
在Java中填充2D数组,java,Java,我是java新手,我正在为之奋斗!我已经编写了以下代码,但不断出现错误。目前我所要做的就是用字母a填充一个5x5矩阵。这是我到目前为止所拥有的,我不确定是否也需要发布错误?任何帮助都将不胜感激 public class Encryption { private String Unencoded, FiveLetterKeyword, EncryptedMessage; //constructor method public Encryption(String U,


public class Encryption {   
    private String Unencoded, FiveLetterKeyword, EncryptedMessage;

    //constructor method
    public Encryption(String U, String F, String E)
        Unencoded = U;
        FiveLetterKeyword = F;
        EncryptedMessage = E;

    //create 2D string array 5 by 5
    String Encrypt [][] = new String[5][5];        

    //create string filled with all letters of the alphabet
    String String = new String

    //method for loop to print out the matrix
    public static void matrix()
    //for loop to create matrix rows and columns        
        for (int row = 1; row < Encrypt.length; row++)
            for (int column = 1; column < Encrypt[row].length; column++)

            System.out.print(Encrypt[row][column] + " ");

    //filling the array with the letter A
    public char Encrypt(char Encrypt[][])
        //char[] alpha = alphabets.toCharArray;

        //declaring variable to fill array with A           
        char aChar = "A";

        for (int row = 1; row < Encrypt.length; row++)
            for (int column = 1; column < Encrypt.length; column++)

            return Encrypt;
Java中的数组是基于零的,这意味着它们从索引零开始,范围一直到index array.length-1



// NOTE: changed return type to void -- this is a side-effect-only method!
public void Encrypt(char Encrypt[][])
    // NOTE: use single-quotes for chars. double-quotes are for strings.
    char aChar = 'A';
    // NOTE: changed the starting loop values from `1` to `0`
    for (int row = 0; row < Encrypt.length; row++)
        // NOTE: technically Encrypt.length works here since it's a square
        // 2D array, but you should really loop until Encrypt[row].length
        for (int column = 0; column < Encrypt[row].length; column++)
            // NOTE: set each entry to the desired char value
            Encrypt[row][column] = aChar;




// NOTE: changed return type to void -- this is a side-effect-only method!
public void Encrypt(char Encrypt[][])
    // NOTE: use single-quotes for chars. double-quotes are for strings.
    char aChar = 'A';
    // NOTE: changed the starting loop values from `1` to `0`
    for (int row = 0; row < Encrypt.length; row++)
        // NOTE: technically Encrypt.length works here since it's a square
        // 2D array, but you should really loop until Encrypt[row].length
        for (int column = 0; column < Encrypt[row].length; column++)
            // NOTE: set each entry to the desired char value
            Encrypt[row][column] = aChar;





//filling the array with the letter A
public void Encrypt(char arr[][])
    //char[] alpha = alphabets.toCharArray;

    //declaring variable to fill array with A           
    char aChar = 'A';

    for (int row = 0; row < arr.length; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < arr[row].length; column++)
            arr[row][column] = aChar;




//filling the array with the letter A
public void Encrypt(char arr[][])
    //char[] alpha = alphabets.toCharArray;

    //declaring variable to fill array with A           
    char aChar = 'A';

    for (int row = 0; row < arr.length; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < arr[row].length; column++)
            arr[row][column] = aChar;
