Javascript 如何替换所有这样的特殊字符?

Javascript 如何替换所有这样的特殊字符?,javascript,regex,Javascript,Regex,因为我想使用angular.js这样的表达式使用: 您可以指定一个函数作为第二个参数。在这种情况下,将在执行匹配后调用该函数。函数的结果(返回值)将用作替换字符串。请注意,如果第一个参数中的正则表达式是全局的,则对于要替换的每个完整匹配,将多次调用该函数。” 函数的参数如下所示: 使用字符串。替换(/[^a-z0-9]+//g',)@Andreas重新打开。 var x = "Hello World {{ 10 + 5 }} {{ 5 - 4 }} "; x = x.replace( "{{"




var x = "Hello World {{ 10 + 5 }} {{ 5 - 4 }} ";

x = x.replace( "{{"+/* text */+"}}" , eval( /* text */) );

alert(x); // It's output should be " Hello World 15 1 ";

// How I do this with regEx and eval function;
Possible name | Supplied value ---------------|-------------------------------------------------------- match | The matched substring. (Corresponds to $& above.) | p1, p2, ... | The nth parenthesized submatch string, provided | the first argument to replace() was a RegExp object. | (Corresponds to $1, $2, etc. above.) For example, | if /(\a+)(\b+)/, was given, p1 is the match for \a+, | and p2 for \b+. | offset | The offset of the matched substring within the whole | string being examined. (For example, if the whole | string was 'abcd', and the matched substring was 'bc', | then this argument will be 1.) | string | The whole string being examined.