
Java中的图片转换,矩阵乘法不起作用,java,image,swing,transformation,matrix-multiplication,Java,Image,Swing,Transformation,Matrix Multiplication,我正在用Java实现图片转换。到目前为止,我已经实现了以下类: 矩阵(包含一个3x3矩阵,用于与向量相乘) 矢量(用于与变换矩阵的多重化,以生成原始图像像素的新位置) PictureTransformer(转换图像并将新值存储到临时数组) Picture(保存图像mImage和像素数组mPixels的成员变量,并提供getter和setter方法) 窗口(用于测试功能的临时类,因为这些类将是更大程序的一部分) 在测试程序时,我注意到一些奇怪的行为: 无论我使用什么变换,图片一直在缩放 无论


  • 矩阵(包含一个3x3矩阵,用于与向量相乘)
  • 矢量(用于与变换矩阵的多重化,以生成原始图像像素的新位置)
  • PictureTransformer(转换图像并将新值存储到临时数组)
  • Picture(保存图像mImage和像素数组mPixels的成员变量,并提供getter和setter方法)
  • 窗口(用于测试功能的临时类,因为这些类将是更大程序的一部分)

  • 无论我使用什么变换,图片一直在缩放
  • 无论触发MouseEvent的频率如何,转换只执行一次








public static Matrix rotate(final double a) {
    final double rad = Math.PI * a / 180;
    final double dM[][] = { { Math.cos(rad), Math.sin(rad), 0 }, { -Math.sin(rad), Math.cos(rad), 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } };
    return new Matrix(dM);

    // p.mImage = createImage(p.mImgSrc);
    final MemoryImageSource mis = new MemoryImageSource(p.W, p.H, mPixelsResult, 0, p.W);
    final Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    p.mImage = tk.createImage(mis);
结果是图像在窗口中旋转了-45º。 这不是解决办法,而是一个起点


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;

public class Picture {
    int[] mPixels;
    MemoryImageSource mImgSrc;
    Image mImage;
    final int W = 640; final int H = 480;

    public Picture(Image img)
        mImage = img;
        mPixels = new int[W*H];

       PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(mImage ,0,0,W,H,mPixels,0,W);
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        mImgSrc = new MemoryImageSource(W,H,mPixels,0,W);

    public int[] getPixels()
        return this.mPixels;

    public Image getImage()
        return this.mImage;
    public void setPixels(int[] newPix)
        this.mPixels = newPix;
    public void setImage(Image newImg)
        this.mImage = newImg;
public class Matrix {
    double[][] v;

    Matrix(double[][] v){
       this.v = v;
    /** Creates an Matrix that will used to translate the picture to the coordinates
    * clicked on the screen. 
    public static Matrix translate(int dx, int dy){
        double dM[][] = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {Math.round(-dx), Math.round(-dy), 1}};
        return new Matrix(dM);
    public static Matrix rotate(double a){
        double rad = -(Math.PI * a / 180);
        double dM[][] = {{Math.cos(rad), Math.sin(rad), 0},{Math.sin(rad), Math.cos(rad), 0}, {0, 0, 1}};

        return new Matrix(dM);
    /** Creates an Matrix that will used to scale the picture by the given factor. **/
    public static Matrix scale(double f){
        double dM[][] = {{1/f, 0, 0}, {0, 1/f, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
        return new Matrix(dM);
    public static Matrix shearX(double sX){
        double dM[][] = {{1, 0, 0}, {-sX, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
        return new Matrix(dM);
    public static Matrix shearY(double sY){
        double dM[][] = {{1, -sY, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
        return new Matrix(dM);
    public static Matrix multiply(Matrix x, Matrix y){
        double[][] p = new double[3][3];
        for(int i = 0; i < x.v.length; ++i){
            for(int j = 0; j < x.v[i].length; j++){
                for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++){
                    p[i][j] += + x.v[k][j] * y.v[i][k];
         return new Matrix(p);  
     public static Vector multiply(Matrix a, Vector v){
         int[] res = new int[a.v[0].length];
         for(int i = 0; i < a.v[0].length; i++){
             for(int j = 0; j < a.v.length; j++){               
             /* Multiplying the Vector with the Matrix.
              * (x)   [a d g]       (a)       (d)       (g)
              * (y) * [b e h] = x * (b) + y * (e) + z * (h)
              * (z)   [c f i]       (c)       (f)       (i)
              *    (x*a + y*d + z*g)
              *  = (x*b + y*e + z*h)
              *    (x*c + y*f + z*i)
                res[i] += a.v[i][j] * v.getVector(j);
         Vector r = new Vector(res[0], res[1]); //Copying the result which represents the new pixel location into an Vector
         return r;
public class Vector {
     private int[] v;
     Vector(int x, int y){
        v = new int[3]; //We'll always have a 3 Vector...
        v[0] = x;
        v[1] = y;
        v[2] = 1;
 //     System.out.println("NEW VECTOR " + v[0] + " "+ v[1]);
       v = new int[3];
       v[0] = 0;
       v[1] = 0;
       v[2] = 1;
    public int getVectorX(){
        return v[0];
    public int getVectorY(){
        return v[1];

    public int getVectorZ(){
        return v[2];
    public void setVector(int i, double d){
        v[i] = (int)d;
    public int getVector(int i){
        return v[i];
    public void setVectorX(int i){
        v[0] = i;
    public void setVectorY(int i){
        v[1] = i;
public static Matrix rotate(final double a) {
    final double rad = Math.PI * a / 180;
    final double dM[][] = { { Math.cos(rad), Math.sin(rad), 0 }, { -Math.sin(rad), Math.cos(rad), 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } };
    return new Matrix(dM);
    // p.mImage = createImage(p.mImgSrc);
    final MemoryImageSource mis = new MemoryImageSource(p.W, p.H, mPixelsResult, 0, p.W);
    final Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    p.mImage = tk.createImage(mis);