Java jvm选项-XX:+;SafepointTimeout-XX:SafepointTimeoutDelay外观不';行不通

Java jvm选项-XX:+;SafepointTimeout-XX:SafepointTimeoutDelay外观不';行不通,java,garbage-collection,jvm,jvm-arguments,jvm-hotspot,Java,Garbage Collection,Jvm,Jvm Arguments,Jvm Hotspot,我在jvm safepoint.log中的服务器上检测到长safepoints(>10秒!): 6534.953: no vm operation [ 353 0 4 ] [ 0 0 14179 0 0 ] 0 7241.410: RevokeBias [ 357 0

我在jvm safepoint.log中的服务器上检测到长safepoints(>10秒!):

6534.953: no vm operation                  [     353          0              4    ]      [     0     0 14179     0     0    ]  0
7241.410: RevokeBias                       [     357          0              1    ]      [     0     0 14621     0     0    ]  0
8501.278: BulkRevokeBias                   [     356          0              6    ]      [     0     0 13440     0     2    ]  0
9667.681: no vm operation                  [     349          0              8    ]      [     0     0 15236     0     0    ]  0
12094.170: G1IncCollectionPause             [     350          0              4    ]      [     0     0 15144     1    24    ]  0
13383.412: no vm operation                  [     348          0              4    ]      [     0     0 15783     0     0    ]  0
13444.109: RevokeBias                       [     349          0              2    ]      [     0     0 16084     0     0    ]  0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.202-b08) for linux-amd64 JRE (1.8.0_202-b08), built on Dec 15 2018 12:40:22 by "java_re" with gcc 7.3.0
在我的笔记本电脑上,我玩过-XX:SafepointTimeoutDelay=2 它工作良好,打印坏线程:

# SafepointSynchronize::begin: Timeout detected: 
# SafepointSynchronize::begin: (End of list)
<writer thread='11267'/>
         vmop                    [threads: total initially_running wait_to_block]    [time: spin block sync cleanup vmop] page_trap_count
567.766: BulkRevokeBias                   [      78          1              2    ]      [     0     6     6     0     0    ]  0
