扩展本机函数以在函数调用时运行代码 JavaScript中是否有原型或扩展本机函数对象以在函数调用上运行另一个函数

扩展本机函数以在函数调用时运行代码 JavaScript中是否有原型或扩展本机函数对象以在函数调用上运行另一个函数,javascript,function,profiling,interceptor,Javascript,Function,Profiling,Interceptor,当然,这段代码不起作用,但这里的目标是对函数调用执行时间进行基准测试 我知道我可以在函数本身之外,通过不扩展本机函数对象(这通常是个坏主意)来实现这一点,但这实际上只是一个实验,而不是一个严肃的解决方案 我想对多个函数进行基准测试,这样这将是一个不那么繁琐的解决方案 这也是为什么我没有原型化调用和应用属性的原因(这意味着我必须将每个函数调用test()重写为test.call()) 提前谢谢你 不可能有效地拦截JavaScript中的所有方法调用。您始终可以重写Function.prototyp









 * AOP utility function developed for learning purposes.
 * @param {Object} o The object to traverse for overriding functions.
 * @param {RegExp} rx A regular expression for matching members.
 * @param {String} pointcut 'before' or 'after'.
 * @param {Function} advice The function to run when the pointcut is met. This function will be passed an {Options} object as last argument.
 * @param {maxDepth} maxDepth The maximum depth for deep-traversal. Defaults to 0.
 * Options object
 *     overrideReturn {Boolean} - True to override the return value of the original function with the return value of the advice. Defaults to false. Pointcuts: before, after
 *     cancel {Boolean} - True to avoid calling the original function. Default to false. Pointcuts: before
 *     overrideArgs {Boolean} - True to override the arguments that will be passed to the original function with the result of the advice. Defaults to false. Pointcuts: before
 *     result {*} - The return value of the original function. Pointcuts: after

function inject(o, rx, pointcut, advice, maxDepth) {
    var pointcuts = {
        before: function (fn1, fn2) {
            return function () {

                var options = injectNewOptions(arguments, BeforeOptions),
                    fn2Result = fn2.apply(this, arguments),

                if (options.cancel) {
                    return fn2Result;

                fn1Result = fn1.apply(this, (options.overrideArgs ? fn2Result : arguments));

                return options.overrideReturn ? fn2Result : fn1Result;
        after: function (fn1, fn2) {
            return function () {
                var fn1Result = fn1.apply(this, arguments),
                    options = injectNewOptions(arguments, Options),

                options.result = fn1Result;

                fn2Result = fn2.apply(this, arguments);

                return options.overrideReturn ? fn2Result : fn1Result;
        Options = {
            overrideReturn: false
        BeforeOptions = Object.create(Options, {
            cancel: {
                enumerable: true,
                writable: true,
                value: false
            overrideArgs: {
                enumerable: true,
                writable: true,
                value: false

    function injectNewOptions(args, baseOptions) {
        var options = Object.create(baseOptions);

        Array.prototype.push.call(args, options);

        return options;

    inject = function (o, rx, pointcut, advice, maxDepth, depth) {
        var k, f;

        maxDepth = maxDepth || 0;
        depth = 0 || depth;

        for (k in o) {
            if (typeof (f = o[k]) === 'function' && rx.test(k)) {
                o[k] = pointcuts[pointcut](f, advice, pointcut);
            } else if (typeof f === 'object' && maxDepth <= depth) {
                inject(f, rx, pointcut, advice, maxDepth, ++depth);

    inject.apply(this, arguments);


如果您想评测所有函数,而不是仅评测几个选定函数 首先,你最好使用浏览器的开发工具 一些剧本

 * AOP utility function developed for learning purposes.
 * @param {Object} o The object to traverse for overriding functions.
 * @param {RegExp} rx A regular expression for matching members.
 * @param {String} pointcut 'before' or 'after'.
 * @param {Function} advice The function to run when the pointcut is met. This function will be passed an {Options} object as last argument.
 * @param {maxDepth} maxDepth The maximum depth for deep-traversal. Defaults to 0.
 * Options object
 *     overrideReturn {Boolean} - True to override the return value of the original function with the return value of the advice. Defaults to false. Pointcuts: before, after
 *     cancel {Boolean} - True to avoid calling the original function. Default to false. Pointcuts: before
 *     overrideArgs {Boolean} - True to override the arguments that will be passed to the original function with the result of the advice. Defaults to false. Pointcuts: before
 *     result {*} - The return value of the original function. Pointcuts: after

function inject(o, rx, pointcut, advice, maxDepth) {
    var pointcuts = {
        before: function (fn1, fn2) {
            return function () {

                var options = injectNewOptions(arguments, BeforeOptions),
                    fn2Result = fn2.apply(this, arguments),

                if (options.cancel) {
                    return fn2Result;

                fn1Result = fn1.apply(this, (options.overrideArgs ? fn2Result : arguments));

                return options.overrideReturn ? fn2Result : fn1Result;
        after: function (fn1, fn2) {
            return function () {
                var fn1Result = fn1.apply(this, arguments),
                    options = injectNewOptions(arguments, Options),

                options.result = fn1Result;

                fn2Result = fn2.apply(this, arguments);

                return options.overrideReturn ? fn2Result : fn1Result;
        Options = {
            overrideReturn: false
        BeforeOptions = Object.create(Options, {
            cancel: {
                enumerable: true,
                writable: true,
                value: false
            overrideArgs: {
                enumerable: true,
                writable: true,
                value: false

    function injectNewOptions(args, baseOptions) {
        var options = Object.create(baseOptions);

        Array.prototype.push.call(args, options);

        return options;

    inject = function (o, rx, pointcut, advice, maxDepth, depth) {
        var k, f;

        maxDepth = maxDepth || 0;
        depth = 0 || depth;

        for (k in o) {
            if (typeof (f = o[k]) === 'function' && rx.test(k)) {
                o[k] = pointcuts[pointcut](f, advice, pointcut);
            } else if (typeof f === 'object' && maxDepth <= depth) {
                inject(f, rx, pointcut, advice, maxDepth, ++depth);

    inject.apply(this, arguments);
var o = {
    sum: function (a, b) {
        return a + b;
    product: function (a, b) {
        return a * b;

inject(o, /^sum$/, 'before', function () {
    var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; //get options object

    //override the arguments passed to the intercepted method
    options.overrideArgs = true; 

    return [2, 2];

inject(o, /^product$/, 'after', function () {
    var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; //get options object

    //override the arguments passed to the intercepted method
    options.overrideReturn = true; 

    return options.result + 3;

o.sum(1, 2); //4 because we have overriden the args with [2, 2]
o.product(2, 2); //7 because we added 3 to the result and overrided the return value