Java 替换二维对象数组的元素

Java 替换二维对象数组的元素,java,arrays,object,multidimensional-array,chess,Java,Arrays,Object,Multidimensional Array,Chess,我目前正在尝试用Java实现国际象棋,我想我会被一些非常琐碎的事情挂住,但我无法为自己的生活调试这个问题 假设我有一个二维数组中的'Piece'子类(Pawn、Rook、Knight等),简单的“=”符号赋值不足以将一个元素替换为另一个元素,对吗?因为,它只创建对原始对象的引用 例如,假设“field[][]”是一个8x8的实例化棋子数组,表示我将迭代的棋盘,以绘制到JLayeredPane上 field[dst_y][dst_x] = field[src_y][src_x];




    field[dst_y][dst_x] = field[src_y][src_x]; 
    field[src_y][src_x] = null;
    field[dst_y][dst_x].setPosition(dst_y, dst_x); 
    // setPosition(int, int) just sets instance variables of the piece subclasses 



public class Board {

    private static final Board INSTANCE = new Board();
    private static Piece[][] field = new Piece[8][8];
    private Board() {}
    public static Board getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;
    public static Piece[][] getField(){
        return field;
    public static void movePiece(int src_y, int src_x, int dst_y, int dst_x) {

        if(src_y != dst_y || src_x != dst_x) {
        field[dst_y][dst_x] = field[src_y][src_x]; 
        field[src_y][src_x] = null;
        field[dst_y][dst_x].setPosition(dst_y, dst_x);
    public static void init() {
        field[0][0] = new Rook(0, 0, true);
        field[0][1] = new Knight(0, 1, true);
        field[0][2] = new Bishop(0, 2, true);
        field[0][3] = new Queen(0, 3, true);
        field[0][4] = new King(0, 4, true);
        field[0][5] = new Bishop(0, 5, true);
        field[0][6] = new Knight(0, 6, true);
        field[0][7] = new Rook(0, 7, true);
        field[1][0] = new Pawn(1, 0, true);
        field[1][1] = new Pawn(1, 1, true);
        field[1][2] = new Pawn(1, 2, true);
        field[1][3] = new Pawn(1, 3, true);
        field[1][4] = new Pawn(1, 4, true);
        field[1][5] = new Pawn(1, 5, true);
        field[1][6] = new Pawn(1, 6, true);
        field[1][7] = new Pawn(1, 7, true);
        for(int i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                field[i][j] = null;
        field[7][0] = new Rook(7, 0, false);
        field[7][1] = new Knight(7, 1, false);
        field[7][2] = new Bishop(7, 2, false);
        field[7][3] = new Queen(7, 3, false);
        field[7][4] = new King(7, 4, false);
        field[7][5] = new Bishop(7, 5, false);
        field[7][6] = new Knight(7, 6, false);
        field[7][7] = new Rook(7, 7, false);
        field[6][0] = new Pawn(6, 0, false);
        field[6][1] = new Pawn(6, 1, false);
        field[6][2] = new Pawn(6, 2, false);
        field[6][3] = new Pawn(6, 3, false);
        field[6][4] = new Pawn(6, 4, false);
        field[6][5] = new Pawn(6, 5, false);
        field[6][6] = new Pawn(6, 6, false);
        field[6][7] = new Pawn(6, 7, false);
import java.lang.Math;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import java.awt.*;
public abstract class Piece implements MoveStrategy{

    private int x;
    private int y;
    private boolean white;
    public abstract ImageIcon getIcon();
    public Piece(int pos_y, int pos_x, boolean white) {
        setPosition(pos_y, pos_x);
    public int getX() {
        return this.x;
    public int getY() {
        return this.y;
    public void setPosition(int dst_y, int dst_x) {
        this.x = dst_x;
        this.y = dst_y;
    public boolean isWhite() {
        return this.white;
    private void setColor(boolean white) {
        this.white = white;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;

public class Pawn extends Piece {

    public Pawn(int pos_y, int pos_x, boolean white) {
        super(pos_y, pos_x, white);
    public ImageIcon getIcon() {
        ImageIcon icon = (this.isWhite() == true) ? new ImageIcon("WhitePawn.png") : new ImageIcon("BlackPawn.png");
        return icon;

    public boolean validateMove(int dst_x, int dst_y, Piece[][] field) {
        int x = this.getX();
        int y = this.getY();
        boolean iw = this.isWhite();
        // If either dst_x/y param is out of array bounds return false
        if(dst_x > 7 || dst_y > 7 || dst_x < 0 || dst_y < 0) {
            return false;
        // Logic if the piece is white
        if(iw) {
            // Can move two
            if(y == 1) {
                // If not moving horizontally, not moving more than 2 vertically, moving at least one space, and moving
                // into an open square, return true.
                if(x == dst_x && dst_y - y <= 2 && dst_y - y > 0 && field[dst_x][dst_y] == null)  return true;
                // If moving one diagonally into a spot occupied by the other team's piece, return true.
                if(Math.abs(x - dst_x) == 1 && dst_y == y + 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == false) return true;
            else {
                if(dst_x == x + 1 && dst_y == y + 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == false) return true;
                if(Math.abs(x - dst_x) == 1 && dst_y == y + 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == false) return true;

        // Logic if the piece is black
        else {
            // Calculations same as above but for black pieces
            if(y == 6) {
                if(x == dst_x && y - dst_y <= 2 && y - dst_y > 0 && field[dst_x][dst_y] == null)  return true;
                if(Math.abs(dst_x - x) == 1 && dst_y - y == 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == true) return true;

            else {
                if(x == dst_x && y - dst_y == 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] == null)  return true;
                if(Math.abs(dst_x - x) == 1 && dst_y - y == 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == true) return true;
        return false;
    public String toString() {
        String s = "Type: Pawn" + " Position (" + this.getX() + ", " + this.getY() + ")";
        return s;


public class Board {

    private static final Board INSTANCE = new Board();
    private static Piece[][] field = new Piece[8][8];
    private Board() {}
    public static Board getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;
    public static Piece[][] getField(){
        return field;
    public static void movePiece(int src_y, int src_x, int dst_y, int dst_x) {

        if(src_y != dst_y || src_x != dst_x) {
        field[dst_y][dst_x] = field[src_y][src_x]; 
        field[src_y][src_x] = null;
        field[dst_y][dst_x].setPosition(dst_y, dst_x);
    public static void init() {
        field[0][0] = new Rook(0, 0, true);
        field[0][1] = new Knight(0, 1, true);
        field[0][2] = new Bishop(0, 2, true);
        field[0][3] = new Queen(0, 3, true);
        field[0][4] = new King(0, 4, true);
        field[0][5] = new Bishop(0, 5, true);
        field[0][6] = new Knight(0, 6, true);
        field[0][7] = new Rook(0, 7, true);
        field[1][0] = new Pawn(1, 0, true);
        field[1][1] = new Pawn(1, 1, true);
        field[1][2] = new Pawn(1, 2, true);
        field[1][3] = new Pawn(1, 3, true);
        field[1][4] = new Pawn(1, 4, true);
        field[1][5] = new Pawn(1, 5, true);
        field[1][6] = new Pawn(1, 6, true);
        field[1][7] = new Pawn(1, 7, true);
        for(int i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
                field[i][j] = null;
        field[7][0] = new Rook(7, 0, false);
        field[7][1] = new Knight(7, 1, false);
        field[7][2] = new Bishop(7, 2, false);
        field[7][3] = new Queen(7, 3, false);
        field[7][4] = new King(7, 4, false);
        field[7][5] = new Bishop(7, 5, false);
        field[7][6] = new Knight(7, 6, false);
        field[7][7] = new Rook(7, 7, false);
        field[6][0] = new Pawn(6, 0, false);
        field[6][1] = new Pawn(6, 1, false);
        field[6][2] = new Pawn(6, 2, false);
        field[6][3] = new Pawn(6, 3, false);
        field[6][4] = new Pawn(6, 4, false);
        field[6][5] = new Pawn(6, 5, false);
        field[6][6] = new Pawn(6, 6, false);
        field[6][7] = new Pawn(6, 7, false);
import java.lang.Math;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import java.awt.*;
public abstract class Piece implements MoveStrategy{

    private int x;
    private int y;
    private boolean white;
    public abstract ImageIcon getIcon();
    public Piece(int pos_y, int pos_x, boolean white) {
        setPosition(pos_y, pos_x);
    public int getX() {
        return this.x;
    public int getY() {
        return this.y;
    public void setPosition(int dst_y, int dst_x) {
        this.x = dst_x;
        this.y = dst_y;
    public boolean isWhite() {
        return this.white;
    private void setColor(boolean white) {
        this.white = white;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;

public class Pawn extends Piece {

    public Pawn(int pos_y, int pos_x, boolean white) {
        super(pos_y, pos_x, white);
    public ImageIcon getIcon() {
        ImageIcon icon = (this.isWhite() == true) ? new ImageIcon("WhitePawn.png") : new ImageIcon("BlackPawn.png");
        return icon;

    public boolean validateMove(int dst_x, int dst_y, Piece[][] field) {
        int x = this.getX();
        int y = this.getY();
        boolean iw = this.isWhite();
        // If either dst_x/y param is out of array bounds return false
        if(dst_x > 7 || dst_y > 7 || dst_x < 0 || dst_y < 0) {
            return false;
        // Logic if the piece is white
        if(iw) {
            // Can move two
            if(y == 1) {
                // If not moving horizontally, not moving more than 2 vertically, moving at least one space, and moving
                // into an open square, return true.
                if(x == dst_x && dst_y - y <= 2 && dst_y - y > 0 && field[dst_x][dst_y] == null)  return true;
                // If moving one diagonally into a spot occupied by the other team's piece, return true.
                if(Math.abs(x - dst_x) == 1 && dst_y == y + 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == false) return true;
            else {
                if(dst_x == x + 1 && dst_y == y + 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == false) return true;
                if(Math.abs(x - dst_x) == 1 && dst_y == y + 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == false) return true;

        // Logic if the piece is black
        else {
            // Calculations same as above but for black pieces
            if(y == 6) {
                if(x == dst_x && y - dst_y <= 2 && y - dst_y > 0 && field[dst_x][dst_y] == null)  return true;
                if(Math.abs(dst_x - x) == 1 && dst_y - y == 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == true) return true;

            else {
                if(x == dst_x && y - dst_y == 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] == null)  return true;
                if(Math.abs(dst_x - x) == 1 && dst_y - y == 1 && field[dst_x][dst_y] != null && field[dst_x][dst_y].isWhite() == true) return true;
        return false;
    public String toString() {
        String s = "Type: Pawn" + " Position (" + this.getX() + ", " + this.getY() + ")";
        return s;

