Java 如何使用Dagger-2惰性注入接口?

Java 如何使用Dagger-2惰性注入接口?,java,dependency-injection,dagger-2,Java,Dependency Injection,Dagger 2,我遇到了一个Dagger-2不允许我注射的例子。似乎它仍然需要我在编译时提供对象。为什么呢 堆栈跟踪: [Dagger/MissingBinding] @javax.inject.Named("htfModel") de.wimj.core.Applications.IModel cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method. [ERROR] @javax.inject.Named("htfModel") de.wi



[Dagger/MissingBinding] @javax.inject.Named("htfModel") de.wimj.core.Applications.IModel cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.
[ERROR]       @javax.inject.Named("htfModel") de.wimj.core.Applications.IModel is injected at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.ui.Mt5Painter.<init>(…, htfTradeModel, …)
[ERROR]       dagger.Lazy<de.wimj.ui.Mt5Painter> is injected at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.core.Applications.ModelMqlBased.<init>(…, mt5Painter, …)
[ERROR]       dagger.Lazy<de.wimj.core.Applications.ModelMqlBased> is injected at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.di.components.trademodel.ModelModule.iModel(modelMqlBased, …)
[ERROR]       de.wimj.core.Applications.IModel is provided at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.di.components.trademodel.ModelComponent.createModel()
//Got it, Dagger-2 wants me to provide a IModel here
@Component(modules = { ModelModule.class }, dependencies = { ClientComponent.class })
public interface ModelComponent {

    IModel createModel();

    interface Builder {
        ModelComponent build();
        Builder clientComponent(ClientComponent clientComponent); //MT5Trader comes from this component


//At this point I will provide the IModel. I do NOT get, why Dagger-2 forces
//me to provide a "ModelMqlBased" though. I obviously lazy-inject it. 
//I used this pattern in other cases as well (providing an interface and 
//lazy-injecting the possible instantiations as params)
public class ModelModule {

    IModel iModel(  Lazy<ModelMqlBased> modelMqlBased,  //lazy-injection here!
            ModelFileBased modelFileBased,
            @Named("configClientType")String clientType) {
        switch (clientType) {
        case "mqlBot": 
            return modelMqlBased.get();
        case "fileBot":
                return modelFileBased;
            throw new RuntimeException();


[Dagger/MissingBinding] @javax.inject.Named("htfModel") de.wimj.core.Applications.IModel cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.
[ERROR]       @javax.inject.Named("htfModel") de.wimj.core.Applications.IModel is injected at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.ui.Mt5Painter.<init>(…, htfTradeModel, …)
[ERROR]       dagger.Lazy<de.wimj.ui.Mt5Painter> is injected at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.core.Applications.ModelMqlBased.<init>(…, mt5Painter, …)
[ERROR]       dagger.Lazy<de.wimj.core.Applications.ModelMqlBased> is injected at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.di.components.trademodel.ModelModule.iModel(modelMqlBased, …)
[ERROR]       de.wimj.core.Applications.IModel is provided at
[ERROR]           de.wimj.di.components.trademodel.ModelComponent.createModel()
//Got it, Dagger-2 wants me to provide a IModel here
@Component(modules = { ModelModule.class }, dependencies = { ClientComponent.class })
public interface ModelComponent {

    IModel createModel();

    interface Builder {
        ModelComponent build();
        Builder clientComponent(ClientComponent clientComponent); //MT5Trader comes from this component


//At this point I will provide the IModel. I do NOT get, why Dagger-2 forces
//me to provide a "ModelMqlBased" though. I obviously lazy-inject it. 
//I used this pattern in other cases as well (providing an interface and 
//lazy-injecting the possible instantiations as params)
public class ModelModule {

    IModel iModel(  Lazy<ModelMqlBased> modelMqlBased,  //lazy-injection here!
            ModelFileBased modelFileBased,
            @Named("configClientType")String clientType) {
        switch (clientType) {
        case "mqlBot": 
            return modelMqlBased.get();
        case "fileBot":
                return modelFileBased;
            throw new RuntimeException();


public class ModelMqlBased implements IModel {

    public ModelMqlBased( Lazy<Mt5Painter> mt5Painter) {
        this.mt5Painter = mt5Painter.get();


//this one sits in a "higher-scoped" component
public class Mt5Painter {

    private IModel htfModel;
    private IModel ltfModel;

    public Mt5Painter(@Named("htfModel") Lazy<IModel> htfTradeModel, @Named("ltfModel") Lazy<IModel> ltfTradeModel) {
        this.htfModel = htfTradeModel.get();
        this.ltfModel = ltfTradeModel.get();




public abstract class ModelModule {
    // Note abstract class and static/abstract methods.

    abstract ModelMqlBased bindOptionalOfModelMqlBased();

    static IModel iModel(Optional<ModelMqlBased> modelMqlBased,
            ModelFileBased modelFileBased,
            @Named("configClientType")String clientType) {
        switch (clientType) {
        case "mqlBot": 
            return modelMqlBased.get();
        case "fileBot":
            return modelFileBased;
            throw new RuntimeException();

这可能使重用模块变得更容易,特别是因为与多绑定一样,您可以提供尽可能多的@BindsOptionalOf abstract T bindOptionalOfT;方法如您所愿,Dagger不会抱怨重复。
