Javascript 避免在拉斐尔无意中拖动

Javascript 避免在拉斐尔无意中拖动,javascript,raphael,Javascript,Raphael,在这里,我有一个拉斐尔画布与一个矩形,可以点击或拖动 如果您将鼠标移动到矩形,然后单击它,您可以稍微移动它(文本将显示)。我需要在我的应用程序中处理单击,并在用户打算单击时忽略拖动运动。例如,仅当阻力大于(比如)5 px时,我才需要启用阻力。如果只是想点击,有没有办法让拉斐尔不移动矩形 var paper = Raphael("canvas", 600, 600); var title = this.paper.text(50, 10, 'click on the square'); var


如果您将鼠标移动到矩形,然后单击它,您可以稍微移动它(文本将显示)。我需要在我的应用程序中处理单击,并在用户打算单击时忽略拖动运动。例如,仅当阻力大于(比如)5 px时,我才需要启用阻力。如果只是想点击,有没有办法让拉斐尔不移动矩形

var paper = Raphael("canvas", 600, 600); 
var title = this.paper.text(50, 10, 'click on the square');
var rect = this.paper.rect(20, 20, 30, 30);
rect.attr('fill', 'black')

var start = function () {
      this.odx = 0;
      this.ody = 0;
move = function (dx, dy) {
      title.attr('text', 'mouse moved')
      this.translate(dx - this.odx, dy - this.ody);
      this.odx = dx;
      this.ody = dy;
up = function () {};

rect.drag(move, start, up);

      title.attr('text', 'mouse down')      

var paper = Raphael("canvas", 600, 600); 
var title = this.paper.text(50, 10, 'click on the square');
var rect = this.paper.rect(20, 20, 30, 30);
var PX_TO_IGNORE = 5; // pixels to ignore

rect.attr('fill', 'black')

var start = function () {
      this.odx = 0;
      this.ody = 0;
      this.initialCor = null;
move = function (dx, dy) {
  // check if not initialized(if it`s first click)
  if(this.initialCor == null) {
    this.initialCor = {x: dx, y: dy};

  // ignore PX_TO_IGNORE pixels(basically circle with radius PX_TO_IGNORE)
  if(distance(this.initialCor.x, dx, this.initialCor.y, dy) < PX_TO_IGNORE ) {

  title.attr('text', 'mouse moved')

  this.translate(dx - this.odx, dy - this.ody);
  this.odx = dx;
  this.ody = dy; 
up = function () {
  title.attr('text', 'mouse up')

rect.drag(move, start, up);

  title.attr('text', 'mouse down')      

// helper function to calcuate distance between two coordinates
function distance(x1,x2,y1,y2) {
    return Math.sqrt( Math.pow((x1-x2), 2) + Math.pow((y1-y2), 2) );
var paper=Raphael(“画布”,600600); var title=this.paper.text(50,10,'点击方框'); var rect=this.paper.rect(20,20,30,30); 变量PX_至_忽略=5;//要忽略的像素 rect.attr('fill','black') var start=函数(){ 这是0.odx=0; 该值为0; this.initialCor=null; }, 移动=功能(dx,dy){ //检查是否未初始化(如果是首次单击) 如果(this.initialCor==null){ this.initialCor={x:dx,y:dy}; 返回; } //忽略像素(基本上是以半径PX_到_忽略的圆) if(距离(此.initialCor.x,dx,此.initialCor.y,dy)
