Ios Swift-如何从gpx文件读取坐标

Ios Swift-如何从gpx文件读取坐标,ios,swift,xcode,mkmapview,gpx,Ios,Swift,Xcode,Mkmapview,Gpx,在我的问题中,我发现我可以轻松创建gpx文件,但现在我需要将gpx文件的内容显示为一个多边形。以前,我在plist文件中创建了包含所有坐标的列表,这很容易阅读,因为我可以制作一个NSDictionary并从那里读取,然后使用plist提供的键查找位置,但是在gpx文件中它似乎不那么容易 我创建了这段代码片段来读取gpx文件的全部内容: if fileManager.fileExistsAtPath(filePath) { let dataBuffer = NSData(c



if fileManager.fileExistsAtPath(filePath) {
            let dataBuffer = NSData(contentsOfFile: filePath)
            let dataString = NSString(data: dataBuffer!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
            print (dataString)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <desc>Length: 1.339 km (0.832 mi)</desc>
            <trkpt lat="-39.2505337" lon="-71.8418312"></trkpt>
            <trkpt lat="-39.2507414" lon="-71.8420136"></trkpt>





import Foundation
import MapKit

//NSXMLParserDelegate needed for parsing the gpx files and NSObject is needed by NSXMLParserDelegate
class TrackDrawer: NSObject, NSXMLParserDelegate {
    //All filenames will be checked and if found and if it's a gpx file it will generate a polygon
    var fileNames: [String]! = [String]()

    init(fileNames: [String]) {
        self.fileNames = fileNames

    //Needs to be a global variable due to the parser function which can't return a value
    private var boundaries = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()

    //Create a polygon for each string there is in fileNames
    func getPolygons() -> [MKPolygon]? {
        //The list that will be returned
        var polyList: [MKPolygon] = [MKPolygon]()

        for fileName in fileNames! {
            //Reset the list so it won't have the points from the previous polygon
            boundaries = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()

            //Convert the fileName to a computer readable filepath
            let filePath = getFilePath(fileName)

            if filePath == nil {
                print ("File \"\(fileName).gpx\" does not exist in the project. Please make sure you imported the file and dont have any spelling errors")

            //Setup the parser and initialize it with the filepath's data
            let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: filePath!)
            let parser = NSXMLParser(data: data!)
            parser.delegate = self

            //Parse the data, here the file will be read
            let success = parser.parse()

            //Log an error if the parsing failed
            if !success {
                print ("Failed to parse the following file: \(fileName).gpx")
            //Create the polygon with the points generated from the parsing process
            polyList.append(MKPolygon(coordinates: &boundaries, count: boundaries.count))

        return polyList

    func getFilePath(fileName: String) -> String? {
        //Generate a computer readable path
        return NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(fileName, ofType: "gpx")

    func parser(parser: NSXMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String]) {
        //Only check for the lines that have a <trkpt> or <wpt> tag. The other lines don't have coordinates and thus don't interest us
        if elementName == "trkpt" || elementName == "wpt" {
            //Create a World map coordinate from the file
            let lat = attributeDict["lat"]!
            let lon = attributeDict["lon"]!

            boundaries.append(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(CLLocationDegrees(lat)!, CLLocationDegrees(lon)!))
<代码>导入基础 导入地图套件 //解析gpx文件需要NSXMLParserDelegate,NSXMLParserDelegate需要NSObject 类TrackDrawer:NSObject,NSXMLParserDelegate{ //将检查所有文件名,如果找到,并且是gpx文件,则将生成多边形 变量文件名:[String]!=[String]() 初始化(文件名:[字符串]){ self.fileNames=文件名 } //由于解析器函数无法返回值,因此需要为全局变量 私有变量边界=[CLLocationCoordinate2D]() //为文件名中的每个字符串创建一个多边形 func getPolygons()->[MKPolygon]{ //将返回的列表 变量polyList:[MKPolygon]=[MKPolygon]() 用于文件名中的文件名{ //重置列表,使其不包含上一个多边形中的点 边界=[CLLocationCoordinate2D]() //将文件名转换为计算机可读的文件路径 让filePath=getFilePath(文件名) 如果filePath==nil{ 打印(“文件\”(文件名).gpx\”在项目中不存在。请确保您导入了该文件并且没有任何拼写错误) 持续 } //设置解析器并使用文件路径的数据对其进行初始化 让data=NSData(contentsOfFile:filePath!) 让parser=NSXMLParser(数据:data!) parser.delegate=self //解析数据,在这里文件将被读取 让success=parser.parse() //如果解析失败,则记录错误 如果!成功{ 打印(“未能分析以下文件:\(fileName).gpx”) } //使用解析过程中生成的点创建多边形 polyList.append(MKPolygon(坐标:&边界,计数:边界.count)) } 返回多段列表 } func getFilePath(文件名:String)->String{ //生成计算机可读的路径 返回NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(文件名,类型:“gpx”) } func解析器(解析器:NSXMLParser,didStartElement元素名称:String,namespaceURI:String?,qualifiedName qName:String?,attributes attributeDict:[String:String]){ //只检查有或标记的行。其他行没有坐标,因此我们不感兴趣 如果elementName==“trkpt”| | elementName==“wpt”{ //从文件创建世界地图坐标 让lat=attributeDict[“lat”]! 让lon=attributeDict[“lon”]! 边界。附加(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(CLLocationDegrees(lat)!,CLLocationDegrees(lon)!) } } } 我希望它能迅速帮助别人

import Foundation
import CoreLocation

class Parser {
    private let coordinateParser = CoordinatesParser()

    func parseCoordinates(fromGpxFile filePath: String) -> [CLLocationCoordinate2D]? {
        guard let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: filePath) else { return nil }
        let parser = XMLParser(data: data)
        parser.delegate = coordinateParser

        let success = parser.parse()
        guard success else { return nil }
        return coordinateParser.coordinates

class CoordinatesParser: NSObject, XMLParserDelegate  {
    private(set) var coordinates = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()

    func prepare() {
        coordinates = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()

    func parser(_ parser: XMLParser, didStartElement elementName: String, namespaceURI: String?, qualifiedName qName: String?, attributes attributeDict: [String : String]) {
        guard elementName == "trkpt" || elementName == "wpt" else { return }
        guard let latString = attributeDict["lat"], let lonString = attributeDict["lon"] else { return }
        guard let lat = Double(latString), let lon = Double(lonString) else { return }
        guard let latDegrees = CLLocationDegrees(exactly: lat), let lonDegrees = CLLocationDegrees(exactly: lon) else { return }

        coordinates.append(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latDegrees, longitude: lonDegrees))