Java 如何在JTable中使用JButton?

Java 如何在JTable中使用JButton?,java,swing,jtable,Java,Swing,Jtable,我一直试图在JTable中放置一个可点击的按钮,但我做得并不好 我正在使用ButtonColumn类来执行此操作,但是这些操作被忽略了-按钮正在显示,但单击时什么也没有发生 /** * The ButtonColumn class provides a renderer and an editor that looks like a * JButton. The renderer and editor will then be used for a specified column *



 *  The ButtonColumn class provides a renderer and an editor that looks like a
 *  JButton. The renderer and editor will then be used for a specified column
 *  in the table. The TableModel will contain the String to be displayed on
 *  the button.
 *  The button can be invoked by a mouse click or by pressing the space bar
 *  when the cell has focus. Optionally a mnemonic can be set to invoke the
 *  button. When the button is invoked the provided Action is invoked. The
 *  source of the Action will be the table. The action command will contain
 *  the model row number of the button that was clicked.
public class ButtonColumn extends AbstractCellEditor
    implements TableCellRenderer, TableCellEditor, ActionListener, MouseListener{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6737467999355167233L;
    private JTable table;
    private Action action;
    private int mnemonic;
    private Border originalBorder;
    private Border focusBorder;

    private JButton renderButton;
    private JButton editButton;
    private Object editorValue;
    private boolean isButtonColumnEditor;

     *  Create the ButtonColumn to be used as a renderer and editor. The
     *  renderer and editor will automatically be installed on the TableColumn
     *  of the specified column.
     *  @param table the table containing the button renderer/editor
     *  @param action the Action to be invoked when the button is invoked
     *  @param column the column to which the button renderer/editor is added
    public ButtonColumn(JTable table, Action action, int column)
        this.table = table;
        this.action = action;

        renderButton = new JButton();
        editButton = new JButton();
        editButton.setFocusPainted( false );
        editButton.addActionListener( this );
        originalBorder = editButton.getBorder();
        setFocusBorder( new LineBorder(Color.BLUE) );

        TableColumnModel columnModel = table.getColumnModel();
        columnModel.getColumn(column).setCellRenderer( this );
        columnModel.getColumn(column).setCellEditor( this );
        table.addMouseListener( this );

     *  Get foreground color of the button when the cell has focus
     *  @return the foreground color
    public Border getFocusBorder()
        return focusBorder;

     *  The foreground color of the button when the cell has focus
     *  @param focusBorder the foreground color
    public void setFocusBorder(Border focusBorder)
        this.focusBorder = focusBorder;
        editButton.setBorder( focusBorder );

    public int getMnemonic()
        return mnemonic;

     *  The mnemonic to activate the button when the cell has focus
     *  @param mnemonic the mnemonic
    public void setMnemonic(int mnemonic)
        this.mnemonic = mnemonic;

    public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(
        JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column)
        if (value == null)
            editButton.setText( "" );
            editButton.setIcon( null );
        else if (value instanceof Icon)
            editButton.setText( "" );
            editButton.setIcon( (Icon)value );
            editButton.setText( value.toString() );
            editButton.setIcon( null );

        this.editorValue = value;
        return editButton;

    public Object getCellEditorValue()
        return editorValue;

//  Implement TableCellRenderer interface
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
        JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column)
        if (isSelected)

        if (hasFocus)
            renderButton.setBorder( focusBorder );
            renderButton.setBorder( originalBorder );

//          renderButton.setText( (value == null) ? "" : value.toString() );
            if (value == null)
                renderButton.setText( "" );
                renderButton.setIcon( null );
            else if (value instanceof Icon)
                renderButton.setText( "" );
                renderButton.setIcon( (Icon)value );
                renderButton.setText( value.toString() );
                renderButton.setIcon( null );

            return renderButton;

    //  Implement ActionListener interface
         *  The button has been pressed. Stop editing and invoke the custom Action
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int row = table.convertRowIndexToModel( table.getEditingRow() );

            //  Invoke the Action

            ActionEvent event = new ActionEvent(
                "" + row);

    //  Implement MouseListener interface
         *  When the mouse is pressed the editor is invoked. If you then then drag
         *  the mouse to another cell before releasing it, the editor is still
         *  active. Make sure editing is stopped when the mouse is released.
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
            if (table.isEditing()
            &&  table.getCellEditor() == this)
                isButtonColumnEditor = true;

        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
            if (isButtonColumnEditor
            &&  table.isEditing())

            isButtonColumnEditor = false;

        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}

ButtonColumn deleteColumn = new ButtonColumn(eventTable, new AbstractAction(){
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            System.out.println("It works!!!!");
 }, 3);


eventTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                JTable target = (JTable)e.getSource();
                int row = target.getSelectedRow();
                int column = target.getSelectedColumn();
                System.out.println("Event table was clicked in row "+row+", column "+column);


