Html 如何保持文本列在右侧保持在右侧

Html 如何保持文本列在右侧保持在右侧,html,css,Html,Css,哪种最简单的方法可以将文本保留在该列的右侧?我将我的桃子图像浮动在左侧,但当右侧的文本超出桃子图像时,它的位置将位于桃子下方 如何保持文本在右侧的位置,而不让其进入左侧列 以下是我的JSFIDLE: 实现所需内容的最简单方法是将段落包装在div中,并添加一个类,该类也将段落向左浮动,然后向其添加宽度。这将允许它停留在桃子的右侧,当屏幕变小时,它会将其向下推到桃子对象的下方 .alignleft { float: left; margin: 0px 30px 20px 0; } .alignri





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<div class="alignleft">
        <img alt="Peach" src="" />
        <br />Calories 59
        <br>Total Fat 0.4 g
        <br>Sodium 0 mg</p>
<div><p>The peach (Prunus persica) is a deciduous tree, native to Northwest China, in the region between the Tarim Basin and the north slopes of the Kunlun Shan mountains, where it was first domesticated and cultivated.[2] It bears an edible juicy fruit also called a peach. The species name persica refers to its widespread cultivation in Persia, whence it was transplanted to Europe. It belongs to the genus Prunus which includes the cherry and plum, in the family Rosaceae. The peach is classified with the almond in the subgenus Amygdalus, distinguished from the other subgenera by the corrugated seed shell.</p>
<p>Peaches and nectarines are the same species, even though they are regarded commercially as different fruits. In contrast to peaches, whose fruits present the characteristic fuzz on the skin, nectarines are characterized by the absence of fruit-skin trichomes (fuzz-less fruit); genetic studies suggest nectarines are produced due to a recessive allele, whereas peaches are produced from a dominant allele for fuzzy skin. China is the world's largest producer of peaches</p>
<p>Prunus persica grows to 4–10 m (13–33 ft) tall and 6 in. in diameter. The leaves are lanceolate, 7–16 cm (2.8–6.3 in) long, 2–3 cm (0.79–1.18 in) broad, pinnately veined. The flowers are produced in early spring before the leaves; they are solitary or paired, 2.5–3 cm diameter, pink, with five petals. The fruit has yellow or whitish flesh, a delicate aroma, and a skin that is either velvety (peaches) or smooth (nectarines) in different cultivars. The flesh is very delicate and easily bruised in some cultivars, but is fairly firm in some commercial varieties, especially when green. The single, large seed is red-brown, oval shaped, approximately 1.3–2 cm long, and is surrounded by a wood-like husk. Peaches, along with cherries, plums and apricots, are stone fruits (drupes). There are various heirloom varieties, including the Indian peach, which arrives in the latter part of the summer.</p></div>

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桃(Prunus persica)是一种落叶树,原产于中国西北部,位于塔里木盆地和昆仑山北坡之间,是最早驯化和栽培桃的地方。[2]它结有一种可食用的多汁果实,也称为桃。该物种的名称波斯是指其广泛种植在波斯,从那里它被移植到欧洲。它属于蔷薇科的李属,包括樱桃和李子。桃与杏仁一起归入扁桃亚属,与其他亚属的区别在于其波纹状的种皮



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<div class="alignleft">
        <img alt="Peach" src="" />
        <br />Calories 59
        <br>Total Fat 0.4 g
        <br>Sodium 0 mg</p>
<div><p>The peach (Prunus persica) is a deciduous tree, native to Northwest China, in the region between the Tarim Basin and the north slopes of the Kunlun Shan mountains, where it was first domesticated and cultivated.[2] It bears an edible juicy fruit also called a peach. The species name persica refers to its widespread cultivation in Persia, whence it was transplanted to Europe. It belongs to the genus Prunus which includes the cherry and plum, in the family Rosaceae. The peach is classified with the almond in the subgenus Amygdalus, distinguished from the other subgenera by the corrugated seed shell.</p>
<p>Peaches and nectarines are the same species, even though they are regarded commercially as different fruits. In contrast to peaches, whose fruits present the characteristic fuzz on the skin, nectarines are characterized by the absence of fruit-skin trichomes (fuzz-less fruit); genetic studies suggest nectarines are produced due to a recessive allele, whereas peaches are produced from a dominant allele for fuzzy skin. China is the world's largest producer of peaches</p>
<p>Prunus persica grows to 4–10 m (13–33 ft) tall and 6 in. in diameter. The leaves are lanceolate, 7–16 cm (2.8–6.3 in) long, 2–3 cm (0.79–1.18 in) broad, pinnately veined. The flowers are produced in early spring before the leaves; they are solitary or paired, 2.5–3 cm diameter, pink, with five petals. The fruit has yellow or whitish flesh, a delicate aroma, and a skin that is either velvety (peaches) or smooth (nectarines) in different cultivars. The flesh is very delicate and easily bruised in some cultivars, but is fairly firm in some commercial varieties, especially when green. The single, large seed is red-brown, oval shaped, approximately 1.3–2 cm long, and is surrounded by a wood-like husk. Peaches, along with cherries, plums and apricots, are stone fruits (drupes). There are various heirloom varieties, including the Indian peach, which arrives in the latter part of the summer.</p></div>

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