Html 遍历多级散列引用

Html 遍历多级散列引用,html,perl,Html,Perl,我想迭代下面的多级hash ref并创建一个显示父->子关系的选择框。所以基本上我想创建一个子例程,通过它我们可以构建一个HTML选择框 my $hash = { '136666' => { 'children' => { '136954' => {

我想迭代下面的多级hash ref并创建一个显示父->子关系的选择框。所以基本上我想创建一个子例程,通过它我们可以构建一个HTML选择框

my $hash = {
          '136666' => {
                        'children' => {
                                        '136954' => {
                                                      'children' => {
                                                                      '137004' => {
                                                                                    'title' => 'child of child',
                                                                                    'parentid' => '136954'
                                                      'title' => 'add child',
                                                      'parentid' => '136666'
                        'title' => 'Main Forum',
                        'parentid' => '-1'
          '136720' => {
                        'children' => {
                                        '136997' => {
                                                      'title' => 'under category',
                                                      'parentid' => '136720'
                        'title' => 'Android',
                        'parentid' => '-1'
          '136719' => {
                        'title' => 'Nokia C2-01',
                        'parentid' => '-1'
          '136665' => {
                        'children' => {
                                        '136994' => {
                                                      'title' => 'sub form under test forum',
                                                      'parentid' => '136665'
                        'title' => 'test',
                        'parentid' => '-1'

<option value='136666'>Main Forum</option>
<option value='136954'>--add child</option>
<option value='137004'>----child of child'</option>
<option value='136665'>test</option>
<option value='136994'>--sub form under test forum</option>
<option value='136719'>Nokia C2-01</option>
<option value='136720'>--Android</option>
<option value='136997'>----under category'</option>

<div id='136666'>Main Forum
        <a href='136954'>add child</a>, <a href='137004'>child of child</a>
<div id='136665'>test
        <a href='136994'>sub form under test forum</a>, <a href='137012'>another child</a>
<div id='136719'>Nokia C2-01
    <div id='136720'>Android
            <a href='136997'>under category</a> 



use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

sub form {
    my $hash = shift;
    my $form = '';
    my $iter; $iter = sub {
        my $hash = shift;
        my $indent = shift || '';
        while(my($k, $v) = each %{$hash}) {
            $form .= "<option value='" . $k . "'>" . $indent . $v->{title} . "</option>\n";
            if ($v->{children}){
                $iter->($v->{children}, $indent . "-");
    return $form;

##SORT options by id
sub Sortedform {
    my $hash = shift;
    my $form = '';
    my $iter; $iter = sub {
        my $hash = shift;
        my $indent = shift || '';
        foreach my $k (sort keys %{$hash}) {
            my $v = $hash->{$k};
            $form .= "<option value='" . $k . "'>" . $indent . $v->{title} . "</option>\n";
            if ($v->{children}){
                $iter->($v->{children}, $indent . "--");
    return $form;

print Dumper form($hash);
print Dumper Sortedform($hash);

Main Forum
add child, child of child
sub form under test forum, another child
Nokia C2-01
under category
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

sub form {
    my $hash = shift;
    my $form = '';
    my $iter; $iter = sub {
        my $hash = shift;
        my $indent = shift || '';
        while(my($k, $v) = each %{$hash}) {
            $form .= "<option value='" . $k . "'>" . $indent . $v->{title} . "</option>\n";
            if ($v->{children}){
                $iter->($v->{children}, $indent . "-");
    return $form;

##SORT options by id
sub Sortedform {
    my $hash = shift;
    my $form = '';
    my $iter; $iter = sub {
        my $hash = shift;
        my $indent = shift || '';
        foreach my $k (sort keys %{$hash}) {
            my $v = $hash->{$k};
            $form .= "<option value='" . $k . "'>" . $indent . $v->{title} . "</option>\n";
            if ($v->{children}){
                $iter->($v->{children}, $indent . "--");
    return $form;

print Dumper form($hash);
print Dumper Sortedform($hash);