Java I';我得到了FileNotFoundException

Java I';我得到了FileNotFoundException,java,swing,jtree,filenotfoundexception,Java,Swing,Jtree,Filenotfoundexception,我得到了FileNotFoundException。在其他地方使用的相同功能工作正常。请告诉我此代码有什么问题: try { if (redFolder.isDirectory() && redFile.isFile()) { Functions.matched_file_names=new ArrayList<>(); obj.compare_With_TreeFolder(redFile, redFolder);


try {
    if (redFolder.isDirectory() && redFile.isFile()) {
        Functions.matched_file_names=new ArrayList<>();
        obj.compare_With_TreeFolder(redFile, redFolder);
        StringBuffer bfr=new StringBuffer();
        for(String item:Functions.matched_file_names)
     } else if(redFile.isFile() && redFolder.isFile()){
         compareTwoTextualFiles cttf=new compareTwoTextualFiles();
         matchedfileTextArea.setText(cttf.compareFiles(redFile, redFolder));
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please Select File First.");
} catch (Exception e) {
   System.out.println("ExceptionCaught. "+e.getMessage());

try {
    // Create FileReader & Writer Objects.
    FileReader File1Reader = new FileReader(File1.toString());
    FileReader File2Reader = new FileReader(File2.toString());

    // Create Buffered Object.
    BufferedReader File1BufRdr = new BufferedReader(File1Reader);
    BufferedReader File2BufRdr = new BufferedReader(File2Reader);

    // Get the file contents into String Variables.
    String File1Content = File1BufRdr.readLine();
    String File2Content = File2BufRdr.readLine();

    //New String Builder
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

    // Compare the Contents of the files.
    String startOfComparision = "---------START----------";

    boolean isDifferent = false;
    int lineNumber = 1;

    if (File1Content != null || File2Content != null) {

        // Check whether file1 contains data or not
        while ((File1Content != null)) {

            // Check whether file2 contains data or not
            if (((File2Content) != null)) {

                // Check whether both the files have same data in the lines
                if (!File1Content.equals(File2Content)) {
                    buffer.append("Difference in Line " + lineNumber + " :- " + File1.getName() + " contains :" + File1Content + "           " + File2.getName() + " Contains : " + File2Content).append("\n");
                    isDifferent = true;
                lineNumber = lineNumber + 1;
                File2Content = File2BufRdr.readLine();
            } else {
                buffer.append("Difference in Line " + lineNumber + " :- " + File1.getName() + " contains :" + File1Content + "             " + File2.getName() + " Contains - " + File2Content).append("\n");
                isDifferent = true;
                lineNumber = lineNumber + 1;

            File1Content = File1BufRdr.readLine();


        // Check for the condition : if File2 has Data & File1 doesn't contain data.
        while ((File2Content != null) && (File1Content == null)) {
            buffer.append("Difference in Line " + lineNumber + " :- " + File1.getName() + " contains :" + File1Content + "           " + File2.getName() + " Contains - " + File2Content).append("\n");
            isDifferent = true;
            lineNumber = lineNumber + 1;
            File2Content = File2BufRdr.readLine();

    } else {
        // Mention that both the files don't have Data.
        buffer.append(File1.getName() + " and " + File2.getName() + " do not contain any data.");
        isDifferent = true;

    // Check is there any difference or not.
    String endOfComparision = "-----------END----------";
    if (isDifferent) {
    } else {
        buffer.append("No Difference Found \nThe Contents Of The Files Are Identical.").append("\n");
        Functions.matched_file_names.add("Path: " + File2.getAbsolutePath() + "\nFile Name: " + File2.getName());


    //Close the streams.

    float percentage = (float) (getCommonWords(File1, File2) / get_Total_Number_Of_Words(File1)) * 100;

    return buffer.toString() + " \n\nThe Total number of common words of " + File1.getName() + " and " + File2.getName() + " are: " + getCommonWords(File1, File2) + "\n\nThe " + File1.getName() + " is " + Math.ceil(percentage) + " % matched with " + File2.getName() + ".";
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please Select Files." + e.getMessage());

return null;




try {
    // Create FileReader & Writer Objects.
    FileReader File1Reader = new FileReader(File1.getAbsolutePath());
    FileReader File2Reader = new FileReader(File2.getAbsolutePath());

这很难理解。另外,您是否仔细检查了路径是否存在?文件存在吗?拼写是否正确?是的,我使用filename.getabsolutepath.chceck检查了它是否存在路径或文件,因为它的简单文件NotFoundException.put comment not answer:)我尝试使用filename.getabsolutepath打印路径。它仍然不工作try(exists)[。如果它返回false,那么肯定没有文件或等效文件(例如:文件/目录权限)。这很简单,因为错误只清楚地说明了文件名,您需要文件的完整路径,而不是名称。很高兴您自己解决了这个问题,这样您就再也不会卡在这里了。
try {
    // Create FileReader & Writer Objects.
    FileReader File1Reader = new FileReader(File1.getAbsolutePath());
    FileReader File2Reader = new FileReader(File2.getAbsolutePath());