Java 打印在for循环中填充的数组

Java 打印在for循环中填充的数组,java,arrays,for-loop,Java,Arrays,For Loop,我今天带着一个非常基本的任务来这里,不知怎么搞的,我真的很困惑。 我有一个数组,看起来像这样: 代码如下: double population[][] = {{281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5}, {298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7}, {362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1}, {393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0}}; int

我今天带着一个非常基本的任务来这里,不知怎么搞的,我真的很困惑。 我有一个数组,看起来像这样:


 double population[][] = {{281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5},
    {298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7},
    {362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1},
    {393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0}};
    int year[] = {2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, 2031};
    String ageGroup[] = {"15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34",};
    String output = "Actual and Projected Population in thousands by Age Group (CSO 2016)";
    output += String.format("\n%10s", "");

    for (int i = 0; i < year.length; i++) {
        output += String.format("%10s", year[i]);

    output += String.format("%10s", "%Change");
    double change[] = new double[ageGroup.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
        output += String.format("\n%10s ", ageGroup[i]);
        for (int j = 0; j < population[i].length; j++) {
            output += String.format("%10.1f", population[i][j]);
        change[i] = (((population[i][4] - population[i][0])/
                population[i][0]) * 100);
        output += String.format("%10.1f", change[i]);

    output += String.format("\n\nTotal (15 - 34): ");           


 for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
            output += String.format("\n%10s ", ageGroup[i]);
            for (int j = 0; j < population[i].length; j++) {
                output += String.format("%10.1f", population[i][j]);
            change[i] = (((population[i][4] - population[i][0])/
                    population[i][0]) * 100);
            output += String.format("%10.1f", change[i]);
            total[i] = (population[0][i] + population[1][i]+ population[2][i]+population[3][i]+population[4][i]);

for(int i=0;i

double population[][] = { { 281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5 }, { 298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7 },
            { 362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1 }, { 393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0 } };
    int year[] = { 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, 2031 };
    String ageGroup[] = { "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", };
    String output = "Actual and Projected Population in thousands by Age Group (CSO 2016)";
    output += String.format("\n%10s", "");

    for (int i = 0; i < year.length; i++) {
        output += String.format("%10s", year[i]);

    output += String.format("%10s", "%Change");
    double change[] = new double[ageGroup.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
        output += String.format("\n%10s ", ageGroup[i]);
        for (int j = 0; j < population[i].length; j++) {
            output += String.format("%10.1f", population[i][j]);
        change[i] = (((population[i][4] - population[i][0]) / population[i][0]) * 100);
        output += String.format("%10.1f", change[i]);

    output += String.format("\n\nTotal (15 - 34): ");

    // here i changed the code
    // this loop will print the last from (15 to 35)
    // the outer loop iterate like 2011 2016 and so one
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        double temp = 0;
        // the inner loop iterate from up to down and add values
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            temp = temp + population[j][i];
        output += String.format("%10.1f", temp);
{ 362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1 }, { 393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0 } }; 国际年[]={2011、2016、2021、2026、2031}; 字符串年龄组[]={“15-19”、“20-24”、“25-29”、“30-34”、}; 字符串输出=“按年龄组划分的千人实际和预计人口(CSO 2016)”; 输出+=String.format(“\n%10s”,”); 对于(int i=0;i



// a 2d array, where row is for a given agent group, and column
//  is for a given year
static double population[][] = { { 281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5 },
        { 298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7 },
        { 362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1 },
        { 393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0 } };
static int year[] = { 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, 2031 };
static String ageGroup[] = { "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", };

public static void main(String[] args)
    // hold the totals
    double[] yearTot = new double[year.length]; // total by year
    double[] agTot = new double[ageGroup.length]; //total by ag
    double[] chngAG = new double[ageGroup.length]; //change

    // loop over every age group
    for (int ag = 0; ag < ageGroup.length; ++ag) {
        // get the population for the age group, which is
        // one row in the data
        double[] valsForAG = population[ag];

        // loop over every year, which a column in a given age group
        for (int yr = 0; yr < year.length; ++yr) {
            // get the specific value
            double valForAgInYear = valsForAG[yr];

            // add to the total for the year and to the age group value
            yearTot[yr] += valForAgInYear;
            agTot[ag] += valForAgInYear;

        } // for every year 

        int en = ageGroup.length;
        int st = 0;

        // after processing an age group, calculate the change
        chngAG[ag] = ( ( (valsForAG[en] - valsForAG[st]) /
                valsForAG[st]) * 100);
    } // for every age group

    // do the output

    // header row
    System.out.printf("%10s", "");
    for (int y = 0; y < year.length; ++y) {
        System.out.printf("\t%7d", year[y]);
    System.out.printf("\t%10s%n", "%Change");

    // data
    for (int ag = 0; ag < ageGroup.length; ++ag) {
        System.out.printf("%10s", ageGroup[ag]);
        for (int yr = 0; yr < year.length; ++yr) {
            System.out.printf("\t%7.1f", population[ag][yr]);
        System.out.printf("%10.1f", chngAG[ag]);

    //output the totals

    System.out.printf("%10s", "Totals:");
    for (int t = 0; t < yearTot.length; ++t) {
        System.out.printf("\t%7.1f", yearTot[t]);
总计:1335.9 1166.1 1198.6 1365.7 1543.3

{281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5},
{298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7, 0},
{362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1, 1, 2},
{393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0, 0.5}
int lengthoflongestaray=总体[0]。长度;
对于(int i=0;i长度{
对于(int i=0;i
说明: 为了避免混淆循环和奇特的逻辑,我创建了一个数组,它将保存名为result的计算结果

  • 步骤: 通过将这个结果数组的长度设置为population2d数组(aka.matrix)中行的最长长度,我们可以处理行长度不完全相同的情况(参见我注释掉的示例)

  • 步骤: 然后我们只需在2D数组中循环并求和值。当我们遍历2D数组中的一行时,我们可以从正在检查的行的“j”位置获取值,并将其添加到结果数组中“j”位置的值中

  • 干杯,

    Swing标记已删除—这个问题与Swing GUI编程有什么关系?首先,我将收集数据,然后创建输出—将数据与演示分离。第二,您是否被限制使用数组而不是实际的域对象?并且您不需要单独的for循环来创建总计。可以在当前嵌套for循环之前创建一个总计数组,并在嵌套for循环中增加该数组中已有的值。你只需要小心你使用的索引。把它写在纸上。我犯了一个错误,就是挥杆太熟练了。我已经有一段时间没有使用GUI了。我编辑了我的帖子,向你展示了我是如何在已有的循环中填充数组的。@KevinO我必须使用数组。你能解释一下你的答案吗?仅仅转储代码并没有多大帮助。请同意@pzaenger。答案转储对任何人都没有帮助。@pzaenger亲爱的,请再次检查:)感谢您为代码提供了像样的解释。非常棒的解释!非常感谢。
    // a 2d array, where row is for a given agent group, and column
    //  is for a given year
    static double population[][] = { { 281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5 },
            { 298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7 },
            { 362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1 },
            { 393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0 } };
    static int year[] = { 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, 2031 };
    static String ageGroup[] = { "15-19", "20-24", "25-29", "30-34", };
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // hold the totals
        double[] yearTot = new double[year.length]; // total by year
        double[] agTot = new double[ageGroup.length]; //total by ag
        double[] chngAG = new double[ageGroup.length]; //change
        // loop over every age group
        for (int ag = 0; ag < ageGroup.length; ++ag) {
            // get the population for the age group, which is
            // one row in the data
            double[] valsForAG = population[ag];
            // loop over every year, which a column in a given age group
            for (int yr = 0; yr < year.length; ++yr) {
                // get the specific value
                double valForAgInYear = valsForAG[yr];
                // add to the total for the year and to the age group value
                yearTot[yr] += valForAgInYear;
                agTot[ag] += valForAgInYear;
            } // for every year 
            int en = ageGroup.length;
            int st = 0;
            // after processing an age group, calculate the change
            chngAG[ag] = ( ( (valsForAG[en] - valsForAG[st]) /
                    valsForAG[st]) * 100);
        } // for every age group
        // do the output
        // header row
        System.out.printf("%10s", "");
        for (int y = 0; y < year.length; ++y) {
            System.out.printf("\t%7d", year[y]);
        System.out.printf("\t%10s%n", "%Change");
        // data
        for (int ag = 0; ag < ageGroup.length; ++ag) {
            System.out.printf("%10s", ageGroup[ag]);
            for (int yr = 0; yr < year.length; ++yr) {
                System.out.printf("\t%7.1f", population[ag][yr]);
            System.out.printf("%10.1f", chngAG[ag]);
        //output the totals
        System.out.printf("%10s", "Totals:");
        for (int t = 0; t < yearTot.length; ++t) {
            System.out.printf("\t%7.1f", yearTot[t]);
             2011   2016     2021    2026    2031    %Change
    15-19   281.0   296.0   325.0   371.0   384.5      36.8
    20-24   298.6   241.2   301.2   342.8   388.7      30.2
    25-29   362.9   284.1   276.8   353.6   395.1       8.9
    30-34   393.4   344.8   295.6   298.3   375.0      -4.7
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double population[][] = {{281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5}, {298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7}, {362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1}, {393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0}};
        //1. Step: Find the longest of the arrays
        //You need this if the length of the arrays is different, for example:
        double population[][] = {
         {281.0, 296.0, 325.0, 371.0, 384.5},
         {298.6, 241.2, 301.2, 342.8, 388.7, 0},
         {362.9, 284.1, 276.8, 353.6, 395.1, 1, 2},
         {393.4, 344.8, 295.6, 298.3, 375.0, 0.5}
        int lengthOfLongestArray = population[0].length;
        for(int i = 0; i < population.length; i++){
            if(population[i].length > lengthOfLongestArray){
                lengthOfLongestArray = population[i].length;
        //2. Step: calculate the sum
        double result[] = new double[lengthOfLongestArray];
        for(int i = 0; i < population.length; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < population[i].length; j++){
                result[j] += population[i][j];