Ios 如何在lldb(逆向工程)中打印CGRect

Ios 如何在lldb(逆向工程)中打印CGRect,ios,reverse-engineering,lldb,Ios,Reverse Engineering,Lldb,试着变直。使用AppKit,我只需使用NSRect,它就像一个符咒。在iOS上,我失败了: (lldb) e @import UIKit (lldb) e @import CoreGraphics (lldb) e @import Foundation (lldb) po (CGRect)$rax error: 'CGRect' is an incomplete type forward declaration of 'CGRect' 我在这次通话中遇到的类似问题(矩形问题) xcode 9.


(lldb) e @import UIKit
(lldb) e @import CoreGraphics
(lldb) e @import Foundation
(lldb) po (CGRect)$rax
error: 'CGRect' is an incomplete type
forward declaration of 'CGRect'

xcode 9.1测试版重新启动后,xcode 8至少可以成功执行po(CGRect)[$rax边界](原点=(x=30,y=72.7999999997),大小=(宽度=36,高度=43))
(lldb) po [$rdi bounds]
error: Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT).
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.