Java 读取txt文件时出现NullPointerException

Java 读取txt文件时出现NullPointerException,java,debugging,nullpointerexception,Java,Debugging,Nullpointerexception,下面是我编写的一个程序的一部分,该程序遍历一个文件,查找并比较两个不同的数字 它在每一行中搜索该行等于[Device | Sensors | Checksum]的起始点。然后它查找第一次和第二次出现的值,获取该行上的十六进制数,将其转换为long类型。如果这两个长数字相等,我们就好了,否则我们就报告一个问题 这是我正在使用的文件的摘录 Address(18) = 0x0053 Page(18) = Sensor Value(19) = 0x1 Desc(19) = used bytes from


它在每一行中搜索该行等于[Device | Sensors | Checksum]的起始点。然后它查找第一次和第二次出现的值,获取该行上的十六进制数,将其转换为long类型。如果这两个长数字相等,我们就好了,否则我们就报告一个问题


Address(18) = 0x0053
Page(18) = Sensor
Value(19) = 0x1
Desc(19) = used bytes from high priority task
Address(19) = 0x0053
Byte_No(19) = 2
Page(19) = Sensor
;end of section [Device|Sensors|Stack]
Address(18) = 0x0053
Page(18) = Sensor
Value(2) = 0xE0A64F36
Address(18) = 0x0053
Page(18) = Sensor
Default(19) = 0x00
Value(3) = 0xE0A64F36
Page(18) = Sensor
Desc(19) = used bytes from high priority task
;end of section [Device|Sensors|Checksum]

try {

 do {//read line then check if line is "[Device|Sensors|Checksum]" WHILE line isn't ";end of section [Device|Sensors|Checksum]"                    

  line = reader.readLine();//Reads all lines up to "[Device|Sensors|Checksum]"

  if (line.equals("[Device|Sensors|Checksum]")) { //IF line is "[Device|Sensors|Checksum]" then  
                                                  //(check if line is "Value") ELSE read next line                    
   do {// DO read line and (check if line is "Value") WHILE line doesn't contain "Value"

     line = reader.readLine();//Reads all line up to first "Value"

     if (line.contains("Value")) { // IF line is "Value" then retrieve necessary value
                                   // ELSE read next line

      Hex1 = line.split("=")[1].trim();
      l1 = Long.parseLong(Hex1.substring(2), 16);
      JFrame frame1 = new JFrame("JOptionPane showMessageDialog example");
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame1, "Value has hex number\n " + Hex1 + "\n\n and integer\n" + l1 + "\n");

      System.out.println("Here's the line read  " + line);
      System.out.println("Here's the hex number from the line  " + Hex1);
      System.out.println("Here's the integer from the hex number  " + l1 + "\n");

    } while (!"Value".contains(line = reader.readLine()));//while2 

   line = reader.readLine();  //Reads the line AFTER the first "Value" has been found

    do {//  Read line and check if line has "Value" WHILE line doesn't contain "Value"

     line = reader.readLine();//Reads all lines up to second "Value"

     if (line.contains("Value")) { // IF line is "Value" then retrieve necessary value
                                   // ELSE read next line

      Hex2 = line.split("=")[1].trim();
      l2 = Long.parseLong(Hex2.substring(2), 16);
      JFrame frame2 = new JFrame("JOptionPane showMessageDialog example");
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame2, "Value has hex number\n " + Hex2 + "\n\n and integer\n" + l2 + "\n");

      System.out.println("Here's the line read  " + line);
      System.out.println("Here's the hex number from the line  " + Hex2);
      System.out.println("Here's the integer from the hex number  " + l2 + "\n");


    } while (!"Value".contains(line = reader.readLine()));
  } while (!";end of section [Device|Sensors|Checksum]".equals(line = reader.readLine())); 
 if (l1 == l2) {
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Both checksum values ARE equal!");
   int status1 = 0;
 } else {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Both checksum values NOT equal");
    int status2 = 0;

} catch (IOException e) {
   System.out.println("IO Exception. Could not read file!");


Here's the line read  Value(2) = 0xE0A64F36
Here's the hex number from the line  0xE0A64F36
Here's the integer from the hex number  3768995638

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at robertskostalproject.checksumFinder.HexFinder(
at robertskostalproject.checksumGUI.askDirectory(
at robertskostalproject.RobertsKostalProject.main(
BUILD STOPPED (total time: 11 seconds)





class checksumFinder {

public static long l1 = 1;
public static long l2 = 0;
//Default to not equal

String HexFinder(JFileChooser inFileName, String line, String Hex1, String Hex2)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

    File file = inFileName.getSelectedFile();
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

    try {

      line = reader.readLine();//Read all lines up to "[Device|Sensors|Checksum]"

      do {//Read line then check if line is "[Device|Sensors|Checksum]" WHILE isn't ";end of section [Device|Sensors|Checksum]"                    

        line = reader.readLine();

        if (line.equals("[Device|Sensors|Checksum]")) { //IF line is "[Device|Sensors|Checksum]" then  
                                                        //(check if line is "Value") ELSE read next line                    
          do {// DO read line and check line is "Value" WHILE line doesn't contain "Value"

            if (line.contains("Value")) { //IF line is "Value" then retrieve necessary value
                                          // ELSE read next line

              Hex1 = line.split("=")[1].trim();
              l1 = Long.parseLong(Hex1.substring(2), 16);
              JFrame frame1 = new JFrame("JOptionPane showMessageDialog example");
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame1, "Value has hex number\n " + Hex1 + "\n\n and integer\n" + l1 + "\n");

              System.out.println("Here's the line read  " + line);
              System.out.println("Here's the hex number from the line  " + Hex1);
              System.out.println("Here's the integer from the hex number  " + l1 + "\n");

          } while (!"Value".contains(line = reader.readLine()));//while2   

          line = reader.readLine();  //Read the line AFTER first "Value" has been found

          do {//Read line and check if line has "Value" WHILE line doesn't contain "Value"

           if (line.contains("Value")) { // IF line is "Value" then retrieve necessary value
                                        // ELSE read next line

             Hex2 = line.split("=")[1].trim();
             l2 = Long.parseLong(Hex2.substring(2), 16);
             JFrame frame2 = new JFrame("JOptionPane showMessageDialog example");
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame2, "Value has hex number\n " + Hex2 + "\n\n and integer\n" + l2 + "\n");

             System.out.println("Here's the line read  " + line);
             System.out.println("Here's the hex number from the line  " + Hex2);
             System.out.println("Here's the integer from the hex number  " + l2 + "\n");

         } while (!"Value".contains(line = reader.readLine()));//while3

         while (!";end of section [Device|Sensors|Checksum]".equals(line)){
            line = reader.readLine();
     } while (!";end of section [Device|Sensors|Checksum]".equals(line)); //while1

     if (l1 == l2) {
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Both checksum values ARE equal!");
       int status1 = 0;
     } else {
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Both checksum values NOT equal");
       int status2 = 0;

 } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("IO Exception. Could not read file!");
   return null;


你真的想直接跳过[Device | Sensosrs | Checksum]后面的那一行吗?此外,代码缩进严重也无济于事,您没有告诉我们异常是在哪里发生的,文件是什么样子的,或者在不调试时会发生什么。请阅读“请不要宣誓”,即使是标题中使用的非常温和的宣誓。和值。containsvariable?始终发布异常的完整和准确堆栈跟踪。供将来参考,如果您发布了关于NullPointerException的帖子,请告诉我们NPE是在哪一行抛出的,而不仅仅是在这段代码+1中-readLine中的null最有可能是OP NPE问题的原因。即使实际原因是其他原因,这也是一个潜在原因。。。取决于输入流中的内容。