Indexing 使用带有GUID主键的Entity Framework Core 5.0.4创建非聚集索引

Indexing 使用带有GUID主键的Entity Framework Core 5.0.4创建非聚集索引,indexing,entity-framework-core,primary-key,clustered-index,non-clustered-index,Indexing,Entity Framework Core,Primary Key,Clustered Index,Non Clustered Index,我有这个实体类: public class StatusCode { public const String ClassName = nameof(StatusCode); [Key] public Guid UniqueID { get; set; } // Primary Key public Char Level { get; set; } // R=Root, C=Code Gr


public class StatusCode
    public const String ClassName       = nameof(StatusCode);
    public Guid         UniqueID        { get; set; } // Primary Key
    public Char         Level           { get; set; } // R=Root, C=Code Group, I=Item
    public Guid         CodeGroup       { get; set; } // F Key - Which group of codes this code belongs to (self reference to this table)
    public String       Code            { get; set; } // Public short form code, normal public use in tabular reports
    public String       FullName        { get; set; } // Full public name, normal public stand alone display
    public String       Description     { get; set; } // Description displayed to explain this code to the public, typically a full sentance
    public String       PublicRemarks   { get; set; } // Longer public remark about this code, typically a few paragraphs
    public String       PrivateRemarks  { get; set; } // Internal use only remark, for display to administrators about the usage of this code
    public Boolean      AvailableYesNo  { get; set; } // Flag to show if this code is available for usage on new records
    public DateTime     AvailableFrom   { get; set; } // Date time that this code is available for first use
    public DateTime     AvailableTo     { get; set; } // Date time that this code is no longer available for use

protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
      String lLogHdr = $"{ClassName}.{HCG_Misc.CallingMethodName()} ";
      Console.WriteLine( $"{lLogHdr} - Start" );
          name: "StatusCode",
          columns: table => new
            UniqueID       = table.Column<Guid    >( type: "uniqueidentifier", nullable: false ),
            Level          = table.Column<string  >( type: "nvarchar(1)"     , nullable: false ),
            CodeGroup      = table.Column<Guid    >( type: "uniqueidentifier", nullable: false ),
            Code           = table.Column<string  >( type: "nvarchar(450)"   , nullable: true  ),
            FullName       = table.Column<string  >( type: "nvarchar(max)"   , nullable: true  ),
            Description    = table.Column<string  >( type: "nvarchar(max)"   , nullable: true  ),
            PublicRemarks  = table.Column<string  >( type: "nvarchar(max)"   , nullable: true  ),
            PrivateRemarks = table.Column<string  >( type: "nvarchar(max)"   , nullable: true  ),
            AvailableYesNo = table.Column<bool    >( type: "bit"             , nullable: false ),
            AvailableFrom  = table.Column<DateTime>( type: "datetime2"       , nullable: false ),
            AvailableTo    = table.Column<DateTime>( type: "datetime2"       , nullable: false )
          constraints: table => { table.PrimaryKey("PK_StatusCode_UniqueID", x => x.UniqueID);

      migrationBuilder.CreateIndex( name: "Index_StatusCode_Code"     , table: "StatusCode", column: "Code"      );
      migrationBuilder.CreateIndex( name: "Index_StatusCode_CodeGroup", table: "StatusCode", column: "CodeGroup" );
      Console.WriteLine( $"{lLogHdr} - Complete" );


EF Core中的原则是每个数据库提供程序都添加其特定的配置扩展方法。您没有说明要针对哪个数据库,因此假设它是SqlServer,将调用您需要的配置方法并扩展密钥配置(


    .HasKey(e => e.UniqueID)


    .HasKey(e => e.UniqueID)
table.PrimaryKey("PK_StatusCode_UniqueID", x => x.UniqueID)
    .Annotation("SqlServer:Clustered", false);