Javascript 我能';不要将我的简单html/css/JS网站部署到heroku

Javascript 我能';不要将我的简单html/css/JS网站部署到heroku,javascript,html,css,git,heroku,Javascript,Html,Css,Git,Heroku,这是帮助解决此问题的命令提示符的屏幕截图 I can't deploy my simple static website to heroku. please help me. these are the commands that I used: heroku login cd my-project/ git init heroku git:remote -a quiz-game-heroku git add . git commit -am "first"


I can't deploy my simple static website to heroku. please help me.
these are the commands that I  used:

 heroku login

 cd my-project/
 git init
 heroku git:remote -a quiz-game-heroku

 git add .
 git commit -am "first"
git push heroku master
