
使用javascript基于URL预选值,javascript,Javascript,我目前正在一个网站上工作,该网站有一个搜索引擎,包括带有过滤器的高级搜索选项。我希望选择基于url的类别,以便显示相关过滤器。例如,如果访问者位于domain.com/category/adventure,则该类别被预先选择为“adventure”。我不太清楚如何读取url <script> var mainCat = document.getElementById("main_cat") var customFields = document.getElementById("cu



var mainCat = document.getElementById("main_cat")
var customFields = document.getElementById("custom_fields")

// When the website first loads, hide "custom_fields" by default
customFields.style.display = "none";

// When the user changes the main_cat select, check it's value. If
// value == "-1" then hide custom_fields. Otherwise display custom
// fields as inline
mainCat.addEventListener("change", function() {

if (mainCat.value == "-1") 
  customFields.style.display = "none";
  customFields.style.display = "inline";


mainCat的可能价值包括:冒险、烹饪、一日游等等。我希望根据url domain.com/category/adventure选择这些值。。。domain.com/category/coulinary。。 customFields是一个div容器的id,它显示包含php生成内容的所有过滤器。mainCat是类别的id,如果值为-1,则不选择任何类别。


console.logwindow.location.pathname 要预先选择元素的类别,可以从包含URL的浏览器的当前位置提取类别,然后相应地更新元素的值:


  var mainCat = document.getElementById("main_cat")
  var customFields = document.getElementById("custom_fields")

  // When the website first loads, hide "custom_fields" by default
  customFields.style.display = "none";

  // When the user changes the main_cat select, check it's value. If
  // value == "-1" then hide custom_fields. Otherwise display custom
  // fields as inline
  mainCat.addEventListener("change", function() {

  if (mainCat.value == "-1") 
    customFields.style.display = "none";
    customFields.style.display = "inline";



  // Extract category from current url
  const category = location.pathname
  .split('/') // Break pathname to array of strings, split by '/' characters
  .filter(function(item) { return !!item; }) // Remove any empty strings from array
  .splice(-1); // Get last string (your category) from array

  // Update value of select element to current category
  document.getElementById("main_cat").value = category;

使现代化 根据网站的CSS和DOM结构,对代码的这些调整应达到您的要求:


    // [ ADDED ]
  function updateCategoryFilters(category) {
    // Reset visiblitiy of all fields
    for(const node of document.querySelectorAll('#custom_fields .custom-field-cat')) {
      node.style.display = "none";

    if(category) {

      category = category.toLowerCase()

      // If category is valid, set visiblitiy of fields for that category
      for(const node of document.querySelectorAll('#custom_fields .custom-field-cat-' + category)) {
        node.style.display = ""; // [ UPDATED ]


  var mainCat = document.getElementById("main_cat")

  // When the user changes the main_cat select, check it's value. If
  // value == "-1" then hide custom_fields. Otherwise display custom
  // fields as inline
  mainCat.addEventListener("change", function() {

    // [ UPDATED ]


  // Extract category from current url
  const category = location.pathname
  .split('/') // Break pathname to array of strings, split by '/' characters
  .filter(function(item) { return !!item; }) // Remove any empty strings from array
  .splice(-1); // Get last string (your category) from array

  // [ UPDATED ]
  // Update value of select element to current category

  // [ UPDATED ]
  document.getElementById("main_cat").value = category;


谢谢你的回答!现在的问题是,值为-1的Select选项被覆盖。类别名称已在列表中选定,但未真正选定。因此,现在它只是显示类别名称,而不是从列表中选择类别名称,可以选择不应该是选项值的选择选项。我用document.getElementByIdmain\u cat.selected或document.getElementByIdmain\u cat.options尝试了它,但没有成功。有什么想法吗?根据URL选择类别,但未显示预选类别的过滤器?是的,还可以选择select category-1值。您能发送一个指向导致问题的页面的链接吗?travelmarketdirectory.com/category/adventure/此处使用脚本更新