Html 基于w3.css模板构建的响应式布局覆盖内容,垂直滚动,内容不希望居中

Html 基于w3.css模板构建的响应式布局覆盖内容,垂直滚动,内容不希望居中,html,css,responsive,w3.css,Html,Css,Responsive,W3.css,我花了几天时间在这上面,用另一个模板重建了页面,尝试了在线建议,这让我进一步打破了布局。我更多的是一个设计师,更少的是一个程序员,我找不到我可以尝试的其他东西。请帮忙! 我面临的问题:最糟糕的:两个div相互重叠。然后中间的旋转木马是居中的,现在它不再是,它不关心边缘:自动。然后垂直卷轴出现了。所有这些问题都与我试图解决重叠div的响应性布局有关。 好心情/屏幕大小的布局如下所示:好的大屏幕布局 最差的屏幕大小返回以下信息:全部布局错误 我的页面的精简代码: <html> <

我花了几天时间在这上面,用另一个模板重建了页面,尝试了在线建议,这让我进一步打破了布局。我更多的是一个设计师,更少的是一个程序员,我找不到我可以尝试的其他东西。请帮忙! 我面临的问题:最糟糕的:两个div相互重叠。然后中间的旋转木马是居中的,现在它不再是,它不关心边缘:自动。然后垂直卷轴出现了。所有这些问题都与我试图解决重叠div的响应性布局有关。 好心情/屏幕大小的布局如下所示:好的大屏幕布局



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<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
       startingItem:               1,   // item to place in the center of the carousel. Set to 0 for auto
    separation:                 255, // distance between items in carousel
    separationMultiplier:       0.6, // multipled by separation distance to increase/decrease distance for each additional item
    horizonOffset:              0,   // offset each item from the "horizon" by this amount (causes arching)
    horizonOffsetMultiplier:    1,   // multipled by horizon offset to increase/decrease offset for each additional item
    sizeMultiplier:             0.6, // determines how drastically the size of each item changes
    opacityMultiplier:          0.7, // determines how drastically the opacity of each item changes
    horizon:                    0,   // how "far in" the horizontal/vertical horizon should be set from the container wall. 0 for auto
    flankingItems:              2,   // the number of items visible on either side of the center                  

    // animation
    speed:                      3000,      // speed in milliseconds it will take to rotate from one to the next
    animationEasing:            'swing', // the easing effect to use when animating
    quickerForFurther:          true,     // set to true to make animations faster when clicking an item that is far away from the center
    edgeFadeEnabled:            true,    // when true, items fade off into nothingness when reaching the edge. false to have them move behind the center image

    // misc
    linkHandling:               2,                 // Determines behavior of links that are placed around the images. 1 to disable all (if you want to use the callback functions to do something special with the links; or used for facebook), 2 to disable all but center (to link images out).You can wrap all of the images in links if you'd like. Most people will probably want to add links around each image, but only activate the links when the center item is clicked. This is the default use case. However, you can turn all of the links off if you prefer using the callback functions to handle the links. 
    autoPlay:                   300,                 // indicate the speed in milliseconds to wait before autorotating. 0 to turn off. Positive value for a left to right movement, negative for a right to left. 
    orientation:                'vertical',      // indicate if the carousel should be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
    activeClassName:            'carousel-center', // the name of the class given to the current item in the center
    keyboardNav:                true,             // set to true to move the carousel with the arrow keys
    keyboardNavOverride:        false,              // set to true to override the normal functionality of the arrow keys (prevents scrolling)
    imageNav:                   true,              // clicking a non-center image will rotate that image to the center.False to disable that functionality, which is commonly paired with navigational buttons instead.

    // preloader
    preloadImages:              true,  // disable/enable the image preloader.The carousel will attempt to preload all images before initializing. This is known to have some issues in certain browsers. The main reason for the preloader is too be able to determine the dimensions for each image before running calculations. If you run into issues, disable this and use the forced proportions below (or set your image dimensions using CSS). 
    forcedImageWidth:           0,     // Set a global width that should be applied to all images in the carousel. specify width of all images; otherwise the carousel tries to calculate it
    forcedImageHeight:          0,     // Set a global height that should be applied to all images in the carousel. specify height of all images; otherwise the carousel tries to calculate it

    // callback functions
    movingToCenter:             $.noop, // fired when an item is about to move to the center position
    movedToCenter:              $.noop, // fired when an item has finished moving to the center
    clickedCenter:              $.noop, // fired when the center item has been clicked
    movingFromCenter:           $.noop, // fired when an item is about to leave the center position
    movedFromCenter:            $.noop 

      // include options like this:
      // (use quotes only for string values, and no trailing comma after last option)
      // option: value,
      // option: value

HorizonOffset乘数:1,//乘以horizon offset可增加/减少每个附加项的偏移量
activeClassName:'carousel center',//中心中当前项的类名称
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