Javascript removeEventListener不工作

Javascript removeEventListener不工作,javascript,events,addeventlistener,Javascript,Events,Addeventlistener,我有以下代码来添加eventListener area.addEventListener('click',function(event) { app.addSpot(event.clientX,event.clientY); app.addFlag = 1; },true); 正如预期的那样,它工作正常。稍后在另一个函数中,我尝试使用以下代码删除事件侦听器 area.removeEventListener('cli


 area.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
              app.addFlag = 1;

 area.removeEventListener('click',function(event) {
              app.addFlag = 1;


function areaClicked(event) {
    app.addSpot(event.clientX, event.clientY);
    app.addFlag = 1;

area.addEventListener('click', areaClicked, true);
// ...
area.removeEventListener('click', areaClicked, true);


function foo(event) {
              app.addFlag = 1;





var handler = function(event) {
              app.addFlag = 1;
area.addEventListener('click', handler,true);

area.removeEventListener('click', handler,true);


function yourFunction () {
    var app;

    function waitListen () {
        waitExecute(app, waitListen);

    area.addEventListener('click', waitListen, true);

function waitExecute (app, waitListen) {
    ... // other code
    area.removeEventListener('click', waitListen, true);




//Event handler constants

function EventHandlerConstants()
this.SUCCESS = 0;   //Signals success of an event handler function
this.NOTFUNCTION = 1;   //actualHandler argument passed to MakeEventHandler() is not a Function object

//End constructor



//actualHandler : reference to the actual function to be called as the true event handler

//selfObject    : reference to whatever object is intended to be referenced via the "this" keyword within
//          the true event handler. Set to NULL if no such object is needed by your true
//          event handler specified in the actualHandler argument above.

//args      : array containing the arguments to be passed to the true event handler, so that the true
//          event handler can be written with named arguments, such as:

//          myEventHandler(event, arg1, arg2, ... )

//          If your function doesn't need any arguments, pass an empty array, namely [], as the
//          value of this argument.


//c = new EventHandlerConstants();
//res = MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args);
//if (res == c.SUCCESS)
//  element.addEventListener(eventType, res.actualHandler, true);   //or whatever

function MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args)
var c = new EventHandlerConstants();

var funcReturn = null;      //This will contain a reference to the actual function generated and passed back to
                //the caller

var res = {
        "status" : c.SUCCESS,
        "actualHandler" : null

if (IsGenuineObject(actualHandler, Function))
    res.actualHandler = function(event) {

        var trueArgs = [event].concat(args);

        actualHandler.apply(selfObject, trueArgs);


    res.status = c.NOTFUNCTION;

//End if/else

//Return our result object with appropriate properties set ...


//End function
<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- CSS goes here -->

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NewEventTest.css">

<!-- Required JavaScript library files -->

<script language = "JavaScript" src="BasicSupport.js"></script>
<script language = "JavaScript" src="EventHandler6.js"></script>


<body class="StdC" id="MainApplication">

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button1">Try Me Out</button>

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button2">Alter The 1st Button</button>


<script language = "JavaScript" src="NewEventTest.js"></script>


function GlobalVariables()
this.TmpRef1 = null;
this.TmpRef2 = null;
this.TmpRef3 = null;

this.Const1 = null;

this.Handler1 = null;
this.Handler2 = null;
this.Handler3 = null;

this.EventOptions = {"passive" : true, "capture" : true };

//End constructor

//Button 1 Initial function

function Button1Initial(event)
console.log("Button 1 initial event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button1Final(event)
console.log("Button 1 final event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button2Handler(event, oldFunc, newFunc)
var funcRef = null;

this.removeEventListener("click", oldFunc);
this.addEventListener("click", newFunc, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End event handler

//Application Setup

GLOBALS = new GlobalVariables();

GLOBALS.Const1 = new EventHandlerConstants();

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Initial, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef2.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler1 = GLOBALS.TmpRef2.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Final, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef1.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler3 = GLOBALS.TmpRef1.actualHandler;

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button2");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef3 = Button1Final;
GLOBALS.TmpRef4 = MakeEventHandler(Button2Handler, GLOBALS.TmpRef2, [GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.Handler3]);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef4.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler2 = GLOBALS.TmpRef4.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler2, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if


//Event handler constants

function EventHandlerConstants()
this.SUCCESS = 0;   //Signals success of an event handler function
this.NOTFUNCTION = 1;   //actualHandler argument passed to MakeEventHandler() is not a Function object

//End constructor



//actualHandler : reference to the actual function to be called as the true event handler

//selfObject    : reference to whatever object is intended to be referenced via the "this" keyword within
//          the true event handler. Set to NULL if no such object is needed by your true
//          event handler specified in the actualHandler argument above.

//args      : array containing the arguments to be passed to the true event handler, so that the true
//          event handler can be written with named arguments, such as:

//          myEventHandler(event, arg1, arg2, ... )

//          If your function doesn't need any arguments, pass an empty array, namely [], as the
//          value of this argument.


//c = new EventHandlerConstants();
//res = MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args);
//if (res == c.SUCCESS)
//  element.addEventListener(eventType, res.actualHandler, true);   //or whatever

function MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args)
var c = new EventHandlerConstants();

var funcReturn = null;      //This will contain a reference to the actual function generated and passed back to
                //the caller

var res = {
        "status" : c.SUCCESS,
        "actualHandler" : null

if (IsGenuineObject(actualHandler, Function))
    res.actualHandler = function(event) {

        var trueArgs = [event].concat(args);

        actualHandler.apply(selfObject, trueArgs);


    res.status = c.NOTFUNCTION;

//End if/else

//Return our result object with appropriate properties set ...


//End function
<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- CSS goes here -->

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NewEventTest.css">

<!-- Required JavaScript library files -->

<script language = "JavaScript" src="BasicSupport.js"></script>
<script language = "JavaScript" src="EventHandler6.js"></script>


<body class="StdC" id="MainApplication">

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button1">Try Me Out</button>

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button2">Alter The 1st Button</button>


<script language = "JavaScript" src="NewEventTest.js"></script>


function GlobalVariables()
this.TmpRef1 = null;
this.TmpRef2 = null;
this.TmpRef3 = null;

this.Const1 = null;

this.Handler1 = null;
this.Handler2 = null;
this.Handler3 = null;

this.EventOptions = {"passive" : true, "capture" : true };

//End constructor

//Button 1 Initial function

function Button1Initial(event)
console.log("Button 1 initial event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button1Final(event)
console.log("Button 1 final event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button2Handler(event, oldFunc, newFunc)
var funcRef = null;

this.removeEventListener("click", oldFunc);
this.addEventListener("click", newFunc, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End event handler

//Application Setup

GLOBALS = new GlobalVariables();

GLOBALS.Const1 = new EventHandlerConstants();

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Initial, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef2.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler1 = GLOBALS.TmpRef2.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Final, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef1.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler3 = GLOBALS.TmpRef1.actualHandler;

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button2");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef3 = Button1Final;
GLOBALS.TmpRef4 = MakeEventHandler(Button2Handler, GLOBALS.TmpRef2, [GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.Handler3]);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef4.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler2 = GLOBALS.TmpRef4.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler2, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if

//Event handler constants

function EventHandlerConstants()
this.SUCCESS = 0;   //Signals success of an event handler function
this.NOTFUNCTION = 1;   //actualHandler argument passed to MakeEventHandler() is not a Function object

//End constructor



//actualHandler : reference to the actual function to be called as the true event handler

//selfObject    : reference to whatever object is intended to be referenced via the "this" keyword within
//          the true event handler. Set to NULL if no such object is needed by your true
//          event handler specified in the actualHandler argument above.

//args      : array containing the arguments to be passed to the true event handler, so that the true
//          event handler can be written with named arguments, such as:

//          myEventHandler(event, arg1, arg2, ... )

//          If your function doesn't need any arguments, pass an empty array, namely [], as the
//          value of this argument.


//c = new EventHandlerConstants();
//res = MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args);
//if (res == c.SUCCESS)
//  element.addEventListener(eventType, res.actualHandler, true);   //or whatever

function MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args)
var c = new EventHandlerConstants();

var funcReturn = null;      //This will contain a reference to the actual function generated and passed back to
                //the caller

var res = {
        "status" : c.SUCCESS,
        "actualHandler" : null

if (IsGenuineObject(actualHandler, Function))
    res.actualHandler = function(event) {

        var trueArgs = [event].concat(args);

        actualHandler.apply(selfObject, trueArgs);


    res.status = c.NOTFUNCTION;

//End if/else

//Return our result object with appropriate properties set ...


//End function
<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- CSS goes here -->

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NewEventTest.css">

<!-- Required JavaScript library files -->

<script language = "JavaScript" src="BasicSupport.js"></script>
<script language = "JavaScript" src="EventHandler6.js"></script>


<body class="StdC" id="MainApplication">

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button1">Try Me Out</button>

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button2">Alter The 1st Button</button>


<script language = "JavaScript" src="NewEventTest.js"></script>


function GlobalVariables()
this.TmpRef1 = null;
this.TmpRef2 = null;
this.TmpRef3 = null;

this.Const1 = null;

this.Handler1 = null;
this.Handler2 = null;
this.Handler3 = null;

this.EventOptions = {"passive" : true, "capture" : true };

//End constructor

//Button 1 Initial function

function Button1Initial(event)
console.log("Button 1 initial event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button1Final(event)
console.log("Button 1 final event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button2Handler(event, oldFunc, newFunc)
var funcRef = null;

this.removeEventListener("click", oldFunc);
this.addEventListener("click", newFunc, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End event handler

//Application Setup

GLOBALS = new GlobalVariables();

GLOBALS.Const1 = new EventHandlerConstants();

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Initial, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef2.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler1 = GLOBALS.TmpRef2.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Final, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef1.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler3 = GLOBALS.TmpRef1.actualHandler;

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button2");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef3 = Button1Final;
GLOBALS.TmpRef4 = MakeEventHandler(Button2Handler, GLOBALS.TmpRef2, [GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.Handler3]);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef4.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler2 = GLOBALS.TmpRef4.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler2, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if

//Event handler constants

function EventHandlerConstants()
this.SUCCESS = 0;   //Signals success of an event handler function
this.NOTFUNCTION = 1;   //actualHandler argument passed to MakeEventHandler() is not a Function object

//End constructor



//actualHandler : reference to the actual function to be called as the true event handler

//selfObject    : reference to whatever object is intended to be referenced via the "this" keyword within
//          the true event handler. Set to NULL if no such object is needed by your true
//          event handler specified in the actualHandler argument above.

//args      : array containing the arguments to be passed to the true event handler, so that the true
//          event handler can be written with named arguments, such as:

//          myEventHandler(event, arg1, arg2, ... )

//          If your function doesn't need any arguments, pass an empty array, namely [], as the
//          value of this argument.


//c = new EventHandlerConstants();
//res = MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args);
//if (res == c.SUCCESS)
//  element.addEventListener(eventType, res.actualHandler, true);   //or whatever

function MakeEventHandler(actualHandler, selfObject, args)
var c = new EventHandlerConstants();

var funcReturn = null;      //This will contain a reference to the actual function generated and passed back to
                //the caller

var res = {
        "status" : c.SUCCESS,
        "actualHandler" : null

if (IsGenuineObject(actualHandler, Function))
    res.actualHandler = function(event) {

        var trueArgs = [event].concat(args);

        actualHandler.apply(selfObject, trueArgs);


    res.status = c.NOTFUNCTION;

//End if/else

//Return our result object with appropriate properties set ...


//End function
<!DOCTYPE html>

<!-- CSS goes here -->

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="NewEventTest.css">

<!-- Required JavaScript library files -->

<script language = "JavaScript" src="BasicSupport.js"></script>
<script language = "JavaScript" src="EventHandler6.js"></script>


<body class="StdC" id="MainApplication">

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button1">Try Me Out</button>

<button type="button" class="StdC NoSwipe" id="Button2">Alter The 1st Button</button>


<script language = "JavaScript" src="NewEventTest.js"></script>


function GlobalVariables()
this.TmpRef1 = null;
this.TmpRef2 = null;
this.TmpRef3 = null;

this.Const1 = null;

this.Handler1 = null;
this.Handler2 = null;
this.Handler3 = null;

this.EventOptions = {"passive" : true, "capture" : true };

//End constructor

//Button 1 Initial function

function Button1Initial(event)
console.log("Button 1 initial event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button1Final(event)
console.log("Button 1 final event handler triggered");

//End event handler

function Button2Handler(event, oldFunc, newFunc)
var funcRef = null;

this.removeEventListener("click", oldFunc);
this.addEventListener("click", newFunc, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End event handler

//Application Setup

GLOBALS = new GlobalVariables();

GLOBALS.Const1 = new EventHandlerConstants();

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Initial, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef2.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler1 = GLOBALS.TmpRef2.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = MakeEventHandler(Button1Final, null, []);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef1.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler3 = GLOBALS.TmpRef1.actualHandler;

//End if

GLOBALS.TmpRef1 = document.getElementById("Button2");
GLOBALS.TmpRef2 = document.getElementById("Button1");
GLOBALS.TmpRef3 = Button1Final;
GLOBALS.TmpRef4 = MakeEventHandler(Button2Handler, GLOBALS.TmpRef2, [GLOBALS.Handler1, GLOBALS.Handler3]);
if (GLOBALS.TmpRef4.status == GLOBALS.Const1.SUCCESS)
    GLOBALS.Handler2 = GLOBALS.TmpRef4.actualHandler;
    GLOBALS.TmpRef1.addEventListener("click", GLOBALS.Handler2, GLOBALS.EventOptions);

//End if
[1] 将单击事件处理程序附加到按钮#1

[2] 测试查看当我单击按钮时是否调用了事件处理程序

[3] 测试通过后,单击按钮#2并调用附加到按钮#1的事件处理程序,该程序将删除附加到按钮#1的旧事件处理程序,然后将其替换为新事件处理程序











按钮1初始事件处理程序已触发 按钮1最终事件处理程序已触发





export default class iFrameRoute extends Route {

      afterModel(model) {

           this.initFrame = function(event) {  
               alert("I am being called");

               window.removeEventListener("message",  this.route.test); 

           }.bind({route: this, data: model});

           window.addEventListener("message",  this.initFrame ); 

我有一个数据分页的系统,这个函数提供了许多信息来创建表和插入新的寄存器,因此,在任何导航中,我必须在add按钮上添加eventlistener,我发现最好的方法是在add eventlistener之前销毁元素并再次创建,这对我来说很好

,但我如何传递参数(此处为event)这就是为什么我使用匿名函数它是通过浏览器传递的。不管你是否单独定义函数。警告:我发现我的方法有什么问题。removeEventListener()方法仅适用于命名函数。它不适用于匿名函数!当我编辑代码以考虑到这一点时,一切都按计划进行。您必须在闭包中定义一个命名函数,并使用闭包传递的参数返回对其实例的引用。执行此操作,removeEventListener()将完美工作。+1 True<代码>绑定(此)