Java 在对象中存储字节数组,然后将其转换为ObjectOutputStream?(卡住了)

Java 在对象中存储字节数组,然后将其转换为ObjectOutputStream?(卡住了),java,bytearray,objectoutputstream,Java,Bytearray,Objectoutputstream,我被这个问题困住了 我有一个FileDetails类,它存储文件的详细信息/元数据以及 字节数组中的完整文件。我想通过网络发送ObjectOutputStream中的FileDetails对象,接收者将在其中 简单读取文件并将其转换回FileDetails 代码如下: class FileDetails { private String fileName; private long fileSize; private byte[] fileData; publ


我有一个FileDetails类,它存储文件的详细信息/元数据以及 字节数组中的完整文件。我想通过网络发送ObjectOutputStream中的FileDetails对象,接收者将在其中 简单读取文件并将其转换回FileDetails


class FileDetails {

    private String fileName;
    private long fileSize;
    private byte[] fileData;

    public FileDetails(String fileName, long fileSize, byte[] fileData) {
        this.fileName = fileName;
        this.fileSize = fileSize;       
        this.fileData = fileData;

    public String getFileName() {
        return fileName;

    public long getFileSize() {
        return fileSize;

    public byte[] getFileData() {
        return fileData;


File file = new File("C://test.dat");
RandomAccessFile randFileAccess = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
byte[] buff = new byte[(int) file.length()];

FileDetails fd = new FileDetails(file.getname(), file.length(); buff);

FileOutputStream fos = = new FileOutputStream(C://oos.dat);
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
问题是文件“test.dat”非常大,一次将其完全读入缓冲区(非常大)不是最佳选择。我本来可以读这本书的 文件以块的形式放入缓冲区,但这需要我创建文件并将数据保存到磁盘中,我不能这样做,因为FileDetails对象采用字节数组

我怎样才能解决这个问题?我只希望使用这种方法,即将数据作为字节数组存储在FileDetails对象中,然后将其转换为ObjectOutputStream,因为我将添加 附加一个mp3文件作为ObjectOutStream文件的信息并通过internet发送


编辑:实际上我正在开发一款android应用程序。其中,它将文件的元数据与字节数组中的文件数据一起存储在FileDetails对象中。 此FileDetails对象转换为ObjectOutputStream文件。现在,在这个ObjectOutputStream文件前面附加了一个特定的mp3文件,用于识别该文件是由我的应用程序发送的。 此组合的mp3文件(包含“隐藏”的ObjectOutputStream文件)通过“流行”消息应用程序发送到接收器。 接收者通过他的“流行”消息应用程序下载mp3文件。现在我的应用程序开始运行了。它可以识别mp3文件。并从mp3文件中提取ObjectOutputStream文件。并将其转换回FileDetails,并使用其元数据检索原始文件。 我的方法正确吗?有没有其他方法可以识别我的附加/隐藏文件


是否可以将该类添加到接收器? 然后你可以试试这样的东西:

File file = new File("C://test.dat")
InputStream in = null;
   try {
     in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
     -> send over the network
    finally {
     if (in != null) {

FileDetails fd=newfiledetails(您刚刚创建的文件,…)



class FileDetails implements Serializable {
  private static final int CHUNK_LEN = 0x10000; // 64k
  private String fileName;
  private long fileSize;
  private File file;

  // Note: everything can be deduced from a File object
  public FileDetails(File file) {
    this.fileName = file.getName();
    this.fileSize = file.length();       
    this.file = file;

  public String getFileName() {
    return fileName;

  public long getFileSize() {
    return fileSize;

  // explicit coding for reading a FileDetails object
  private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
    throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    fileName = stream.readUTF();  // file name
    fileSize = stream.readLong(); // file size
    // file data as a series of byte[], length CHUNK_LEN
    long toRead = fileSize;
    // write file data to a File object, same path name
    file = new File( fileName );
    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( file );
    while( toRead > 0 ){
      // last byte arrays may be shorter than CHUNK_LEN
      int chunkLen = toRead > CHUNK_LEN ? CHUNK_LEN : (int)toRead;
      byte[] bytes = new byte[chunkLen];
      int nread = bytes );
      // write data to file
      os.write( bytes, 0, nread );
      toRead -= nread;

  // explicit coding for writing a FileDetails object
  private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream)
    throws IOException {
    stream.writeUTF( fileName );   // file name as an "UTF string"
    stream.writeLong( fileSize );  // file size
    // file data as a series of byte[], length CHUNK_LEN
    long toWrite = fileSize;
    // read file data from the File object passed to the constructor
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream( file );
    while( toWrite > 0 ){
      // last byte[] may be shorter than CHUNK_LEN
      int chunkLen = toWrite > CHUNK_LEN ? CHUNK_LEN : (int)toWrite;
      byte[] bytes = new byte[chunkLen];
      int nread = bytes );
      stream.write( bytes );
      toWrite -= nread;

  private void readObjectNoData()
    throws ObjectStreamException {

File file = new File( "test.dat" );
FileDetails fd = new FileDetails( file );
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("oos.dat");
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
oos.writeObject( fd );

// test on a local system: rename test.dat to avoid overwriting
file.renameTo( new File( "test.dat.sav" ) );

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("oos.dat");
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
FileDetails fd1 = (FileDetails)ois.readObject();
// now the file test.dat has been rewritten under the same path,
// i.e., test.dat exists again and test.dat.sav == test.dat


File file = new File( "test.dat" );
FileDetails fd = new FileDetails( file );
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("oos.dat");
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
oos.writeObject( fd );

// test on a local system: rename test.dat to avoid overwriting
file.renameTo( new File( "test.dat.sav" ) );

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("oos.dat");
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
FileDetails fd1 = (FileDetails)ois.readObject();
// now the file test.dat has been rewritten under the same path,
// i.e., test.dat exists again and test.dat.sav == test.dat