Java 错误:无法找到或加载主类shoutbox.shoutbox

Java 错误:无法找到或加载主类shoutbox.shoutbox,java,arrays,string,class,compiler-errors,Java,Arrays,String,Class,Compiler Errors,我对Java和一般编程非常陌生。我正在使用NetBeans IDE编写以下代码: package ShoutBox; import java.util.Scanner; public class ShoutBox { public static void main(String args[]){ ShoutBox shoutbox = new ShoutBox(); } Scanner input = new Scanner(; i

我对Java和一般编程非常陌生。我正在使用NetBeans IDE编写以下代码:

package ShoutBox;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ShoutBox {
    public static void main(String args[]){
    ShoutBox shoutbox = new ShoutBox();
    Scanner input = new Scanner(;
    int selection = 0;

    public void message() {

        String message[] = new String[10]; // declare array

        message[0] = "01: Free Will Exists.";
        message[1] = "02: Since Free Will Exists, Evil Exists.";
        message[2] = "03: Evil, being evil, will not stop on its own.";
        message[3] = "04: For Good to continue to exist, Evil must be stopped.";
        message[4] = "05: It is good that Good exists.";
        message[5] = "06: It is good to stop evil.";
        message[6] = "07: Good persons will attempt to stop evil or else they are not good.";
        message[7] = "08: Evil brings war.";
        message[8] = "09: Since evil brings war and will not stop, good must fight and win those wars.";
        message[9] = "10: Just war exists.";


        String cm = new ShoutBox().shoutOutCannedMessage(message); //call to shoutOutCannedMessage
        String rm = new ShoutBox().shoutOutRandomMessage(message);
        System.out.println("Philosophy: ");
        System.out.println("Your Random Message: ");


    public String shoutOutCannedMessage(String[] message)
    ShoutBox shoutbox = new ShoutBox();
        for (String element : message)
            System.out.println(element); //print out messages

        System.out.print("Select a message: ");

        selection = input.nextInt();

        String cannedMessage = message[selection];

        return cannedMessage;




package shoutbox



ShoutBox=new ShoutBox()之后放了一个紧括号
行应该放在主方法内部吗?现在它不在任何方法中。我将Scanner输入放在main方法中,如下所示:public类shoutbox{public static void main(String args[]){shoutbox shoutbox=new shoutbox();Scanner input=new Scanner(;int selection=0;}但现在收到一条消息“变量shoutbox未使用”。对于“输入”和“选择”也是如此。我将其重命名为不带大写,但现在收到以下错误消息:错误:找不到符号字符串rm=new shoutbox()。shoutOutRandomMessage(消息);符号:方法shoutOutRandomMessage(字符串[])位置:class shoutboxI旨在重命名包,而不是类的实际名称。