Html 转换时旋转木马变形

Html 转换时旋转木马变形,html,css,carousel,Html,Css,Carousel,当我的旋转木马滑块'改变',有一个轻微的“扭曲”,我该怎么做才能摆脱它呢 基本上,理想的效果是在切换到下一张幻灯片时保持平滑,知道它似乎在跳跃 谢谢 下面是代码笔 我们有一个非常不寻常的计算机程序,它有一些程序手册中没有的非常不寻常的问题。拉维接受了挑战,具有很好的解决问题的能力。拉维也很擅长用通俗易懂的英语解释事情,我建议你把解释的内容写下来。欢迎人们联系我们以获取更多信息。 Bruce&Bev A.-奥克兰桑尼希尔斯 PC勤杂工是我经常用来帮助我满足办公室需求的一种职业,从建立我的





  • 我们有一个非常不寻常的计算机程序,它有一些程序手册中没有的非常不寻常的问题。拉维接受了挑战,具有很好的解决问题的能力。拉维也很擅长用通俗易懂的英语解释事情,我建议你把解释的内容写下来。欢迎人们联系我们以获取更多信息。 Bruce&Bev A.-奥克兰桑尼希尔斯 PC勤杂工是我经常用来帮助我满足办公室需求的一种职业,从建立我的商业网站到帮助我为我的小办公室安装所有IT设备,他耐心、彻底,是一个令人愉快的职业 克雷格M.新西兰数据分析 由于我是一个老年人,我经常需要别人帮助我设置电脑和手机,并对我进行一些培训。电脑杂工总是很守时,能够以简单而非技术性的方式解释技术问题! 温迪·E·霍维克

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          <h4>We have a very unusal computer program which had some very unusal problems that were not in the program manual. Ravi rose to the challenge and has very good problem solving abilities. Ravi is also very good at explaining things in plain English and I recommend writing down what is explained. People are welcome to contact us for anymore information.</h4>
          <h2>Bruce & Bev A. - Sunnyhills,Auckland</h2>
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          <h4>PC Handyman is a business I use regualrily to assist me with my office needs, from building my business website to help in seting up all my IT equipment for my small office, he is patient, thorough and is a please to work with</h4>
          <h2>Craig M. Data Analytics NZ</h2>
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          <h4>As I am an elderly person, I often need help with setting up and a bit of training with my computer and phone, PC handyman are always punctual and have an ability to explain tech matters in a simple and non technical way!</h4>
          <h2>Wendy E. Howick</h2>
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          <h4>We have a very unusal computer program which had some very unusal problems that were not in the program manual. Ravi rose to the challenge and has very good problem solving abilities. Ravi is also very good at explaining things in plain English
            and I recommend writing down what is explained. People are welcome to contact us for anymore information.</h4>
          <h2>Bruce & Bev A. - Sunnyhills,Auckland</h2>
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          <h4>PC Handyman is a business I use regualrily to assist me with my office needs, from building my business website to help in seting up all my IT equipment for my small office, he is patient, thorough and is a please to work with</h4>
          <h2>Craig M. Data Analytics NZ</h2>
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          <h4>As I am an elderly person, I often need help with setting up and a bit of training with my computer and phone, PC handyman are always punctual and have an ability to explain tech matters in a simple and non technical way!</h4>
          <h2>Wendy E. Howick</h2>
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