to current gameBettingContent
                Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(1).outerHTML 'Set html3 content to next content div to right

                Set moneyLinePrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")
                resultsTable(r - 2, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(2).outerHTML

                Set runners = html3.querySelectorAll(".name")
                Set OuHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set OuPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 8) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 8) = runners.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 9) = OuHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 9) = .item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 10) = OuPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 10) = OuPrices.item(1).innerText
            End Select
        End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(resultsTable, 1), UBound(resultsTable, 2)) = resultsTable
    End With
End Sub



Option Explicit

Public Sub GetNFLMatchInfo()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, html2 As HTMLDocument

    Set html = New HTMLDocument: Set html2 = New HTMLDocument

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim allNodes As Object, i As Long, resultsTable(), r As Long, headers()
    Dim dateValue As String, timeValue As String, title As String, html3 As HTMLDocument
    headers = Array("Date", "Time", "Title", "Team", "Pointspread handicap", "Pointspread price", "Moneyline price", "O/U Name", "O/U Handicap", "O/U Price")

    Set allNodes = html.querySelectorAll(".date, .time, .title, .gameBettingContent") 'nodeList of all items of interest. gameBettingContent is a block _
                                                                that will be further subdivided by reading its html into a 'surrogate' HTMLDocument
    ReDim resultsTable(1 To html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    r = 1: Set html3 = New HTMLDocument

    For i = 0 To allNodes.Length - 1
        With allNodes.item(i)
            Select Case .className
            Case "date"
                dateValue = .innerText
            Case "time"
                timeValue = .innerText
            Case "title"
                title = Trim$(.innerText)
            Case "gameBettingContent"
                Dim runners  As Object, contentDivs As Object, pointSpreadHandicaps As Object
                Dim pointSpreadPrices As Object, moneyLinePrices As Object, runners As Object
                Dim OuHandicaps As Object, OuPrices As Object

                r = r + 2                        'then fill line one at r-2, and line 2 at r-1
                html2.body.innerHTML = .outerHTML

                Set runners = html2.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 1) = dateValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 1) = dateValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 2) = timeValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 2) = timeValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 3) = title: resultsTable(r - 1, 3) = title
                resultsTable(r - 2, 4) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 4) = runners.item(1).innerText

                Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")
                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML

                'populate resultsTable for two rows relating to current gameBettingContent
                Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(1).outerHTML 'Set html3 content to next content div to right

                Set moneyLinePrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")
                resultsTable(r - 2, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(2).outerHTML

                Set runners = html3.querySelectorAll(".name")
                Set OuHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set OuPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 8) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 8) = runners.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 9) = OuHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 9) = .item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 10) = OuPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 10) = OuPrices.item(1).innerText
            End Select
        End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(resultsTable, 1), UBound(resultsTable, 2)) = resultsTable
    End With
End Sub



Option Explicit

Public Sub GetNFLMatchInfo()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, html2 As HTMLDocument

    Set html = New HTMLDocument: Set html2 = New HTMLDocument

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim allNodes As Object, i As Long, resultsTable(), r As Long, headers()
    Dim dateValue As String, timeValue As String, title As String, html3 As HTMLDocument
    headers = Array("Date", "Time", "Title", "Team", "Pointspread handicap", "Pointspread price", "Moneyline price", "O/U Name", "O/U Handicap", "O/U Price")

    Set allNodes = html.querySelectorAll(".date, .time, .title, .gameBettingContent") 'nodeList of all items of interest. gameBettingContent is a block _
                                                                that will be further subdivided by reading its html into a 'surrogate' HTMLDocument
    ReDim resultsTable(1 To html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    r = 1: Set html3 = New HTMLDocument

    For i = 0 To allNodes.Length - 1
        With allNodes.item(i)
            Select Case .className
            Case "date"
                dateValue = .innerText
            Case "time"
                timeValue = .innerText
            Case "title"
                title = Trim$(.innerText)
            Case "gameBettingContent"
                Dim runners  As Object, contentDivs As Object, pointSpreadHandicaps As Object
                Dim pointSpreadPrices As Object, moneyLinePrices As Object, runners As Object
                Dim OuHandicaps As Object, OuPrices As Object

                r = r + 2                        'then fill line one at r-2, and line 2 at r-1
                html2.body.innerHTML = .outerHTML

                Set runners = html2.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 1) = dateValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 1) = dateValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 2) = timeValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 2) = timeValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 3) = title: resultsTable(r - 1, 3) = title
                resultsTable(r - 2, 4) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 4) = runners.item(1).innerText

                Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")
                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML

                'populate resultsTable for two rows relating to current gameBettingContent
                Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(1).outerHTML 'Set html3 content to next content div to right

                Set moneyLinePrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")
                resultsTable(r - 2, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(2).outerHTML

                Set runners = html3.querySelectorAll(".name")
                Set OuHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set OuPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 8) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 8) = runners.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 9) = OuHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 9) = .item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 10) = OuPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 10) = OuPrices.item(1).innerText
            End Select
        End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(resultsTable, 1), UBound(resultsTable, 2)) = resultsTable
    End With
End Sub





Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")


html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML


Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText

html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length
i、 有多少名运动员。列数等于我们在


Option Explicit

Public Sub GetNFLMatchInfo()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, html2 As HTMLDocument

    Set html = New HTMLDocument: Set html2 = New HTMLDocument

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim allNodes As Object, i As Long, resultsTable(), r As Long, headers()
    Dim dateValue As String, timeValue As String, title As String, html3 As HTMLDocument
    headers = Array("Date", "Time", "Title", "Team", "Pointspread handicap", "Pointspread price", "Moneyline price", "O/U Name", "O/U Handicap", "O/U Price")

    Set allNodes = html.querySelectorAll(".date, .time, .title, .gameBettingContent") 'nodeList of all items of interest. gameBettingContent is a block _
                                                                that will be further subdivided by reading its html into a 'surrogate' HTMLDocument
    ReDim resultsTable(1 To html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    r = 1: Set html3 = New HTMLDocument

    For i = 0 To allNodes.Length - 1
        With allNodes.item(i)
            Select Case .className
            Case "date"
                dateValue = .innerText
            Case "time"
                timeValue = .innerText
            Case "title"
                title = Trim$(.innerText)
            Case "gameBettingContent"
                Dim runners  As Object, contentDivs As Object, pointSpreadHandicaps As Object
                Dim pointSpreadPrices As Object, moneyLinePrices As Object, runners As Object
                Dim OuHandicaps As Object, OuPrices As Object

                r = r + 2                        'then fill line one at r-2, and line 2 at r-1
                html2.body.innerHTML = .outerHTML

                Set runners = html2.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 1) = dateValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 1) = dateValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 2) = timeValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 2) = timeValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 3) = title: resultsTable(r - 1, 3) = title
                resultsTable(r - 2, 4) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 4) = runners.item(1).innerText

                Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")
                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML

                'populate resultsTable for two rows relating to current gameBettingContent
                Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(1).outerHTML 'Set html3 content to next content div to right

                Set moneyLinePrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")
                resultsTable(r - 2, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(2).outerHTML

                Set runners = html3.querySelectorAll(".name")
                Set OuHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set OuPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 8) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 8) = runners.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 9) = OuHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 9) = .item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 10) = OuPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 10) = OuPrices.item(1).innerText
            End Select
        End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(resultsTable, 1), UBound(resultsTable, 2)) = resultsTable
    End With
End Sub


Option Explicit

Public Sub GetNFLMatchInfo()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, html2 As HTMLDocument

    Set html = New HTMLDocument: Set html2 = New HTMLDocument

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim allNodes As Object, i As Long, resultsTable(), r As Long, headers()
    Dim dateValue As String, timeValue As String, title As String, html3 As HTMLDocument
    headers = Array("Date", "Time", "Title", "Team", "Pointspread handicap", "Pointspread price", "Moneyline price", "O/U Name", "O/U Handicap", "O/U Price")

    Set allNodes = html.querySelectorAll(".date, .time, .title, .gameBettingContent") 'nodeList of all items of interest. gameBettingContent is a block _
                                                                that will be further subdivided by reading its html into a 'surrogate' HTMLDocument
    ReDim resultsTable(1 To html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    r = 1: Set html3 = New HTMLDocument

    For i = 0 To allNodes.Length - 1
        With allNodes.item(i)
            Select Case .className
            Case "date"
                dateValue = .innerText
            Case "time"
                timeValue = .innerText
            Case "title"
                title = Trim$(.innerText)
            Case "gameBettingContent"
                Dim runners  As Object, contentDivs As Object, pointSpreadHandicaps As Object
                Dim pointSpreadPrices As Object, moneyLinePrices As Object, runners As Object
                Dim OuHandicaps As Object, OuPrices As Object

                r = r + 2                        'then fill line one at r-2, and line 2 at r-1
                html2.body.innerHTML = .outerHTML

                Set runners = html2.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 1) = dateValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 1) = dateValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 2) = timeValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 2) = timeValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 3) = title: resultsTable(r - 1, 3) = title
                resultsTable(r - 2, 4) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 4) = runners.item(1).innerText

                Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")
                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML

                'populate resultsTable for two rows relating to current gameBettingContent
                Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(1).outerHTML 'Set html3 content to next content div to right

                Set moneyLinePrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")
                resultsTable(r - 2, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(2).outerHTML

                Set runners = html3.querySelectorAll(".name")
                Set OuHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set OuPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 8) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 8) = runners.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 9) = OuHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 9) = .item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 10) = OuPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 10) = OuPrices.item(1).innerText
            End Select
        End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(resultsTable, 1), UBound(resultsTable, 2)) = resultsTable
    End With
End Sub


Option Explicit

Public Sub GetNFLMatchInfo()
    Dim html As HTMLDocument, html2 As HTMLDocument

    Set html = New HTMLDocument: Set html2 = New HTMLDocument

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", "", False
        html.body.innerHTML = .responseText
    End With

    Dim allNodes As Object, i As Long, resultsTable(), r As Long, headers()
    Dim dateValue As String, timeValue As String, title As String, html3 As HTMLDocument
    headers = Array("Date", "Time", "Title", "Team", "Pointspread handicap", "Pointspread price", "Moneyline price", "O/U Name", "O/U Handicap", "O/U Price")

    Set allNodes = html.querySelectorAll(".date, .time, .title, .gameBettingContent") 'nodeList of all items of interest. gameBettingContent is a block _
                                                                that will be further subdivided by reading its html into a 'surrogate' HTMLDocument
    ReDim resultsTable(1 To html.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li").Length, 1 To UBound(headers) + 1)

    r = 1: Set html3 = New HTMLDocument

    For i = 0 To allNodes.Length - 1
        With allNodes.item(i)
            Select Case .className
            Case "date"
                dateValue = .innerText
            Case "time"
                timeValue = .innerText
            Case "title"
                title = Trim$(.innerText)
            Case "gameBettingContent"
                Dim runners  As Object, contentDivs As Object, pointSpreadHandicaps As Object
                Dim pointSpreadPrices As Object, moneyLinePrices As Object, runners As Object
                Dim OuHandicaps As Object, OuPrices As Object

                r = r + 2                        'then fill line one at r-2, and line 2 at r-1
                html2.body.innerHTML = .outerHTML

                Set runners = html2.querySelectorAll("#runnerNames li")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 1) = dateValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 1) = dateValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 2) = timeValue: resultsTable(r - 1, 2) = timeValue
                resultsTable(r - 2, 3) = title: resultsTable(r - 1, 3) = title
                resultsTable(r - 2, 4) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 4) = runners.item(1).innerText

                Set contentDivs = html2.querySelectorAll(".betTypeContent")
                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(0).outerHTML

                'populate resultsTable for two rows relating to current gameBettingContent
                Set pointSpreadHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set pointSpreadPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 5) = pointSpreadHandicaps.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 6) = pointSpreadPrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(1).outerHTML 'Set html3 content to next content div to right

                Set moneyLinePrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")
                resultsTable(r - 2, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 7) = moneyLinePrices.item(1).innerText

                html3.body.innerHTML = contentDivs.item(2).outerHTML

                Set runners = html3.querySelectorAll(".name")
                Set OuHandicaps = html3.querySelectorAll(".handicap")
                Set OuPrices = html3.querySelectorAll(".price")

                resultsTable(r - 2, 8) = runners.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 8) = runners.item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 9) = OuHandicaps.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 9) = .item(1).innerText
                resultsTable(r - 2, 10) = OuPrices.item(0).innerText: resultsTable(r - 1, 10) = OuPrices.item(1).innerText
            End Select
        End With
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        .Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(headers) + 1) = headers
        .Cells(2, 1).Resize(UBound(resultsTable, 1), UBound(resultsTable, 2)) = resultsTable
    End With
End Sub

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