Java 如何获取GWT中的最后一个历史标记

Java 如何获取GWT中的最后一个历史标记,java,gwt,token,history,Java,Gwt,Token,History,我想获取导航的上一个标记 例如,在本页中: 我不知何故被重定向到这个新页面: 现在,如果我想要当前令牌,我可以通过以下方式轻松获得: 字符串currentPlace=placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest().getNameToken() currentPlace将收到“page2”,但我不知道如何获取上一个令牌,即“page1”我不知道为什么您的应用程序会出现page1重定向到page2的问题,但这里是。我扩展了place控制器,以便可以执行goBackOr







我不知道为什么您的应用程序会出现page1重定向到page2的问题,但这里是。我扩展了place控制器,以便可以执行goBackOr(place)。这将允许您获得前一个位置。您可以调用getPreviousPlace()。当您有一个编辑活动并且希望返回到用户来自的前一个地方时,这可能是处理位置导航的有用方法。至少出于测试目的,您应该能够在不进行任何更改的情况下使用此place controller进行替换

public class PlaceController extends {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PlaceController.class.getName());

    private final EventBus eventBus;

    private final Delegate delegate;

    private Place where = Place.NOWHERE;

     * Previous place from history.
    private Place previousPlace = null;

     * Legacy method tied to the old location for {@link EventBus}.
     * @deprecated use {@link #PlaceController(EventBus)}
    public PlaceController( eventBus) {
        this((EventBus) eventBus);

     * Legacy method tied to the old location for {@link EventBus}.
     * @deprecated use {@link #PlaceController(EventBus, Delegate)}
    public PlaceController( eventBus, Delegate delegate) {
        this((EventBus) eventBus, delegate);

     * Create a new PlaceController with a {@link DefaultDelegate}. The
     * DefaultDelegate is created via a call to GWT.create(), so an alternative
     * default implementation can be provided through <replace-with> rules
     * in a {@code .gwt.xml} file.
     * @param eventBus
     *            the {@link EventBus}
    public PlaceController(EventBus eventBus) {
        this(eventBus, (Delegate) GWT.create(DefaultDelegate.class));

     * Create a new PlaceController.
     * @param eventBus
     *            the {@link EventBus}
     * @param delegate
     *            the {@link Delegate} in charge of Window-related events
    public PlaceController(EventBus eventBus, Delegate delegate) {
        super(eventBus, delegate);
        this.eventBus = eventBus;
        this.delegate = delegate;
        delegate.addWindowClosingHandler(new ClosingHandler() {
            public void onWindowClosing(ClosingEvent event) {
                String warning = maybeGoTo(Place.NOWHERE);
                if (warning != null) {

     * Get the previous place, if null then this is the first place.
     * @return a {@link Place} instance
    public Place getPreviousPlace() {
        return previousPlace;

     * Returns the current place.
     * @return a {@link Place} instance
    public Place getWhere() {
        return where;

     * Request a change to a new place. It is not a given that we'll actually
     * get there. First a {@link PlaceChangeRequestEvent} will be posted to the
     * event bus. If any receivers post a warning message to that event, it will
     * be presented to the user via {@link Delegate#confirm(String)} (which is
     * typically a call to {@link Window#confirm(String)}). If she cancels, the
     * current location will not change. Otherwise, the location changes and a
     * {@link PlaceChangeEvent} is posted announcing the new place.
     * @param newPlace
     *            a {@link Place} instance
    public void goTo(Place newPlace) {
        log().fine("goTo: " + newPlace);

        // if (getWhere().equals(newPlace)) {
        // log().fine("Asked to return to the same place: " + newPlace);
        // return;
        // }

        String warning = maybeGoTo(newPlace);
        if (warning == null || delegate.confirm(warning)) {
            previousPlace = where;
            where = newPlace;
            eventBus.fireEvent(new PlaceChangeEvent(newPlace));

     * This is useful for going back unless there is,
     * not a previous place, commonly when a user refreshes
     * the screen and then tries to click back.
     * @param place Place to go if there is not a previous place set.
    public void goBackOr(Place place) {
        Place previousPlace = getPreviousPlace();

        if (previousPlace != null && previousPlace != Place.NOWHERE) {
        } else if (place != null) {
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Previous place was null and the optional place was not specified");


     * Visible for testing.
    private Logger log() {
        return log;

    private String maybeGoTo(Place newPlace) {
        PlaceChangeRequestEvent willChange = new PlaceChangeRequestEvent(newPlace);
        String warning = willChange.getWarning();
        return warning;



private Place previousPlace;
private Place currentPlace;

eventBus.addHandler(PlaceChangeEvent.TYPE, new PlaceChangeEvent.Handler() {

      public void onPlaceChange(PlaceChangeEvent event) {

          previousPlace = currentPlace;
          currentPlace = event.getNewPlace();