
java复制文件函数仅在调试模式下工作,java,debugging,io,Java,Debugging,Io,我有一段代码来复制一个特定的文件,我已经使用这个函数很多年了,它工作正常 问题是,现在我正在用java awt/swing编写一个程序,我的copyFile函数只在调试模式下工作……我不明白为什么 这是它抛出的错误: can't copy directory: QQQ.wav source file is unreadable: QQQ.wav Error occoured QQQ.wav (The system cannot find the file specified) 但是,当我在调试


问题是,现在我正在用java awt/swing编写一个程序,我的copyFile函数只在调试模式下工作……我不明白为什么


can't copy directory: QQQ.wav
source file is unreadable: QQQ.wav
Error occoured QQQ.wav (The system cannot find the file specified)



public static void copyFile(File varFromFile, File varToFile) throws IOException { // First make sure the source file exists, is a file, and is readable. if (!varFromFile.exists()) System.err.println("no such source file: " + varFromFile); if (!varFromFile.isFile()) System.err.println("can't copy directory: " + varFromFile); if (!varFromFile.canRead()) System.err.println("source file is unreadable: " + varFromFile); // If the destination is a directory, use the source file name // as the destination file name if (varToFile.isDirectory()) varToFile = new File(varToFile, varFromFile.getName()); // If the destination exists, make sure it is a writable file // and ask before overwriting it. If the destination doesn't // exist, make sure the directory exists and is writable. if (varToFile.exists()) { if (!varToFile.canWrite()) System.out.println("destination file is unwriteable: " + varToFile); } else { // If file doesn't exist, check if directory exists and is // writable. If getParent() returns null, then the directory is // the current directory. so look up the user. Directory system // property to // find out what that is. // The destination directory String varParent = varToFile.getParent(); // If none, use the current directory if (varParent == null) varParent = System.getProperty("user.dir"); // Convert it to a file. File vardir = new File(varParent); if (!vardir.exists()) System.out.print("destination directory doesn't exist: " + varParent); if (vardir.isFile()) System.out .print("destination is not a directory: " + varParent); if (!vardir.canWrite()) System.out.print("destination directory is unwriteable: " + varParent); } // If we've gotten this far, then everything is okay. // So we copy the file, a buffer of bytes at a time. // Stream to read from source FileInputStream varFromSource = null; // Stream to write to destination FileOutputStream VarToDestination = null; try { // Create input stream varFromSource = new FileInputStream(varFromFile); // Create output stream VarToDestination = new FileOutputStream(varToFile); // To hold file contents byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // How many bytes in buffer int bytes_read; // Read until EOF while ((bytes_read = != -1) VarToDestination.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read); //System.out.println("File copied !!!"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error occoured " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (varFromSource != null) { try { varFromSource.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error is " + e.getMessage()); } } if (VarToDestination != null) { try { VarToDestination.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error is " + e.getMessage()); } } } 公共静态void copyFile(File varFromFile,File varToFile)引发IOException{ //首先确保源文件存在、是一个文件且可读。 如果(!varFromFile.exists()) System.err.println(“没有这样的源文件:“+varFromFile”); 如果(!varFromFile.isFile()) System.err.println(“无法复制目录:+varFromFile”); 如果(!varFromFile.canRead()) System.err.println(“源文件不可读:“+varFromFile”); //如果目标是目录,请使用源文件名 //作为目标文件名 if(varToFile.isDirectory()) varToFile=新文件(varToFile,varFromFile.getName()); //如果目标存在,请确保它是可写文件 //并在覆盖它之前询问。如果目标没有 //存在,请确保目录存在且可写。 if(varToFile.exists()){ 如果(!varToFile.canWrite()) System.out.println(“目标文件不可写入:” +瓦托菲尔); }否则{ //如果文件不存在,请检查目录是否存在并且 //可写。如果getParent()返回null,则目录为空 //当前目录。因此,请查找user.directory系统 //财产 //找出那是什么。 //目标目录 字符串varParent=varToFile.getParent(); //如果没有,请使用当前目录 if(varParent==null) varParent=System.getProperty(“user.dir”); //将其转换为文件。 File vardir=新文件(varParent); 如果(!vardir.exists()) System.out.print(“目标目录不存在:” +varParent); if(vardir.isFile()) 系统输出 .print(“目的地不是目录:“+varParent”); 如果(!vardir.canWrite()) System.out.print(“目标目录不可写入:” +varParent); } //如果我们走到这一步,一切都会好起来的。 //所以我们复制文件,一次复制一个字节的缓冲区。 //要从源读取的流 FileInputStream varFromSource=null; //要写入目标的流 FileOutputStream VarToDestination=null; 试一试{ //创建输入流 varFromSource=新文件输入流(varFromFile); //创建输出流 VarToDestination=新文件输出流(varToFile); //保存文件内容 字节[]缓冲区=新字节[4096]; //缓冲区中有多少字节 读取整数字节; //读到EOF 而((!=-1) 写入(缓冲区,0,字节\读取); //System.out.println(“文件复制!!!”; }捕获(例外e){ System.err.println(“Error occoured”+e.getMessage()); }最后{ if(varFromSource!=null){ 试一试{ varFromSource.close(); }捕获(IOE异常){ System.err.println(“错误为”+e.getMessage()); } } if(VarToDestination!=null){ 试一试{ VarToDestination.close(); }捕获(IOE异常){ System.err.println(“错误为”+e.getMessage()); } } }
System.err.println(“Error occoured”+e);
,这样我们就可以看到实际的异常了。e.getMessage()它本身很少有用。请下载SysInternals Process Monitor,为Path contains QQQ.wav设置一个筛选器,并查看它试图从何处加载文件。您所说的“在调试模式下运行程序”到底是什么意思?