Java forName));//若要获取重载方法,必须在泛型中指定参数 assertEquals(“isEmpty”,Fun.getName(String::isEmpty))//使用Fun的静态getName方法获取方法名。从toMethod返回的方法对象将不会返回正确的字符串。

Java forName));//若要获取重载方法,必须在泛型中指定参数 assertEquals(“isEmpty”,Fun.getName(String::isEmpty))//使用Fun的静态getName方法获取方法名。从toMethod返回的方法对象将不会返回正确的字符串。,java,c#,delegates,Java,C#,Delegates,Java中的代理 Delegate.With1Param<String, String> greetingsDelegate = new Delegate.With1Param<>(); greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Hello " + str); greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Goodbye " + str); DelegateInvocat


  Delegate.With1Param<String, String> greetingsDelegate = new Delegate.With1Param<>();
  greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Hello " + str);
  greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Goodbye " + str);

  DelegateInvocationResult<String> invocationResult = greetingsDelegate.invokeAndAggregateExceptions("Sir");

  invocationResult.getFunctionInvocationResults().forEach(funInvRes -> System.out.println(funInvRes.getResult()));
  //prints: "Hello sir" and "Goodbye Sir"
Delegate.With1Param greetingsDelegate=newdelegate.With1Param();
DelegateInvocationResult invocationResult=greetingsDelegate.InvokeAndagRegateExceptions(“Sir”);
  • 事件

      //Create a private Delegate. Make sure it is private so only *you* can invoke it.
      private static Delegate.With0Params<String> trimDelegate = new Delegate.With0Params<>();
      //Create a public Event using the delegate you just created.
      public static Event.With0Params<String> trimEvent= new Event.With0Params<>(trimDelegate);
    私有静态委托。With0Params trimDelegate=新委托。With0Params();
    公共静态事件.With0Params trimEvent=新事件.With0Params(trimDelegate);
  • 类型安全方法创建

      Method m1 = Fun.toMethod(Thread::isAlive)  // Get final method
      Method m2 = Fun.toMethod(String::isEmpty); // Get method from final class
      Method m3 = Fun.toMethod(BufferedReader::readLine); // Get method that throws checked exception
      Method m4 = Fun.<String, Class[]>toMethod(getClass()::getDeclaredMethod); //to get vararg method you must specify parameters in generics
      Method m5 = Fun.<String>toMethod(Class::forName); // to get overloaded method you must specify parameters in generics
      Method m6 = Fun.toMethod(this::toString); //Works with inherited methods

  • 免责声明:我是这个项目的作者。

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class HelloWorld{
         public static void main(String []args){ 
                TaskA taskA = new TaskA();
                TaskB task = new TaskB();
                Action action = new Action();
    interface ActionDelegate {
        void doAction();
    class Action{
        static public ArrayList<ActionDelegate> onAction = new ArrayList<>();
        public void doAction(){
            System.out.println("Action A");
            for(ActionDelegate ad: onAction){
    class TaskA implements ActionDelegate{
        public void doAction(){ 
                System.out.println("Do Task A");
    class TaskB implements ActionDelegate{
        public void doAction(){ 
                System.out.println("Do Task B");
      public void foo(Fun.With1ParamAndVoid<String> printer) throws Exception {
          printer.invoke("hello world);
      foo(System.out::println);   //This signature match the the Fun defined by method Foo. If it did not, the compiler would emit an error.  
      Method m1 = Fun.toMethod(String::isEmpty)
      Method m2 = Fun.<String>toMethod(Class::forName)); // to get overloaded method you must specify parameters in generics  
      assertEquals("isEmpty", Fun.getName(String::isEmpty)); //use Fun's static getName method to get the method name. The Method objects returned from toMethod will not return the correct String.
      Delegate.With1Param<String, String> greetingsDelegate = new Delegate.With1Param<>();
      greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Hello " + str);
      greetingsDelegate.add(str -> "Goodbye " + str);
      DelegateInvocationResult<String> invocationResult = greetingsDelegate.invokeAndAggregateExceptions("Sir");
      invocationResult.getFunctionInvocationResults().forEach(funInvRes -> System.out.println(funInvRes.getResult()));
      //prints: "Hello sir" and "Goodbye Sir"
      //Create a private Delegate. Make sure it is private so only *you* can invoke it.
      private static Delegate.With0Params<String> trimDelegate = new Delegate.With0Params<>();
      //Create a public Event using the delegate you just created.
      public static Event.With0Params<String> trimEvent= new Event.With0Params<>(trimDelegate);
      Method m1 = Fun.toMethod(Thread::isAlive)  // Get final method
      Method m2 = Fun.toMethod(String::isEmpty); // Get method from final class
      Method m3 = Fun.toMethod(BufferedReader::readLine); // Get method that throws checked exception
      Method m4 = Fun.<String, Class[]>toMethod(getClass()::getDeclaredMethod); //to get vararg method you must specify parameters in generics
      Method m5 = Fun.<String>toMethod(Class::forName); // to get overloaded method you must specify parameters in generics
      Method m6 = Fun.toMethod(this::toString); //Works with inherited methods