




// *** Use JavaScript best practices ***
// *** This means that the HTML and the CSS are not to be edited at all ***
// *** No <script> tags are to be added to the HTML ***
// *** No inline JavaScript is to be added to the HTML ***
// *** The CSS is to be left alone, no changes are allowed ***

// Step 1: Create the ONLOAD event so that the function prepareTips() runs once the page has finished loading
window.onload = prepareTips;

// Step 2: Declare the prepareTips() function
function prepareTips() {

    // Step 3: Scan the document looking for all anchor tags
    var arrAnchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    // Step 4: Handle browsers that DON'T SUPPORT EITHER CSS OR JAVASCRIPT. 
    // *** If this is the case, the tooltips are hidden and the links open to the Wikipedia pages ***
    if(!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;

    //*** If the browser supports both CSS and JavaScript, the prepareTips() function does the following: ***

    // Step 5: Loop thru all the anchor tags and assigning the events to be handled for all of the links/tooltips
    for (var i=0; i<arrAnchors.length; i++) {

        // Step 6: Bind the showTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOVER event
         arrAnchors.onmouseover = showTip;

        // Step 7: Bind the hideTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOUT event
         arrAnchors.onmouseout = hideTip;

        // Step 8: Bind the showTip() function to the onclick event
        arrAnchors.onclick = showTip;

// *** NOTE: Tooltip triggers are anchor tags and contain the class "tip" ***
// *** NOTE: The .tip class is applied without the use of JavaScript ***
// *** NOTE: The .tip span class formats the tooltip spans but hides them by default.  This is applied without JavaScript ***

// Step 9: Create a separate function called showtip()
function showTip() {

    // Step 10: When an onclick event for a link happens, cancel the default behavior of the link.
    // *** The browser does not go to the URL value contained in the HREF ***
    // *** So the links do nothing when clicked (i.e. return false) instead of going to the Wikipedia page of the guitar player ***
      var arrLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

          for (var i=0; i<arrLinks.length; i++) {
            arrLinks[i].onlick = function() {
            return false;

    // Step 11: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.showTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.showTip class in the CSS file simply overrides the display property, showing the tooltip span as a block element ***
    // *** This is to be applied using JavaScript (no other properties of the .tip span.showTip will be changed) ***
          arrLinks[i].className === 'showTip';

    // Step 12: Show the associated tooltip when an onmouseover event for a link occurs
    // *** The tooltip that is displayed is the text between the <span>Tooltip text here</span> tags ***
    // *** For example: The tooltip to be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the Randy Rhoads link is: "Randy Rhoads blah blah blah" ***
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags ***
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span ***
          var tooltip = arrLinks[i].setAttribute('title', arrLinks[i].childName['span'].nodeValue);

// Step 13: Create a separate function called hideTip()
function hideTip() {

    // Step 14: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.hideTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.hideTip class in the CSS file sets the display property back to none, hiding the tooltip ***
      var hideTips = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    // Step 15: Hide the associated tooltip when the mouseout event for the links occurs.
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags ***
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span ***
      hideTips[i].className === 'hideTip';
var arrAnchors=document.getElementsByTagName('a');

对于(var i=0;i快速浏览一下就会发现,当浏览器不能使用JS/CSS时,返回false


我假设您正在谈论从span text在工具提示上显示文本,而不是将文本输入span以在锚定标记的工具提示上显示。 你没有在标题栏中输入span文本,你甚至没有在onload函数中正确地提到函数。你会更好地了解下面代码中的小错误和更正。请注释你的js代码,并将此js代码放入其中

// *** Use JavaScript best practices ***
// *** This means that the HTML and the CSS are not to be edited at all ***
// *** No <script> tags are to be added to the HTML ***
// *** No inline JavaScript is to be added to the HTML ***
// *** The CSS is to be left alone, no changes are allowed ***

// Step 1: Create the ONLOAD event so that the function prepareTips() runs once the page has finished loading
window.onload = prepareTips;

// Step 2: Declare the prepareTips() function
function prepareTips() {

    // Step 3: Scan the document looking for all anchor tags
    var arrAnchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    // Step 4: Handle browsers that DON'T SUPPORT EITHER CSS OR JAVASCRIPT. 
    // *** If this is the case, the tooltips are hidden and the links open to the Wikipedia pages ***
    if(!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;

    //*** If the browser supports both CSS and JavaScript, the prepareTips() function does the following: ***

    // Step 5: Loop thru all the anchor tags and assigning the events to be handled for all of the links/tooltips
    for (var i=0; i<arrAnchors.length; i++) {

        // Step 6: Bind the showTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOVER event
         arrAnchors.onmouseover = showTip();

        // Step 7: Bind the hideTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOUT event
         arrAnchors.onmouseout = hideTip();

        // Step 8: Bind the showTip() function to the onclick event
        arrAnchors.onclick = showTip();

// *** NOTE: Tooltip triggers are anchor tags and contain the class "tip" ***
// *** NOTE: The .tip class is applied without the use of JavaScript ***
// *** NOTE: The .tip span class formats the tooltip spans but hides them by default.  This is applied without JavaScript ***

// Step 9: Create a separate function called showtip()
function showTip() {

    // Step 10: When an onclick event for a link happens, cancel the default behavior of the link.
    // *** The browser does not go to the URL value contained in the HREF ***
    // *** So the links do nothing when clicked (i.e. return false) instead of going to the Wikipedia page of the guitar player ***
      var arrLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

          for (var i=0; i<arrLinks.length; i++) {
            arrLinks[i].onlick = function() {
            return false;

    // Step 11: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.showTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.showTip class in the CSS file simply overrides the display property, showing the tooltip span as a block element ***
    // *** This is to be applied using JavaScript (no other properties of the .tip span.showTip will be changed) ***
          arrLinks[i].className === 'showTip';

    // Step 12: Show the associated tooltip when an onmouseover event for a link occurs
    // *** The tooltip that is displayed is the text between the <span>Tooltip text here</span> tags ***
    // *** For example: The tooltip to be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the Randy Rhoads link is: "Randy Rhoads blah blah blah" ***
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags ***
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span ***
          arrLinks[i].setAttribute('title', arrLinks[i].childNodes[1].innerHTML);

// Step 13: Create a separate function called hideTip()
function hideTip() {

    // Step 14: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.hideTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.hideTip class in the CSS file sets the display property back to none, hiding the tooltip ***
      var hideTips = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    // Step 15: Hide the associated tooltip when the mouseout event for the links occurs.
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags ***
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span ***
      hideTips[i].className === 'hideTip';
var arrAnchors=document.getElementsByTagName('a');
对于(var i=0;i为什么要使用“css”和“javascript”来显示工具LTIP和隐藏工具提示。在html中显示url上的工具提示非常简单。只需更改我在下面编写的代码中的几行即可。您不需要使用css和javascript

<a href="" title="go to randy rhoad wikipedia  page">Randy Rhoads
<a href="" title="go to Tv Tabor wikipedia page">Ty Tabor
<a href="" title="go to Andy Timmons wikipedia page">Andy Timmons
<a href="" title="go to Joe Bonamassa wikipedia page">Joe Bonamassa
Randy Rhoads

是一个比较运算符,而不是赋值运算符。更重要的是,在运行代码时发布错误消息(检查浏览器的JavaScript错误控制台)。很抱歉,当我使用文本编辑器对文本应用粗体时,添加了额外的星号。我收到的唯一错误消息是:“TypeError:function prepareTips并不总是返回值”我认为这里有很多错误代码,但我不知道如何修复这些错误。我不明白有人想重新发明轮子。当你在javascript工具提示解决方案上搜索时,你会找到你想要的。另外,尝试使用jQuery,它会让你的生活分配更容易,并且有更多的插件可用。不能吗还没有使用jQuery…这是为了上课…我们还没有学习jQuery…我是一个完全的新手非常好的观点:)我所知道的是,在课堂上,我的老师说如果(!document.getElementByID)或者类似的东西,然后返回false。这是我唯一的方法know@HoppedUpDesigns你的老师很可能是一个无知的新手,只会做一本由同样业余的作家写的书中所说的事情。你只需要做我在大学里做的事情:按照他们在课堂上展示给你的方式做,然后在课堂上用正确的方式做我根本无法更改HTML或CSS(请参阅Javascript代码顶部的注释)。所有操作都必须在外部Javascript文件中完成。
// *** Use JavaScript best practices ***
// *** This means that the HTML and the CSS are not to be edited at all ***
// *** No <script> tags are to be added to the HTML ***
// *** No inline JavaScript is to be added to the HTML ***
// *** The CSS is to be left alone, no changes are allowed ***

// Step 1: Create the ONLOAD event so that the function prepareTips() runs once the page has finished loading
window.onload = prepareTips;

// Step 2: Declare the prepareTips() function
function prepareTips() {

    // Step 3: Scan the document looking for all anchor tags
    var arrAnchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    // Step 4: Handle browsers that DON'T SUPPORT EITHER CSS OR JAVASCRIPT. 
    // *** If this is the case, the tooltips are hidden and the links open to the Wikipedia pages ***
    if(!document.getElementsByTagName) return false;

    //*** If the browser supports both CSS and JavaScript, the prepareTips() function does the following: ***

    // Step 5: Loop thru all the anchor tags and assigning the events to be handled for all of the links/tooltips
    for (var i=0; i<arrAnchors.length; i++) {

        // Step 6: Bind the showTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOVER event
         arrAnchors.onmouseover = showTip();

        // Step 7: Bind the hideTip() function to the <span> tags' MOUSEOUT event
         arrAnchors.onmouseout = hideTip();

        // Step 8: Bind the showTip() function to the onclick event
        arrAnchors.onclick = showTip();

// *** NOTE: Tooltip triggers are anchor tags and contain the class "tip" ***
// *** NOTE: The .tip class is applied without the use of JavaScript ***
// *** NOTE: The .tip span class formats the tooltip spans but hides them by default.  This is applied without JavaScript ***

// Step 9: Create a separate function called showtip()
function showTip() {

    // Step 10: When an onclick event for a link happens, cancel the default behavior of the link.
    // *** The browser does not go to the URL value contained in the HREF ***
    // *** So the links do nothing when clicked (i.e. return false) instead of going to the Wikipedia page of the guitar player ***
      var arrLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

          for (var i=0; i<arrLinks.length; i++) {
            arrLinks[i].onlick = function() {
            return false;

    // Step 11: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.showTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.showTip class in the CSS file simply overrides the display property, showing the tooltip span as a block element ***
    // *** This is to be applied using JavaScript (no other properties of the .tip span.showTip will be changed) ***
          arrLinks[i].className === 'showTip';

    // Step 12: Show the associated tooltip when an onmouseover event for a link occurs
    // *** The tooltip that is displayed is the text between the <span>Tooltip text here</span> tags ***
    // *** For example: The tooltip to be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the Randy Rhoads link is: "Randy Rhoads blah blah blah" ***
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags ***
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span ***
          arrLinks[i].setAttribute('title', arrLinks[i].childNodes[1].innerHTML);

// Step 13: Create a separate function called hideTip()
function hideTip() {

    // Step 14: The showtip() function changes the anchor class to ".tip span.hideTip" located in the CSS file 
    // *** The .tip span.hideTip class in the CSS file sets the display property back to none, hiding the tooltip ***
      var hideTips = document.getElementsByTagName('a');

    // Step 15: Hide the associated tooltip when the mouseout event for the links occurs.
    // *** The <span> is a child of the anchor (<a>) tags ***
    // *** This means they can be accessed in CSS with a descendant selector .tip span ***
      hideTips[i].className === 'hideTip';
<a href="" title="go to randy rhoad wikipedia  page">Randy Rhoads
<a href="" title="go to Tv Tabor wikipedia page">Ty Tabor
<a href="" title="go to Andy Timmons wikipedia page">Andy Timmons
<a href="" title="go to Joe Bonamassa wikipedia page">Joe Bonamassa