Ios AUVoiceProcessing单元KauvoiceOproperty_VoiceProcessing质量已弃用

Ios AUVoiceProcessing单元KauvoiceOproperty_VoiceProcessing质量已弃用,ios,core-audio,audiounit,Ios,Core Audio,Audiounit,根据AudioUnitProperties.h,KauvoiceiProperty_VoiceProcessingQuality已被弃用。什么是替代品 @constant kAUVoiceIOProperty_VoiceProcessingQuality @discussion Scope: Global Value Type: UInt32 Access: read/write


 @constant      kAUVoiceIOProperty_VoiceProcessingQuality
 @discussion        Scope: Global
                    Value Type: UInt32
                    Access: read/write
                DEPRECATED. Sets the quality of the voice processing unit. Quality values
                are comprised between 0 (lowest) and 127 (highest).

@constant       kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality
                    Scope:          Global
                    Value Type:     UInt32
                    Access:         Read / Write

                    A value (0 - 127) that can be used to control the quality (complexity) of the rendering operation. A typical usage is to set render quality to maximum for best quality, but
                    if CPU usage is a concern a lesser quality can be set to trade off render quality.

@constant       kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality
                    Scope:          Global
                    Value Type:     UInt32
                    Access:         Read / Write

                    A value (0 - 127) that can be used to control the quality (complexity) of the rendering operation. A typical usage is to set render quality to maximum for best quality, but
                    if CPU usage is a concern a lesser quality can be set to trade off render quality.

我也一直在使用这种设置。但不要认为这两者是相关的。您知道kAudioUnitProperty\u RenderQuality设置的作用吗?默认值为64。我把它提高到127。手册似乎对此设置不太清楚。据我所知,您可以使用:kRenderQuality_Max、kRenderQuality_High、kRenderQuality_Middle、kRenderQuality_Low、kRenderQuality_MinI也使用该设置。但不要认为这两者是相关的。您知道kAudioUnitProperty\u RenderQuality设置的作用吗?默认值为64。我把它提高到127。手册似乎对此设置不太清楚。据我所知,您可以使用:kRenderQuality_Max、kRenderQuality_High、kRenderQuality_Middle、kRenderQuality_Low、kRenderQuality_Min